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=== Projects for Master students in the Nikhef ATLAS group ===
date: June 2012
This page is out of date. Please go to [http://wiki.nikhef.nl/education/Master_Projects the new Master project page].
This is an overview with all available Master student projects in the Nikhef ATLAS group. If you like more information (availability, person) please
If you have your own research proposal or would like to discuss about other available projects you are always welcome to contact the Nikhef ATLAS group leaders to discuss.
The Nikhef ATLAS group leaders are Stan Bentvelsen and Paul de Jong.
For an overview of the theses written in the Nikhef ATLAS group you can look at the
[http://www.nikhef.nl/pub/experiments/atlaswiki/index.php/Thesis_page_ATLAS_Nikhef Nikhef ATLAS group theses page]
{| border="1"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! style="background:#3399ff;" | <font color=#ffffff> 1) New Physics: scrutinizing top quarks in ATLAS for signs of new physics </font>
''' Supervisors:'''  Paul de Jong (staf) and Priscilla Pani (PhD student)
''' Research description: '''
The LHC is a "top quark factory": more than 1 million top quark
pairs are produced every year. Such large data sets give the
opportunity to study top quark production and decay in great detail.
New physics, such as 4th generation top-like quarks, or supersymmetric
partners of the top quark, may lead to final states in the detector
that look like top quark pairs, but are subtly different.
A number of variables are suited to probe possible differences between
Standard Model top quark production, and new physics. These include
variables related to the missing energy in the event, but also other
kinematic variables have been proposed.
The goal of this master project is to study these variables in
detail: what do they measure exactly and why are they sensitive?
This will be done on simulated events, both representing SM top quark
production and new physics production. Then, the knowledge gained
will be applied to the ATLAS data of 2011 and 2012. If a deviation
of SM-like behaviour is found, further studies will need to be done
to estimate whether this is due to ununderstood detector behaviour,
incomplete simulation of SM top quark pair production, or new physics.
''' Relevant papers:'''
Relavant publications:
[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1205.5805.pdf axXiv:1205.5805]
[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1205.5805.pdf axXiv:1205.4470]
[http://arxiv.org/pdf/1205.5805.pdf axXiv:1203.4813]
{| border="1"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! style="background:#3399ff;" | <font color=#ffffff> 2) New physics: decaying "dark matter" particles in ATLAS </font>
''' Supervisors:'''  Paul de Jong (staf),  Ingrid (post-doc) and Pierfrancesco Butti (PhD student)
''' Research description: '''
One of the goals of ATLAS is to search for new phenomena beyond the
Standard Model at the LHC. In supersymmetry, the lightest supersymmetric
particle is often the lightest neutralino. It is assumed to be stable
if a symmetry called R-parity is conserved. However, R-parity may well
be a non-conserved symmetry, in which case the neutralino will decay
into Standard Model particles. One promising way to look for this is
to look for high-energy electrons or muons very close to hadronic
jets. In this master project we will study these final states. First,
with simulated events, we will try to see what the signal (supersymmetry)
looks like. Then we will consider the possible SM backgrounds, and try
and understand what kind of SM physics could lead to high momentum
leptons close to hadronic jets. Based on simulated events, we will try
to optimally separate signal and background. Then we will look at
the ATLAS data of 2011 and 2012, and try and look for signs of
decaying neutralinos.
{| border="1"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! style="background:#3399ff;" | <font color=#ffffff> 3) New Physics: search for  lepton flavor violating decays tau -> mu gamma </font>
''' Supervisors:'''  Olya Igonkina (staf), Saminder Dhaliwal (post-doc) and Hartger Weits (PhD student)
''' Research description: '''
The lepton flavor violation is a mechanism which is forbidden by Standard Model and is not observed so far in experiment. However, it could explain a large amount of matter (and lack of antimatter) found in the Universe. Such mechanism could manifest itself in decays of tau lepton into a muon and a photon. There are a lot of taus produced in ATLAS, but momenta are rather small, which make the search a challenging and interesting task.
All steps of this measurement (analysis of ATLAS data, tuning cuts on MC, understanding the background and trigger performance) are part of the master project. The programing of the code, the data analysis with ROOT and ATLAS software, work with grid tools will be everyday tasks.
''' Relevant papers:'''
Review of various lepton flavor violating processes: [http://arxiv.org/pdf/arXiv:1201.5093 arXiv:1201.5093]
Plans of competing experiments Belle-2 and Super-B : [http://arxiv.org/pdf/arXiv:1109.2377 arXiv:1109.2377]
Relation between leptogenesis and lepton flavor violation : [http://arxiv.org/pdf/arXiv:0904.1182 arXiv:0904.1182]
{| border="1"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! style="background:#ffba00;" | <font color=#000000> 5) Higgs: Higgs spin-off: multivariate analysis and WW cross-section measurement</font>
''' Supervisors:'''
<font color=#0000ff> missing</font>
''' Research description: '''
<font color=#0000ff> missing</font>
{| border="1"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! style="background:#ffba00;" | <font color=#000000> 4) Higgs: h->WW, multivariate Higgs analysis and WW cross-section measurement</font>
''' Supervisors:'''  P. Ferrari (staf), Tatjana Lenz (post-doc) and Stefan Gadatsch (PhD student)
''' Research description: '''
<font color=#0000ff> missing</font>
{| border="1"  cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
! style="background:#ffba00;" | <font color=#000000> 5) Higgs: Higgs spin-off: multivariate analysis and WW cross-section measurement</font>
''' Supervisors:'''  P. Ferrari (staf), Tatjana Lenz (post-doc) and Stefan Gadatsch (PhD student)
''' Research description: '''
<font color=#0000ff> missing</font>

Latest revision as of 16:03, 30 January 2017

This page is out of date. Please go to the new Master project page.