Aod ntuple

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This page contains basic prescriptions to get physics objects from the AOD and the AOD-based Root ntuple.

Some comments on quality selection cuts will be added as work progresses.


Electron in AOD/Ntuple
AOD Container Name AOD Variable Ntuple Variable Variable Type Comment
n_elec Int Number of electrons in the Ntuple
px_elec Double Px of electron
py_elec Double Py of electron
pz_elec Double Pz of electron
  Double_t        pt_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        eta_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        phi_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           isem_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           hastrk_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        z0vtx_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        d0vtx_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           nblayerhits_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           npixelhits_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           nscthits_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           ntrthits_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           ntrththits_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Int_t           auth_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        eoverp_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        etcone_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        etcone20_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        etcone30_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        etcone40_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        emwgt_elec[1000];   //[nelec]
  Double_t        piwgt_elec[1000];   //[nelec]

There are 3 types of quality cuts you can perform on the electron candidates:

  1. Cuts based on the isEM flag
  2. Cuts based on likelihood
  3. Cuts based on NeuralNet output

1. The isEM flag uses both calorimeter and tracking information in addition to TRT information. The flag is a bit field which marks whether the candidate passed or not some safety checks.

The bit field marks the following checks:

  Cluster based egamma
  ClusterEtaRange        =  0,
  ClusterHadronicLeakage =  1,
  ClusterMiddleSampling  =  2,
  ClusterFirstSampling   =  3,
  Track based egamma
  TrackEtaRange          =  8,
  TrackHitsA0            =  9,
  TrackMatchAndEoP       = 10,
  TrackTRT               = 11

In 9.0.4 there is a problem with TRT simulation so one has to mask TRT bit to recover the lost efficiency.

To get the flag in your AOD analysis you should use:


To mask the TRT bits you should use: (*elec)->isEM()&0x7FF==0

If you use isEM then you will select electrons with an overall efficiency of about 80% in the barrel but much lower in the crack and endcap.

2. The likelihood ratio is constructed using the following variables: energy in different calorimeter samplings, shower shapes in both eta and phi and E/P ration. No TRT information is used here. You need to access two variables called emweight and pionweight then you can construct the likelihood ratio, defined by: emweight/(emweight+pionweight).

In AOD, you use the following code:

ElecEMWeight = elec*->parameter(ElectronParameters::emWeight); ElecPiWeight = elec*->parameter(ElectronParameters::pionWeight);

Then form the variable: X = ElecEMWeight/(ElecEMWeight+ElecPiWeight);

Requiring X > 0.6 will give you more than 90% efficiency for electrons.

3. The NeuralNet variable uses as inputs the same variables used for likelihood. To use it in AOD you should proceed as follow:

ElecepiNN = elec*->parameter(ElectronParameters::epiNN);

Requiring ElecepiNN > 0.6 will give you about 90% eff for electrons.

However, you should be aware that the NN was trained in full eta range while the likelihood was computed in 3 bins in eta: barrel, crack and endcap. So I would suggest to use likelihood for now.






Missing Et

External References

Container/Object Names for AOD

Particle Preselection Cuts