Rasnik Image Analysis
[Rasnik homepage] [Current Image Analysis Page]
[Frank Linde] (Analysis Software Code)
[Robert Hart] (Windows application / Icaras / DIM)
[Henk Groenstege] (Rasnik Electronics)
[Harry van der Graaf] (Overall)
The ASCII output file format
- Each line starts with 2 characters identifying the contents of the line
- First line is written by Icaras and starts with 'st'
- In 'st' line the fields are separated by a comma (historical reason)
- Fields within the other lines are seperated by (at least one) space
- For use under normal operation only the lines 'ud' and 'ue' are interesting.
The rest is for debug, quality check, and user data correction if neccesary, and requires insight in the source code of the analysis.
Variables written to file
"ud" ierr X Y M AlphaX AlphaY AlphaZ L Sx Sy
"ue" dum DX DY DM DAlphaX DAlphaY DAlphaZ DL dum dum
"rx" ixcode xpitch xoffset xangle Dxpitch Dxoffset Dxangle Cor_xp-xo Cor_xo-xa Cor_xa-xp
"ry" idem for y;
"rg" dum dMdx dMdy dSdx dSdy DdMdx DdMdy DdSdx DdSdy dum dum
"lr" TO_CENTER TO_LENS FIX_BW_WB BANDS nx_fg ny_fg Mask_B3 Mask_Orient Mask_pitch X_Pix Y_Pix X_Fudge Lens_Focus Lens_Diam LED_Wave Dist_Mask_CCD
"qf" This line changes with the version number:
version 135-:
"qf" BADFITX BADFITY REALBAD FAILED ndfx ndfy xchsq ychsq avg-bw
rms-bw cut_bw "bands:" BANDS BAND_OK band_lft band_rgt band_top band_bot
versions 132-134:
"qf" BADFITX BADFITY REALBAD FAILED ndfx ndfy xchsq ychsq avg-bw rms-bw cut_bw "bands:" BANDS BAND_OK dum dum dum dum dum
versions 130-131:
"qf" BADFITX BADFITY REALBAD FAILED ndfx ndfy xchsq ychsq avg-bw rms-bw cut_bw "bands:" BANDS BAND_OK n_band band band0 band_lft band_rgt
Notes: - dum = dummy variable not yet or no longer used (=0). - The first 5 data lines have the same format. - The last 2 data lines have (each) a different format. - variable in capitals letters means a boolean and are here separeted by a space for readability, but in the file they are NOT separated. In the file T=true, F=false. - Text between quotes appears litterally in the file. - variable starting with a 'D' denotes the error margin on the associated variable.
Explanation of the variables
st = stamp
seq_no sequence number
grab_date date the image was taken (yyyy/mm/dd)
grab_time time the image was taken (hh:mm:ss)
rasnik id rasnik system name (set by user in channel settings)
channel RASMUX hardware channel
icaras_version (decimal integer)
analysis_version (decimal integer)
ud = user data
ierr error given by analysisprogram. (0=OK)
X x reading of mask or lens in mm (depends on TO_LENS boolean)
Y y reading of mask or lens in mm (depends on TO_LENS boolean)
M average magnification factor of the image on the CCD
alphaX rotation mask/CCD around X axis
alphaY rotation mask/CCD around X axis
alphaZ rotation mask/CCD around X axis (= angle seen directly on TV)
Sx average sharpness in x direction
Sy average sharpness in y direction
L absolute distance mask-CCD (not yet implemented)
ue = user error
As ud line, but giving the errors on the variables.
rx = raw x data from fit
ixcode result of decoding in 'X' direction (in units chessboard squares)
xpitch size of chessboard square in unit pixels in X-direction
xoffset fractional part of chessboard squares in X-direction in unit pixels.
xangle angle between columns (!) on CCD and vertical (!) lines of the mask on the CCD
Dxxxxx error on xxxxx
Cor_x.. correlations between the pitch/offset/angle
ry = raw y data from fit
iycode result of decoding in 'Y' direction (in units chessboard squares)
ypitch size of chessboard square in unit pixels in Y-direction
yoffset fractional part of chessboard squares in Y-direction in unit pixels.
