Creating Pool Accounts With LDAP

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The LDAP directory structure

The list of valid users of the NDPF is kept in a central LDAP directory, currently hosted on This directory contains both the "local" users as well as all poolaccounts and all automount map entries. The structure of the directory is:

 + dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl
   + ou=Managers
   + ou=LocalGroups (contains all groups!)
   + ou=LocalUsers
   + ou=Poolaccounts
   + ou=automount
     + ou=auto.home
     + ou=lcgprod
       + ou=auto.sedata
       + ou=auto.share
       + ou=auto.stage
       + ou=auto.sedata2

The ou=Poolaccounts entry contains the list of all pool accounts, without any further hierarchy. Each account is named by its uid, and is of objectClass "posixAccount". For each account named here, there should be a corresponsing entry in the ou=pool,ou=auto.home,ou=automount branch of the tree as well (of objectClass "automount").

Creating accounts for a new VO

To use the scripts, login on the fileserver "", and make sure that /export/perm/adm/bin is in your path (it contains all the relevant scripts), or go there.

You need to:

1. add the accounts to the LDAP directory 2. create the homedirectories for these users on hooimijt 3. add the inodes to the gridmapdir

(and of course add the VO itself to the proper Quattor profiles for the selected facilities, but this is outside the scope of this page).