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'''Which <font color=red>recipe</font> to use to make the Ntuple'''
'''Which <font color=red>recipe</font> to use to make the Ntuple'''
The different formats of Ntuples can be produced with different recipes:
The different formats of Ntuples can be produced with different recipes. The following recipes sets up athena and guides you to running the Muon Calibration package. With this running you can proceed to the next section below.
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeA_1050|Recipe for Ntuple A in 10.5.0]] Works out-of-the-box
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeA_1050|Recipe for Ntuple A in 10.5.0]] Works out-of-the-box
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeA_1100|Recipe for Ntuple A in 11.0.0]] Works out-of-the-box
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeA_1100|Recipe for Ntuple A in 11.0.0]] Works out-of-the-box
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeB_1100|Recipe for Ntuple B in 11.0.0]] This recipe requires MuonCalib to be checked out of CVS and to be recompiled. This is a time-costly procedure, but the best available until a newer release is present.
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeB_1100|Recipe for Ntuple B in 11.0.0]] This recipe requires MuonCalib to be checked out of CVS and to be recompiled. This is a time-costly procedure, but the best available until a newer release is present.
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeB_11X0|Recipe for Ntuple B in 11.X.0]] This release has the new MuonCalib compiled so this should run out-of-the-box.
* [[CalibSegmentNtupleRecipeB_11X0|Recipe for Ntuple B in 11.X.0]] This release has the new MuonCalib compiled so this should run out-of-the-box.
'''Running on single muons samples'''
* For version 10.5.0: a good example of a ''jobOptions'' file that produces segment ntuples is provided in Domizia's public:
<font color = red><tt> cp /afs/cern.ch/user/d/domizia/public/MuonCalib_files/myTopOptions.py .</tt></font>
* For version 11.0.0: a good example of a ''jobOptions'' file that produces segment ntuples is provided in Zdenko's public:
<font color = red><tt> cp /afs/cern.ch/user/z/zvankest/public/myTopOptions.py .</tt></font>
* you can customize this jobOption file to your own needs...
Change the number of events in the ntuple
Change the tracking software (Moore <-> MuonBoy, and Jochem's cosmic pattern finder package in the future)
Change the muon-sample (note! The file should be present in your PoolFileCatalog):
        in your run directory, add the file to your PoolFileCatalog by calling
              pool_insertFileToCatalog <physical path of your favorite POOL file>
        in your myTopOptions.py, replace the following line
              PoolRDOInput = [ "rfio:/castor/*/*.pool.root" ]
              PoolRDOInput = [ "<POOl file path>" ]
From the ntuple on, we can operate Athena-independent.

Revision as of 19:21, 30 November 2005

Muon calibration tutorial

Welcome to the Muon Calibration Tutorial Page! After doing this tutorial, you will be able to run Athena, make your ntuples containing segment information. This ntuple can then be used as input to do analysis with help of the skeleton analysis package provided. This analysis package CalibSegmentAnalysis relies heavily on the Calibration framework but is Athena independent.

Much information on validation, calibration and alignment can be found at the MuonSpectrometer homepage.



General information about the need of calibration in the MuonSpectrometer.

Calibration framework

A clear Wiki page on the Calibration Framework by Domizia and Niels can be found on the MuonCalibrationFramework Wiki. At this site, the Calibration EDM is explained.

Why segments?

Maybe needed to explain the concept of segments and the calibration EDM, is to be written (work in progress). A starting point of Calibration Segments and its scope in the Reconstruction EDM can be found in a presentation given by Zdenko during the ATLAS Muonweek september-2005 called Calibration Segment Ntuple

Getting started

In order to get started one should know that this field is prone to many changes over time. Backward compatibility is surely broken since the ntuple format changed a lot in the period of november 2005. The ntuple format is defined by the MuonCalib package (MuonCalibNtuple), and the analysis package needs a certain ntuple format to be able to fill the MuonCalib EDM classes offline. In the following sections, recipes will be provided for different kinds of ntuple formats.The new version of MuonCalib to produce ntuples with content B in release 11.0.0,

Different versions of Ntuple Content

Currently, there are two different formats of the Calibration Segment Ntuple, described in the following tables:

  • Calibration Segment Ntuple Content A. Information on patterns, segments en Mdt hits. All segments appear twice on the ntuple since a refit-flag is performed during ntuple-writing. This ntuple should be obsolete since release 11.X.0.
  • Calibration Segment Ntuple Content B. Information on patterns, segments and hits of all technologies (Mdt's containing extra calibration information, the other technologies are not yet fully implemented). No extra refit is performed, so no double segments. In addition, truth information and event information (run and event number) is available.
  • Calibration Segment Ntuple Content C. Is non-existent at the moment. It is sure that one will be defined in the future, the difference with Ntuple Content B will be a better description of the other technology hits, and timing information on event-level.

Which recipe to use to make the Ntuple

The different formats of Ntuples can be produced with different recipes. The following recipes sets up athena and guides you to running the Muon Calibration package. With this running you can proceed to the next section below.

Running on single muons samples

  • For version 10.5.0: a good example of a jobOptions file that produces segment ntuples is provided in Domizia's public:

cp /afs/cern.ch/user/d/domizia/public/MuonCalib_files/myTopOptions.py .

  • For version 11.0.0: a good example of a jobOptions file that produces segment ntuples is provided in Zdenko's public:

cp /afs/cern.ch/user/z/zvankest/public/myTopOptions.py .

  • you can customize this jobOption file to your own needs...
Change the number of events in the ntuple
Change the tracking software (Moore <-> MuonBoy, and Jochem's cosmic pattern finder package in the future)
Change the muon-sample (note! The file should be present in your PoolFileCatalog):
        in your run directory, add the file to your PoolFileCatalog by calling
              pool_insertFileToCatalog <physical path of your favorite POOL file>
        in your myTopOptions.py, replace the following line
              PoolRDOInput = [ "rfio:/castor/*/*.pool.root" ]
              PoolRDOInput = [ "<POOl file path>" ]

From the ntuple on, we can operate Athena-independent.