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== The LDAP directory structure  ==
The list of valid users of the NDPF is kept in a central LDAP directory, currently hosted on <tt>teugel.nikhef.nl</tt>. This directory contains both the "local" users as well as all poolaccounts and all automount map entries. The structure of the directory is:
+ dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl
  + ou=Managers
  + ou=LocalGroups (<i>contains all groups!</i>)
  + ou=LocalUsers
  + ou=Poolaccounts
    + ou=dteam
    + ou=ops
  + ou=automount
    + ou=auto.home
    + ou=lcgprod
      + ou=auto.sedata
      + ou=auto.share
      + ou=auto.stage
      + ou=auto.sedata2
The <tt>ou=Poolaccounts</tt> entry contains the hierarchy of pool account groups. Per pool account group, there is a separate <tt>ou</tt>, which contains the actual list of pool accounts. Each account is named by its <tt>uid</tt>, and is of objectClass "posixAccount". For each account named here, there should be a corresponding entry in the <tt>ou=pool,ou=auto.home,ou=automount</tt> branch of the tree as well (of objectClass "automount").
== Creating accounts for a new VO ==
To use the scripts, login on the fileserver <tt>hooimijt.nikhef.nl</tt>, and make sure that <tt>/export/perm/adm/bin</tt> is in your path (it contains all the relevant scripts), or go there. Also, make sure you know your LDAP manager password.
To create accounts for a new VO, or for a new group of an existing VO, you need to:
<li>add the accounts to the LDAP directory</li>
<li>create the homedirectories for these users on hooimijt</li>
<li>add the inodes to the gridmapdir</li>
(and of course add the VO itself to the proper Quattor profiles for the selected facilities, but this is outside the scope of this page).
'''Note''': do not forget to create inodes in the gridmapdir on the DPM and the LFC hosts.
=== Generating the LDIF ===
Adding users to the directory needs two commands (or one pipe). The <tt>gen_poolacc_ldif</tt> script generates <i>ldif</i> files, that need to be piped in to "ldapadd" to be inserted in the directory.
Its use is best explained by an example:
./gen_poolacc_ldif -c --vo atlas -g 2002 -b 43000 -n 200
will spit out lots of ldif, like
dn: uid=atlas000, ou=PoolAccounts, dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl
objectclass: top
objectclass: posixAccount
cn: PoolAccount 0 of atlas
uid: atlas000
uidNumber: 43000
gidNumber: 2002
homeDirectory: /home/atlas000
The <tt>-c</tt> option (for "create") additionally generates the organizationalUnit definitions inside the poolaccounts tree under which the new <tt>uid</tt>s will be created. If you are extending an existing set of poolaccounts, this options must be omitted. But, if you leave it in by accident, the <tt>ldapadd</tt> command below will trigger an error and terminate without damage being done (and, conversely, omitting -c on initial creation will also trigger an error).
The LDIF output must be added to the directory with the <tt>ldapadd</tt> command:
ldapadd -H ldaps://teugel.nikhef.nl/ -W -x -D "cn=<i>My Name</i>,ou=managers,dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl"
Valid managers are "David Groep", "Jeff Templon@nikhef.nl", "Ronald Starink", "Sven Gabriel", "Tristan Suerink" and "backup" (the last one can only read, though). The two commands can be combined in a single pipe.
In due course, the new accounts will appear on the farm, and you can check their presence with the "id" and "ls" commands:
id -a atlas000
ls -l /home/atlas000/
There may be a slight delay if the system you are trying this on is running <tt>nscd</tt>, or is looking at a slave LDAP server (stalkaars-0[13].farm.nikhef.nl, hooimijt, vlaai instead of teugel).
The number of digits appended to the vo name is three (3) by default, but can be changed with the <tt>-l</tt> option. And, of course, the "voname" specified here is completely unrelated to the VO name in the information system or used in the GlueAccessControlBaseRules.
