Detachment at CERN
Formalities at Nikhef
- Talk to PZ to inform them and get information. Verhuiskosten, detacheringsvergoeding, huurkosten, extra verzekering, voorschotten, ...
- if you want: unregister from the gemeente Amsterdam at your 'stadsdeelkantoor' (check whether this is a smart thing to do or not, this depends on several 'things')
Formalities at CERN
Assuming you already registered at CERN (eg. you have a CERN card etc.) but not for permanent stay .
- fill in Users' Check List on EDH
- for Swiss card: bring 3 photos to Users' Office
- passport
- attestation de functions: the Swiss card (you got already via CERN)
- attestation office des poursuites: some kind of prove you do not have any debts in Geneva Office des poursuites Rue du Stand 46 (open till 15u30) CHF 17,-
- copy of your 3 last salary payments
- deposit: get a normal bank account at UBS (need to go to Users' Office first to be able to open an account) and then you can get a special 'deposit' account
- cosignature: ...?
- GHI (every Wednesday -> be quick!)
- CERN market
7 photo's for Frensh card!
no experience... probably: get a car
- GHI (every Wednesday -> be quick!)
- CERN market
Random tips to make life easy
- Get a bank account at UBS if you are staying in Switzerland
- Pinnen with Dutch pinpas kost money in Switzerland (~ EUR 1.82)
- Yallo for cheap prepaid mobile phone cards at the CERN shop
- Cartabonus/Unireso card for public transport
- Free public transport ticket at luggage pick up hall on the left exit