SAML2-XACML2-C-LIB build instructions

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Download the software

Binary form (and available as YUM repo);

Work from a Source RPM by downloading the lastest version here:

Perform an SVN checkout (trunk):

Perform an SVN checkout (Tagged):${CHOOSE_LATEST_TAGGED_VERSION}

Note: As latest version, currently this is "1_0_1". But this can change over time. Visit the link with a webbrowser.

As tarball, choose the latest version:

Note: You can double check the download with the SHA1 and SHA256 files.

Manual Building

Set some proper environment variables for the build:

export prefix="/usr";
export srclocation=`pwd`; 
export CXXFLAGS=-fPIC ; 

Set the option to make a SAML2-XACML2-C-Lib service to used threading. This is the default build option for both clients as service to be enabled.


If needed, set a proper LIBDIR that makes sense for your intend.

export libdir="${prefix}/lib"

export libdir="lib"; 
tar xzf gsoap-2.7.17.tar.gz; 
cd ${SRCLOC}/gsoap-2.7
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/${libdir}
make && make DESTDIR=${SRCLOC}/gsoap-2.7-build install
cd ${SRCLOC}/xacml-1.0
./bootstrap && ./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/${libdir} --with-gsoap=${SRCLOC}/gsoap-2.7-build/usr --disable-static
cd ${SRCLOC}/xacml-1.0
make DESTDIR=${prefix} install

Important notice for 64 bit Fedora / Red Hat

Use in BOTH configure commands the option:
