Setting up 1207
Setting up Athena 12.0.7
First time
The following needs to be done only once:
- source /data/atlas/offline/12.0.7/CMT/v1r19/mgr/setup.csh
- mkdir ~/cmthome
You need this, since you're going to use a customised requirements file - create the file ~/cmthome/requirements with the following contents:
set CMTSITE STANDALONE set SITEROOT /data/atlas/offline/12.0.7 macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA ${SITEROOT} macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA /project/atlas/users/<username> macro ATLAS_GROUP_AREA /data/atlas/offline/EVGroupArea apply_tag projectArea macro SITE_PROJECT_AREA ${SITEROOT} macro EXTERNAL_PROJECT_AREA ${SITEROOT} apply_tag opt apply_tag simpleTest use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) set CMTCONFIG i686-slc3-gcc323-opt set DBRELEASE_INSTALLED 3.1.1 set CMTSTRUCTURINGSTYLE "with_version_directory"
Note I : ATLAS_TEST_AREA should be modified (without the '12.0.7'), the ATLAS_GROUP_AREA is needed for TopView.
Note II: The CMTSTRUCTURINGSTYLE setting is needed to have the package version in the directory name, eg.
PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopView/TopView-00-12-13-03 instead of PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopView.
#! /bin/csh # 1 -- setup Athena 12.0.7 source ~/cmthome/setup.csh -tag=setup,12.0.7,groupArea # 2 -- go to working area cd /project/atlas/users/<username>/12.0.7
It will be used everytime you start a new session.
When you start a new shell you should:
- source ~/init1206.csh
Setting up TopView
In your 12.0.7 working area (e.g. /project/atlas/users/<username>/12.0.7 ) do:
klog.krb -tmp -cell -principal <afs accountname> cmt co -r TopView-00-12-13-03 PhysicsAnalysis/TopPhys/TopView
After the TopView code has been checked out go to the TopView/cmt directory compile the code:
cmt config source setup.csh gmake
That's it!
Note: The file in TopView/run can be used to create customised TopView ntuples
- To set up Athena at LXPLUS check WorkBookSetAccount < Atlas < Twiki
- For details on TopView and the latest versions, see TopView < Atlas < TWiki