==== Extending an existing poolaccount range ====
You can also extend an existing range, by specifying a "start" value to <tt>gen_poolacc_ldif</tt>, but remember: the "base" value <b>must remain the same</b>. So, to generate an additional 100 atlas accounts, the command would be
./gen_poolacc_ldif --vo atlas -g 2002 -b 43000 -n 300 -s 200
to start at 200 and ensure that there are 300 accounts in total.
== Generating the home directories ==
Once the accounts have been added to the directory, you can create the home directories on <tt>schuur.nikhef.nl</tt>. This must be done as root, and on schuur itself.
The command to use is <tt>make_poolacc_dir</tt> (present under <tt>/root/bin</tt>), which takes one argument: the
uid prefix to select on. By default, it will generate a shell script that tries to (re)create the home directories for <i>all</i> poolaccounts, so beware.
'''Note''': at the moment, the script <tt>make_poolacc_dir</tt> is found at schuur in <tt>/root/bin</tt>.
To generate the home directories for the "phicos" VO, use:
./make_poolacc_dir --uid=phicos > /tmp/schapen
sh /tmp/schapen
To so the same for the additional 100 atlas accounts created from "atlas200" to
"atlas299", use:
./make_poolacc_dir --uid=atlas2 > /tmp/lam
sh /tmp/lam
The current version of <tt>make_poolacc_dir</tt> ensures that the .ssh directory
contains an empty "authorized_keys" file and is immutable (<tt>"chattr =i .ssh"</tt>).
== Creating the inodes ==
Creating the inodes is done with <tt>populate_gridmapdir</tt>. Run this script as root on <tt>vlaai.nikhef.nl</tt>. The <tt>populate_gridmapdir</tt> script is even more trivial than the other two: it extracts all uid's from the <tt>ou=Poolaccounts,dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl</tt> tree and prepends it with "/export/perm/share/gridmapdir":
results in
To filter out the new ones, use grep, and pipe the results through xargs so as to touch the files:
./populate_gridmapdir | grep atlas2 | xargs touch
will do the job for the 100 additional atlas accounts, for instance.
== Repairing an empty gridmapdir ==
For this you need the backup file that's generated nightly by the <tt>poolmaplog</tt> script from cron. The file format is simple:
uid  subjectDN_in_lowercase
btu for use in the gridmapdir the special chars (so painstackingly converted to readable format by poolmaplog) must be concerted back. This is the task of the <tt>repair-pool</tt> script. As far as I know, these are the special characters:
% / &lt;space&gt; = ( ) - . @
the repair-pool script will translate these to URL-escaped characters (ie. "=" becomes "%3D" -- note that we must thus convert any %-signs first!)
The script will automatically relink the poolaccounts to the proper DN for those accounts that were in use (i.e. has a DN assigned to them).  You should only attempt repair if the pooldir is empty!
./repair-pool < /export/perm/share/gridmapdir/.poolmap.20050816
and watch the results.
== Migrating the poolaccounts in the LDAP directory ==
When the poolaccounts are migrated to a new system (schuur.nikhef.nl), the
LDAP directory needs to be updated to reflect the new location. To this end,
a new script is now available on <tt>hooimijt:/export/perm/adm/bin</tt>:
./migrate_poolacc_dir_ldap [--uid=''uidpattern'']
which generates LDIF output with the directory updates. You can apply the LDIF
modification with the command
ldapmodify -x -W -D "cn=''Your Name'',ou=Managers,dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl" -H ldap://trog.nikhef.nl/ -f ''ldif_file''
The default is to expect the poolaccount home to be on
It will look for appropriately named poolaccounts under <tt>ou=pool,ou=auto.home,ou=automount,dc=farmnet,dc=nikhef,dc=nl</tt>
''PS: also the gen_poolacc_dir script has been changed to use the new poolaccount homedirectory format. The output of this gen_poolacc_dir scfipt is a shell script to be executed on the physical filesystem-hosting node.''

Latest revision as of 14:54, 4 December 2017

This page has moved to the internal CTB Wiki.