Debugging hints

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Here are some useful things to check and mention when contacting us for help:

Check the version of the gLExec version:

The latest released version is gLExec version: 0.6.8-3

/opt/glite/sbin/glexec -v

Check the file permissions of the gLExec executable.

For all run-modes of gLExec, the gLExec must be executable for all user:

0111, 0555, 0755; owned by root:glexec or root:root.

For running gLExec in setuid mode, the gLExec must be executable for all user and have at least the setuid bit on the user:

4111, 4555, 4755; owned by root:glexec or root:root.

For running gLExec in setuid mode, the gLExec could also be setgid too (this solves a bug in the file log at the first run of gLExec):

6111, 6555, 6755; owned by root:glexec or root:root.

3. Execute with exported GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT and exported X509_USER_PROXY, with the full path

export GLEXEC_CLIENT_CERT=`pwd`/mkproxy-x509-voms
export X509_USER_PROXY=`pwd`/mkproxy-x509-voms

4. Is the user account that tries to use gLExec whitelisted?

Method 1.: the calling account is a member of the 'glexec' primary or secondary group.

Method 2.: the account or the pool is whitelisted in the glexec.conf. See the glexec.conf man page for more details on the whitelist options: man 5 gLExec.conf

Example test script for gLExec

Testing basic functionality:


TESTPROXY=/tmp/x509up_`id -u`


/opt/glite/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/id -a ; echo $?

Testing with the transfer of a specific proxy file:


TESTPROXY=/tmp/x509up_`id -u`


/opt/glite/sbin/glexec /usr/bin/id -a ; echo $?