RCauth Delegation Server & MasterPortal - Building from Source

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Both Master Portal and Delegation Server are built on top of the OA4MP upstream project written in Java. As also stated in the Prerequisites run time only Java 1.8 from Oracle/Sun is supported. Older java version and OpenJDK are not supported! For building, (Open)JDK 8 and 11 are both tested.

Both projects are built using Maven. The currently tested versions are 3.5 and 3.6. If you are using Maven from the command line, make sure to set it up such that it would recognize the java version you use/downloaded for the build. You can easily do this by setting JAVA_HOME in your ~/.mavenrc as such:

export JAVA_HOME=<path to jdk 1.8>

Working with Eclipse (and other IDEs)

In case you are doing some development work on the project, you might want to use an IDE for convenience. If you're only building the project the command line maven might be the easier way to go. Good IDEs to use are Eclipse or IntelliJ. IntelliJ works pretty much without further adaptations. Just make sure to use a appropriate OpenJDK.

When working with Eclipse you will need a couple of plugins in order to build the code:

  • Maven SCM Handler for EGit
  • m2e - Maven Integration for Eclipse
  • m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin

Make sure that Eclipse is working with the right java version! You can change the default java version by navigating to Window -> Preferences -> Installed JREs. Change the default java version before adding the project to the workspace, otherwise the project will be configured to use the old default. After doing the first time configuration from above you can check out the project into your workspace with File -> Import -> Maven -> Check out Maven Projects from SCM and following the instruction on the screen. Happy coding!

Building the Master Portal

The Master Portal source code is currently hosted on github. The main (maven) project is called 'aarc-master-portal', which is just a parent project containing the following (maven) modules:

  • master-portal-client : contains the MP Client component which makes requests to the Delegation Server.
  • master-portal-server : contains the MP Server component which takes requests from registered Portals.
  • master-portal-common : contains a set of common constants and utility classes shared between the MP Client and MP server. Both master-portal-client and master-portal-server include this module as a dependency

Make sure to have the required dependencies ready before compiling the Master Portal.


The master-portal-client module is based on a modified version of the OA4MP Client, while the the master-portal-server module is based on a modified version of the OA4MP Server. The upstream OA4MP implementation can be found as two github repositories on the National Center for Supercomputing Applications organization, in particular Open Authorization for MyProxy (OA4MP) with a parent project security-lib. These two project also stand at basis of the CILogon project. We forked both projects as OA4MP and security-lib to complete them with (among others) the following features:

  • the /getproxy endpoint
  • an updated set of executable commands from the MyProxy Protocol (GET with VONAME and VOMSES, INFO, PUT, STORE)

The /getproxy endpoint is a new endpoint we are using on the Master Portal Server to serve RFC3820 proxy certificates, while the updated MyProxy commands set is used by the Master Portal to save (PUT, STORE) user proxies in a MyProxy Credential Store, and retrieve (INFO, GET) proxies with VOMS extensions.

We also considered implementing these modifications into the Master Portal project directly, but we abandoned this approach because it would have meant extensive code duplication from the upstream OA4MP project. The implemented features are generic enough so that it might benefit the upstream OA4MP project as well, and might, some day end up being merged into it.


The security-lib forked project can be found on github. The 'master' branch holds a clean copy of the upstream security-lib repository, while the RCauth labelled branches and tags hold our customized code.

In order to build the Master Portal you will need to clone the default branch or use a release from the forked security-lib, compile it, and install it in your local maven repository. You do this by executing the following:

git clone https://github.com/rcauth-eu/security-lib.git
cd security-lib
mvn clean package install 

Note! Make sure to do this only BEFORE you compile OA4MP!


The myproxy forked project can be found on github. Just as with security-lib, the 'master' branch holds a clean copy of the upstream OA4MP repository, while the RCauth labelled branches and tags hold our customized code.

In order to build the Master Portal you will need to clone the default branch or use a release from the forked OA4MP, compile it, and install it in your local maven repository. You do this by executing the following:

git clone https://github.com/rcauth-eu/OA4MP.git
cd OA4MP
mvn clean package install 

Note! Make sure to do this only AFTER you complied and installed security-lib otherwise it will fail to find the right dependencies!

Master Portal

After you build the required dependencies you can go ahead and build the Master Portal itself. Check out the Master Portal source code from github, and build it as such:

git clone https://github.com/rcauth-eu/aarc-master-portal.git
cd aarc-master-portal/master-portal
mvn clean package

After maven has finished you should end up with two separate .war files in your target directory, one for the MP Server and one for the MP Client:


Note! If you're using Ansible to deploy the Master Portal, copy these war files over to the appropriate location in the Ansible scripts!

Master Portal - CLI

Next to the Master Portal you will also want to build the Master Portal CLI for managing and approving client (Portal) registrations. Without this you won't be able to use any Portals with your Master Portal (unless you approve them manually). The CLI is originally a OA4MP tool, but it has to be recompiled together with the Master Portal, because the original CLI does not include all the relevant additional classes implemented and used by the Master Portal. Only the CLI compiled from the Master Portal will work together with a Master Portal!

The Master Portal CLI is built by applying the cli profile while building the master-portal-server module. This profile will produce a .jar file instead of a .war file, since the cli target is also going to be a jar file which has to include the master-portal-server (and master-portal-common) code.

cd aarc-master-portal/master-portal/
mvn -pl master-portal-common,master-portal-server clean package -P cli

After it has finished you should en up with the resulting cli .jar file inside the target directory:


Note! If you're using Ansible to deploy the Master Portal, copy this cli jar file over to the appropriate location in the Ansible scripts!

Building the Delegation Server

The Delegation Server is currently hosted on github. It's made up of a single module which is built on top of the OA4MP Server, just like the master-portal-server module. The code could in principle compile against the plain upstream code (since it doesn't need any of the added features for it to function), but it is strongly advised to use also for this the same AARC forks as described above under dependencies.

Delegation Server

Check out the Delegation Server source code from github and compile it by executing:

git clone https://github.com/rcauth-eu/aarc-delegation-server.git
cd aarc-delegation-server/delegation-server
mvn clean package

After the building has finished you should end up with a single .war file in


Note! If you're using Ansible to deploy the Delegation Server, copy this .war file over to the appropriate location in the Ansible scripts!

Delegation Server - CLI

Next to the Delegation Server you will also want to build the Delegation Server CLI for managing and approving client (Master Portal) registrations. Without this you won't be able to use any Master Portals with your Delegation Server (unless you approve them manually). The CLI is originally a OA4MP tool, but it has to be recompiled together with the Delegation Server because the original CLI does not include all the relevant additional classes implemented and used by the Delegation Server. Moreover, the Delegation Server CLI has been extended to support an additional 'description' field for it's registered clients. Only the CLI compiled from the Delegation Server will work together with a Delegation Server!

Just as with the Master Portal CLI, you have to apply the cli profile and build the Delegation Server as a .jar file:

cd aarc-delegation-server/delegation-server
mvn clean package -P cli

After it has finished you should end up with the resulting cli .jar file inside the target directory:


Note! If you're using Ansible to deploy the Delegation Server, copy this cli jar file over to the appropriate location in the Ansible scripts!