Dark count measurements

From Vacuum Ultra Violet
Revision as of 15:42, 18 November 2022 by Mnuland@nikhef.nl (talk | contribs) (Basic description)
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We want to characterize the dark count rates of each of our individual SiPMs.

VUV SiPM 1821

On 17-11-2022 we recorded with a room temperature of 17 degrees Celcius. We took 20 times a set of 1000 waveforms and 1 set of 10,000 waveforms at a pressure of 7.4x10^-5 mbar. We also took two noise runs where after starting the run normally, the SiPM bias was turned off.


On 18-11-2022 we recorded with a room temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. We took 20 times a set of 1000 waveforms and 1 set of 10,000 waveforms at a pressure of 6.3x10^-5 mbar. We also took two noise runs and one run with the lamp turned on at 400nm and slightly opened slits. Note that the SiPM was in fact behind the sample holder and not directly exposed to any light from the lamp.