
From Vacuum Ultra Violet
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User interface

The user interface is written using PyQt5 - python binding for Qt v5.

The interface is divided into three sections.

  • Setup control - Displays current value of slow control parameter and their evolution since the start of measurement. Also provides an interface to control the motor in the allowed range.
  • Measurement - New measurements can be scheduled and started using this page. The details of the measurement completed are also shown in the bottom half of the page.
  • Results - Completed measurements from the current run can be accessed with a simple plot showing the count rate of photons measured by the SiPM. It is also possible to add existing measurements by providing the directory where the measurements are saved.

Motor control

The stepper motor is controlled using Arduino.

Pressure control

The pressure is


The temperature of the sample will be measured using a PT 100 sensor. The resistance of PT100 is 100 ohms at 0°C and increases linearly with temperature. Using another resistor in the circuit, the change in resistance of PT 100 can be estimated.