Exit codes of gLExec

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As gLExec could fail for a number of reasons. Since version 0.6.0-1 we've consolidated the error codes of gLExec to a minimal set to allow gLExec users to be able to distinguish between the error codes of gLExec and the error codes of the executed command.

Upon Success

The exit code of gLExec will simply be the return value of the command that was executed.

On Error

The error code that gLExec* returns:

201 - client error, which includes:

  • no proxy is provided
  • wrong proxy permissions
  • target location is not accessible
  • the binary to execute does not exist
  • the mapped user has no rigths to execute the binary when GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT is not set

202 - system error

  • glexec.conf is not present or malformed
  • lcas or lcmaps initialization failure, can be obtained moving the lcas/lcmaps db files.

203 - authorization error

  • user is not whitelisted
  • local lcas authorization failure
  • user banned by the SCAS server
  • lcmaps failure on the scas server
  • SCAS server not running
  • network cable unplugged on the SCAS server host.

204 - exit code of the called application overlap with the previous ones

  • application called by glexec exit with code 201, 202, 203 or 204

126 - Shell returns that the executable can’t be executed:

  • This error code is triggered when the given command is unable to be executed. This could be due to execution permissions problems, ACL problem, or other shell related reasons for not executing.

More information can be found in the gLExec Man page: glexec (1)