Stop-think-click - make that a habit! Beware of phishing, check links by verifing what is behind the padlock. Protect your credentials anywhere, even when in a hurry. Curious why and how? Read up and take the self-test.
Working from home? Be vigilant, also when using personal devices. Read up on the Working Remotely intranet pages.
Working from home? Be vigilant, also when using personal devices. Read up on the Working Remotely intranet pages.
Enter your Nikhef username and password
A service has requested you to authenticate yourself. Please enter your username and password in the form below.
Help! I don't remember my password.
Without your username and password you cannot authenticate yourself to or via this service.
If you do not remember your credentials, please contact the Nikhef helpdesk on extension 2200, or contact the service desk by email at helpdesk at