The ls -1 $DIR/*.root command it used is unable to cope with very large. Replacing it with find $DIR -name '*.root' seems to do the trick.
In case you're using the Nikhef TVNtuples, you should add || (FullReco0-> vPJet_weight(i_jet) > 4.5 && FullReco0->vPJet_p_T(i_jet)>20000) in the FillAODVectors module in TVModularAnalysis, like here: //-------------------------------------- void FillAODVectors::fillBJetVec(){ //-------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill Vectors of TLorentzVectors-with-index for 'all' and 'good' Bjets //---------------------------------------------------------------------- vector<TLorentzVectorWIdx>& BJetVec = gList["BJetVec"] ; BJetVec.clear(); for(Int_t i_jet = 0; i_jet<FullReco0->PJet_N; i_jet++){ if(FullReco0->vPJet_BTagged(i_jet)==1 || (FullReco0->vPJet_weight(i_jet) > 4.5 && FullReco0->vPJet_p_T(i_jet)>20000) ){ TLorentzVectorWIdx v(FullReco0->vPJet_px(i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_py (i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_pz(i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_E(i_jet),i_jet); BJetVec.push_back(TLorentzVectorWIdx(FullReco0->vPJet_px (i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_py(i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_pz(i_jet),FullReco0-> vPJet_E(i_jet),i_jet) ); } } } Otherwise you don't have any b-jets, because the BTagged variable was not filled. In case of the centrally produced 'Akira' Ntuples it will work just fine the way it is now though.
Isolation cuts
If you like to have the same cuts as TopView, you should change in
MuonSelection.C to etcone20 and the cut to 6 GeV.