This is Tristan's page.
Here are some links: [[1]]
Here is the fansite ITWM [[2]] of my favourite football team, Sparta Rotterdam
This is the site of my own football club, RFC 2000, the most gezellige club of Rotterdam [[3]]
And here will come my electronic thesis, called "Cosmic Strings in N=2 Supersymmetry", ... . My supervisor was Stefan Vandoren [[4]], and this is how you are going to look like when you do too much of theoretical physics in Utrecht: [[5]].
This member of the JHK can bake nice kroketten. Sometimes this draadnagel makes even better pictures [[6]]
This is a funny site [[7]]
"Try to find the path of least resistance and use it without harming others. Live with intregrity and morality, not only with people but with all beings." [[8]] [[9]] [[10]]
Here is a link to the band I played in [[11]]
And my research at the LHCb-group of NIKHEF is going to be CP-violation in under supervision of Gerhard Raven [[12]]
"Het wordt altijd twaalf uur, spuug ze in de bek" -J. Brink