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Work needed to bring Debian packaging in line with Fedora packaging

The first column summarizes the state:

   T   missing, TODO                     
   u   needs update                      
   I   needs ITP (Intent to Package)     
   ?   unclear if packaging is required  
   -   won't package                     
   O   obsolete                          
   *   note                              

ITP is Intent To Package; the number is a bug on the wnpp pseudo-package (work needed/prospective packages). Actually a request for sponsorship (RFS) should accompany each package as well.

        Package                           Fedora version   Debian version   ITP       mwsec-sid  
        argus-pep-api-c                            2.0.3            2.0.3   #664689   X          
        ees-pepd-oh                                0.1.1            0.1.1   #656547              
        ees                                        0.1.3            0.1.3   #662949   X          
        glexec                                     0.9.6            0.9.6   #664738              
   -    glexec_wn                                  1.1.0                                         
        glexec-wrapper-scripts                     0.0.6               **                        
   I    jobrepository                              1.2.8            1.2.8             X          
        lcas-lcmaps-gt4-interface                  0.2.4            0.2.4   #663212   X          
        lcas-plugins-basic                         1.3.6            1.3.6   #661617   X          
   I    lcas-plugins-check-executable              1.2.4            1.2.4             X          
        lcas-plugins-voms                         1.3.10           1.3.10   #667705   X          
        lcas                                      1.3.18           1.3.18   #661615   X          
        lcmaps-plugins-afs                         1.4.0            1.4.0             X          
        lcmaps-plugins-basic                       1.5.0            1.5.0   #667071   X          
        lcmaps-plugins-c-pep                       1.2.2            1.2.2   #664699   X          
   O    lcmaps-plugins-gums                       0.0.14           0.0.11                        
   uI   lcmaps-plugins-jobrep                      1.4.0           1.3.11             hold       
        lcmaps-plugins-scas-client                 0.3.4            0.3.4   #666910   X          
        lcmaps-plugins-tracking-groupid            0.1.0            0.1.0   #668604   X          
   I    lcmaps-plugins-verify-proxy                1.5.2            1.5.2             X          
   I    lcmaps-plugins-voms                        1.5.3            1.5.3             X          
        lcmaps                                     1.5.4            1.5.5   #620308   X          
   *    lcmaps-without-gsi                         1.5.4                                         
        llrun                                      0.1.3            0.1.3   #669337   X          
        mkgltempdir                                0.0.3               **                        
   ?    nagios-plugins-ees                         0.2.0                                         
   ?    nagios-plugins-glexec                      0.3.0                                         
   -    saml2-xacml2-c-lib                         1.0.1                                         
        scas                                       0.3.5            0.3.5   #668525   X          
        xacml                                      1.1.1            1.1.1   #666905   X          
        xmltooling-java                                             1.2.2   #656472   X          
        trustmanager                                                3.0.5   #656389   X          
        openws-java                                                 1.3.1   #656538   X          
        opensaml-java                                               2.3.2   #656541              
        argus-pep-common                                            2.2.0   #656542   X          
        argus-pdp-pep-common                                        1.3.0   #656544   X          


  • lcmaps-without-gsi is now integrated with lcmaps in a single Debian source package.
  • mkgltempdir and glexec-wrapper-scripts are bundled with glexec.