Producing Woutuple from AOD
Revision as of 09:57, 18 September 2005 by (talk | contribs) (→Running the package (an Ntuple from an AOD))
Producing an Ntuple from an AOD
This part is not ready yet
The package to produce the Ntuple from the AOD contains:
- a clone of UserAnalysis/AnalysisSkeleton
- a clone of AnalysisExamples/ttbar
- the simpleTTbar class that dumps a (nearly) complete ntuple with all AOD information needed for a ttbar analysis on full simulation Monte Carlo
Setting up the package
- Go to the directory where you want to install the package and untar the tarball that contains the code:
tar -xzvf TTBarAnalysis.tgz
The package will appear in a subdirectory named TTBarAnalysis of the chosen directory.
- Go to the cmt directory: cd TTBarAnalysis/cmt
- Execute cmt config
- Execute source setup.csh
- Build the library: gmake
Running the package (an Ntuple from an AOD)
- Go to the run directory: cd /TTBarAnalysis/run
- Link the directory containing your AODs to the input directory:
ln -s /data/atlas/public/Rome/T1/AOD/AOD_Rome/ AOD
- Create the pool file catalog:
All POOL files processed by Athena should be registered in the PoolFile Catalog. Easiest is to register ALL your AODs into the catalog: pool_insertFileToCatalog AOD/*/*AOD.pool.root
- In the joboptions file (
a)Specify which files you want to process using EventSelector.InputCollections and b)Enter the filename of the Ntuple that will be produced
- If not already done before, go to the cmt directory and execute source setup.csh
- Go to the run directory: cd /TTBarAnalysis/run
- Execute:
An Ntuple is produced that can be analysed using the Analysis Skeleton.