#!/bin/sh # Torque prologue script to limit the processes in a job to the assigned # CPU list # Note: this assumes that the number of CPUs in the system matches the number # of job slots that Torque considers on the node # This assumption is not verified! # # Author: Ronald Starink < ronalds AT nikhef.nl > # # This prologue script is invoked with arguments # jobid=$(echo $1 | sed -re 's/\[|\]//g') # set debug=1 to write debug output to $debugfile debug=1 debugfile=/tmp/prologue.log # Determine the job slot(s) # The result is a single number or comma-separated list of numbers # that will be used as the CPU numbers which can be used by the job slot=$(pbsnodes -a $(hostname) | \ perl -ne 'if ( m/^\s*jobs/ ) { s/\[|\]//g ; @a = m!(\d+)/'$jobid'!g ; print join(",",@a)."\n"; }') [ $debug -gt 0 ] && echo jobid=$jobid, slot=$slot >> $debugfile # Determine the ID of the parent process of this prologue script, # which is the MOM for the job ppid=$(ps -o ppid -p $$ | sed -n 's/^[ ]*\([0-9][0-9]*\)[ ]*$/\1/p' 2>> $debugfile ) # Assign the CPU(s) to the MOM of the current job # This setting affects all child processes that will be started later [ $debug -gt 0 ] && echo Setting taskset to CPU $slot for pid=$ppid >> $debugfile res=$(taskset -cp $slot $ppid 2>&1) [ $debug -gt 0 ] && echo $res >> $debugfile exit 0