yangle angle between lines (!) on CCD and horizontal (!) lines of the mask on the CCD
Dyyyyy error on yyyyy
Cor_y.. correlations between the pitch/offset/angle
rg = raw gradients data from fit
dMdx/y gradient of A in X/Y direction (gives alpha Y/X) given in the form: dMdx/M (unit: 1/Xpixel, 1/Ypixel)
dSdx/y gradient of sharpness in x/y direction (not yet implemented)
Ddxdy error on dxdy
lr = layout of the RASNIK system
TO_CENTER reference point on CCD. T=center, F=top left corner
TO_LENS give x and y of mask or lens. T=lens, F=mask
FIX_BW_WB correct for difference in black->white and white->black transitions?
BANDS determine black (left+right) side bands of image? (result stored, but not used)
nx_fg number of IMAGE pixels in x-direction (determined by framegrabber, NOT by CCD!)
ny_fg number of IMAGE pixels in y-direction (determined by framegrabber, NOT by CCD!)
Mask_B3 size of Basic Building Block (number of squares horizontally (=vertically)).
One BBB contains one horizontal code and one vertical code.
Mask_Orient orientation of the mask: 00,01,10 or 11.
First digit = x, second digit = y. 0 = normal, 1 = reversed.
Mask_pitch size of the side of one square in mm
X_Pix image pixel size in x-direction in mm (taken from channel settings)
This is the net pixel size, which is the result of the digitisation
done by the framegrabber. It is NOT the CCD x pixel size!
Y_Pix image pixel size in y-direction in mm (taken from channel settings)
This is the CCD y pixel size.
X_Fudge Correction factor for X_Pix (x pixel size can be determined from y pixel
size assuming squares on the mask).
Lens_Focus focal length of the lens (mm)
Lens_Diam diameter of the lens (mm)
LED_Wave wavelength of the light used (nm)
Dist_Mask_CCD distance from mask to CCD (mm)
qf = quality of the fit
BADFITX,BADFITY,REALBAD,FAILED booleans to indicate quality of the fit.
Should be FFFF. Data cannot be trusted if FAILED = T. The other three are much less serious if T (data still acceptable).
ndfx, ndfy number of points used in the x/y fit
xchsq, ychsq chi-squares of x/y fit
avg-bw average value of CCD image
rms-bw rms of CCD image
cut-bw value used as cut on the derivative
"bands:" the data following this keyword concerns the location of the
black side bands (left and right) on the image.
BANDS T if sidebands should be determined
BANDS_OK T if sideband determination has succeeded
version 135:
band_lft Size of left black band on image (number of pixels, written as float)
band_rgt Size of right black band on image (number of pixels, written as float)
band_top Size of top black band on image (number of pixels, written as float)
band_bot Size of bottom black band on image (number of pixels, written as float)
versions 132-134:
No further information present in variables (not determined)
versions 130-131:
n_band (Don't remember)
band (Probably measured horizontal active CCD width in mm)
band0 Nominal horizontal active CCD width in mm. Given as input parameter.
band_lft Position (in mm) of the left black edge of the image
band_rgt Position (in mm) of the right black edge of the image
The algorithms
How to compile (linux)
How to compile (windows)
Ask [Robert Hart]
How to run (linux)
Examples of rasnik images can be found in directory:
The are two ways to run the rasnik executable:
1) By hand: Execute rasnik.exe (without any arguments), and anwser all the questions.
2) Automatic: Execute the rasnik.run script, with image(s) as arguments. It contains a kind of 'database' to set the correct settings for the images in the example directory.
How to run (windows)
Ask [Robert Hart]
How to make a new windows dll release
For Windows
Fortran *.f files: [rasnik140.f] [rasnik138.f] [rasnik137.f] [rasnik135.f] [rasnik134.f] [rasnik133.f]
Shared libraries (dll):
For Linux
Tar-zipped file with latest source (*.car), Makefile etc.: