Combined Reconstruction Recipes
Reconstruction of Cosmic muons
This Wiki gives a recipe to reconstruct cosmic muons in release 11.2.0 in three different ways:
- MDT only
- TileCal only
- MDT and TileCal combined
First of all, make yourselves a working directory on afs:
- log on to lxplus:
ssh <username>
- create a work area (here called 11.2.0)
mkdir 11.2.0
cd 11.2.0/
- create a requirements file which should look like this:
set CMTSITE CERN macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA "/afs/" macro ATLAS_RELEASE "11.2.0" use AtlasSettings v* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) path_remove CMTPATH ${PWD} path_prepend CMTPATH ${PWD}
- build your CMT environment:
source /afs/
cmt config
source setup.(c)sh -tag=opt
- the last command line must be typed in every time you open a new terminal.
Reconstruction with MDTs
In your working directory, check out the following packages:
cmt co -r MuonSegmentMakerAlgs-00-00-00 MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecAlgs/MuonSegmentMakerAlgs
cmt co -r MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-00-00-03 MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecTools/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator
cmt co -r MdtCalibSvc-01-03-15 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCalib/MdtCalib/MdtCalibSvc
cmt co -r MuonCommExample-00-00-03 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCommissioning/MuonCommExample
cmt co -r MuonCommExample-00-00-08 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCommissioning/MuonCommExample