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- define_sample:
The ls -1 $DIR/*.root command it used is unable to cope with very large. Replacing it with find $DIR -name '*.root' seems to do the trick. - BJetVec:
In case you're using the Nikhef TVNtuples, you should add || (FullReco0-> vPJet_weight(i_jet) > 4.5 && FullReco0->vPJet_p_T(i_jet)>20000) in the FillAODVectors module in TVModularAnalysis, like here: //-------------------------------------- void FillAODVectors::fillBJetVec(){ //-------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill Vectors of TLorentzVectors-with-index for 'all' and 'good' Bjets //---------------------------------------------------------------------- vector<TLorentzVectorWIdx>& BJetVec = gList["BJetVec"] ; BJetVec.clear(); for(Int_t i_jet = 0; i_jet<FullReco0->PJet_N; i_jet++){ if(FullReco0->vPJet_BTagged(i_jet)==1 || (FullReco0->vPJet_weight(i_jet) > 4.5 && FullReco0->vPJet_p_T(i_jet)>20000) ){ TLorentzVectorWIdx v(FullReco0->vPJet_px(i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_py (i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_pz(i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_E(i_jet),i_jet); BJetVec.push_back(TLorentzVectorWIdx(FullReco0->vPJet_px (i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_py(i_jet),FullReco0->vPJet_pz(i_jet),FullReco0-> vPJet_E(i_jet),i_jet) ); } } } Otherwise you don't have any b-jets, because the BTagged variable was not filled. In case of the centrally produced 'Akira' Ntuples it will work just fine the way it is now though.
- If you like to have the same cuts as TopView, you should change in MuonSelection.C to etcone20 and the cut to 6 GeV, but that is up to you...