FELIX instructions for Petals

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How to configure a petal (instructions taken from DESY repo https://gitlab.cern.ch/desy-atlas/itk/petal-testing):

cd into the petal-testing directory and then execute the following commands:

Setup the FELIX dependencies: source dependencies/setupFELIX.sh

Initialize the FLX card: flx-init

(it's normal if it says that all the channels are not aligned even if at least one actually is, we don't know why, but SR1 with staves sees the same)

Invert the polarity (for lpGBTv1): flx-config set GBT_RXPOLARITY=0xFFFFFFFF

Verify the status of the PODs: flx-info POD

Check that all connected links are aligned: flx-info GBT

If testing the PPB R5 Vancouver Petal:

Configure the elinks on your FELIX card: source configs/elinks/elinks_petal_R5_640Mbs.sh

Check your config: elinkconfig Click on Read Cfg, then you can Quit

Push the lpGBT config to the petal chipset : fice -G0 -I71 configs/lpgbt/lpgbt_PT_M_LH_V1_Pri_hex.cnf

(if this command takes a long time, it's because of the PSU, probably due to have been providing power for a long time)

Verify this has worked (you should see the line "Compared 336 values, found 0 differences"): fice -G0 -I71 -C configs/lpgbt/lpgbt_PT_M_LH_V1_Pri_hex.cnf

Start FELIXCore and don't close this terminal: startFelixcore

In a second remote terminal session cd into the petal-testing directory and then execute the following commands:

Configure the YARR dependencies: source dependencies/setupYARR.sh

Activate the AMAC: write_amac_ppb 9 1 0 0

Confirm there is communication with the HCCs via a register dump scan: python3 scantools/run_YARR.py -c scanSetup_regDump.json --infile-dir scantools/configs_PPB_Vancouver_R5 twice (after the 2nd time, there shouldn't be lines like "There were no results for chip Stave_PPB_hcc1"