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Revision as of 08:39, 1 December 2005 by Zkestere (talk | contribs)
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This package consists of a number of objects:


                 NTReader                    Reads the ntuple and stores events in Calibration EDM classes
                 MuonCalibEvent              Container class for the MuonCalib::MuonGlobalPatterns
                 MuonCalibTruth              Class for truth information (not present in Calibration Framework)
                 MuonCalibTruthCollection    Container class for the MuonCalibTruth              
                 SegmentAnalysis             Steers the analysis performed on the ntuple

Setting up the analysis package

  • go to your work space at your ATLAS account

cd 11.0.0/ (or 11.X.0)

  • get the CalibNtupleAnalysis package (in the future this can be checked out from the release):

cp ~zvankest/public/CalibNtupleAnalysis/MuonCalib_files/CalibNtupleAnalysis-00-00-02.tgz

  • If you're working in release 11.0.0: get the hacked MuonSpectrometer/MuonCalib/MuonCalibEventBase package from the same place. This is needed because some incompatibility problems of the MuonCalibEvent class and the MuonGlobalPattern class. If you're working with release 11.X.0 (X>0) this should not be needed.

cp ~zvankest/public/MuonCalib_files/MuonSpectrometer.tgz

  • unpack the tarred files

tar -xvfz <package>.tgz

  • An example of an analysis is given in the executable exe/Main.cxx. Try running it after building the package:

cd CalibNtupleAnalysis/CalibNtupleAnalysis-00-00-02/cmt/

cmt config

source setup.(c)sh



  • Modify the Main.cxx routine in the exe directory if needed
Change the maximum number of events processed
Change the ntuple location to your favorite ntuple