Revision as of 14:25, 18 November 2022 by (talk | contribs) (→Calibration checklist)
Calibration checklist
* Clean chamber * Take apart * Clean modules - BOSIMANITE AL-29 followed by ROGYPAL CA-307 Z, bake for 80*C for 18 hours * Clean O-rings - Isopropanol * Put chamber together (check configuration required) * Reconnect monochromator * Adjust height to prevent bending of modules during pumping * Connect securely * Clean sample holder - isopropanol * Central piece * Three frames * Three doors * Suspension support * Screws/springs * Clean cooling apparatus - isopropanol * Cooling braids * Screws/springs * Clean base aluminium sample - isopropanol * Clean readout equipment which will be inside chamber (wires) - isopropanol * Clean SiPM holder - isopropanol * Install temperature sensor * Install sample holder with samples * Reconnect cooling apparatus * Cooling braids * Screws/springs * Install SiPM holder * Visually test that it is in line * Reconnect readout equipment * Test to make sure all connections are secure * Pull vacuum down to e-3mbar * Take a dark count run with aluminium sample and slits closed * 30s measurement time * Repeat in and out of the lamp beam if possible * With all SiPMs * Take temperature readouts * Measure lamp * Move grating with motor to calibrate motor control * Move grating and measure intensity at each wavelength (in 10nm steps) * Compare this to the expected spectrum * Repeat for all SiPMs * Compare spectra between SiPMs * Sweep SiPMs across the beam (in 5mm steps)