StructNtuple making
User analysis of NIKHEF Top group requires data format from AOD/D2PD to so-called StructNtuple. The intermittent by-product is so-called AMAEvent. The size ratio of AOD:AMAEvent:StructNtuple is roughly 100:10:1.
The conversion from AOD/D2PD to AMAEvent requires Athena framework and as the AOD/D2PD are widely distributed on the Grid; while the step from AMAEvent to StructNtuple needs only ROOT environment (in principle). For the collision data, we decided to start D2PD instead of AOD as the non-interesting events for Top analysis have been skimmed, slimmed and ...; while for MC samples, one needs to start from AOD.
Here after, the technical steps to go through for the AMAEvent/StructNtuple generations are described together with instructions to take actions on those steps.
The job submission tools is based on Ganga using the WMS for job brokering to the Grid.