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Calibration Segment Ntuple Content B
Branch Variable Comment
Event event_nEvent number of events in the ntuple
event_eventNumber event number
event_nRun run number
Truth truth_nTruth number of truth entries in event
truth_kinEnergy kinetic energy of truth track
truth_gPosX X coordinate of the Global Position of truth track
truth_gPosY Y coordinate of the Global Position of truth track
truth_gPosZ Z coordinate of the Global Position of truth track
truth_PX X projection of momentum of truth track
truth_PY Y projection of momentum of truth track
truth_PZ Z projection of momentum of truth track
truth_PDGCode Particle Data Group Code of truth track
Pattern pat_nPatterns number of patterns in event
pat_chi2 Chi squared of the fitted pattern
pat_z0 Z coordinate of point of closest approach to IP of pattern trackparameters
pat_r0 R coordinate of point of closest approach to IP of pattern trackparameters
pat_invP value of q/p of pattern trackparameters
pat_phi value of phi of pattern trackparameters
pat_theta value of theta of pattern trackparameters
pat_nSegments number of segments assigned to the patterns
pat_nmdt number of MDT hits on the pattern
pat_nrpc number of RPC hits on the pattern
pat_ntgc number of TGC hits on the pattern
pat_ncsc number of CSC hits on the pattern
seg_nSegments number of segments in the event
seg_patIndex index telling the segment to which pattern it belongs
seg_chi2 chi squared of the segment fit to the hits on the segment
seg_gPosX X coordinate of the position of the segment (in global coordinates)
seg_gPosY Y coordinate of the position of the segment (in global coordinates)
seg_gPosZ Z coordinate of the position of the segment (in global coordinates)
seg_gDirX X coordinate of the direction of the segment (in global coordinates)
seg_gDirY Y coordinate of the direction of the segment (in global coordinates)
seg_gDirZ Z coordinate of the direction of the segment (in global coordinates)
seg_posX X coordinate of the position of the segment (in local coordinates)
seg_posY Y coordinate of the position of the segment (in local coordinates)
seg_posZ Z coordinate of the position of the segment (in local coordinates)
seg_dirX X coordinate of the direction of the segment (in local coordinates)
seg_dirY Y coordinate of the direction of the segment (in local coordinates)
seg_dirZ Z coordinate of the direction of the segment (in local coordinates)
seg_nHits total number of hits on the segment
seg_nMdtHits number of MDT hits on the segment
seg_nRpcHits number of RPC hits on the segment
seg_nTgcHits number of TGC hits on the segment
seg_nCscHits number of CSC hits on the segment
MDT hits
mdt_nMdt number of MDT hits in the event
mdt_segIndex index telling the hit to which segment it belongs
mdt_id identifier of the hit (given by MuonFixedId)
mdt_tdc tdc counts of the hit
mdt_adc adc counts of the hit
mdt_t drifttime of the hit
mdt_r driftradius of the hit
mdt_dr driftradius uncertainty of the hit
mdt_rTrk distance to the track (segment) of the hit
mdt_drTrk distance to the track (segment) uncertainty of the hit
mdt_resi difference of distance to track and drift radius of the hit
mdt_distRO distance to read-out of the hit
mdt_slewTime slewing time correction of the hit
mdt_lorTime time correction due to the Lorentz angle of the hit
mdt_propTime propagation time correction of the hit
mdt_tof time of flight correction of the hit
mdt_posX X coordinate of the position of the hit (in local coordinates)
mdt_posY Y coordinate of the position of the hit (in local coordinates)
mdt_posZ Z coordinate of the position of the hit (in local coordinates)
mdt_gPosX X coordinate of the position of the hit (in global coordinates)
mdt_gPosY Y coordinate of the position of the hit (in global coordinates)
mdt_gPosZ Z coordinate of the position of the hit (in global coordinates)