What is stoomboot
Stoomboot is a batch farm for local use at NIKHEF. It is in principle open to all NIKHEF users, but a login account does not give automatic access to stoomboot. Contact to gain access
Stoomboot consists of 16 nodes (stbc-01 through stbc-16) that are each a equipped with dual quad-core Intel Xeon E5335 2.0 Ghz processors and 16 Gb of memory. The total number of cores is 128.
Software & disk access
All stoomboot nodes run Scientific Linux 4.7. All NFS mountable disks at NIKHEF are visible (/project/* and /data/*). Stoomboot does not run AFS so no AFS directories including /afs/ are not visible.
How to use stoomboot
Submitting batch jobs
Stoomboot is a batch-only facilities and jobs can be submitted through the PBS qsub command
unix> qsub
The argument passed to qsub is a script that will be executed in your home directory. The returned string is the job identifier and can be used to look up the status of the job, or to manipulate it later.
The qstat command shows the stats of all your jobs. Status code 'C' indicates completed, 'R' indicates running and 'Q' indicates queued.
unix> qstat Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 9714.allier verkerke 00:00:00 C test
Appears in file <jobname>.o<number>, e.g. in example of previous page