RCauth Delegation Server & MasterPortal - Credential Lifetimes

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The scenario described by the RCAuth.eu setup deals with certificates no multiple levels. The credential released to the Service Provider Portal (Science Gateway) is a certificate chain containing : a short lived proxy certificate, a long lived proxy certificate, and an end entity certificate. All three certificates can be created with a different lifetime, therefore lifetime configurations within this setup can be confusing. This page is dedicated to explaining every lifetime configuration you might encounter in the RCAuth.eu setup, with explanation about their location, default value and function.

Short Lived Proxy

The lifetime of a Short Lived Proxy Certificate is determined by the following set of configurations.

Component Sub-Component Name Default Location Description
Client Portal - proxylifetime - /getproxy request Client requested lifetime value.
Master Portal MP Server defaultLifetime 12h MP Server configuration In case of missing proxylifetime from the /getproxy request, this value is used to request a short lived proxy.
Master Portal MP Server max_proxy_lifetime - tolerance 11d - 1d MP Server configuration Used within LifetimeValidator for validating the requested proxy lifetime value. These values are only used for validation and they do not SET any the effective proxy lifetime. The max_proxy_lifetime value should match the value of the lifetime configuration with the same name in the Credential Store.
Master Portal Credential Store max_proxy_lifetime 11d Credential Store configuration Server side maximum enforced by the MyProxy Store on every released proxy. This should match the value of the MP Server configuration with the same name.

Long Lived Proxy

Component Sub-Component Name Default Location Description
Master Portal MP Client lifetime 11d zxc zxc

End Entity Certificate

Component Sub-Component Name Default Location Description
Master Portal MP Client lifetime 11d zxc zxc
Delegation Server Delegation Server - 10d zxc zxc
Delegation Server Online CA MAX_LIFETIME 11d zxc zxc