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| Hilbrand Kuindersma
| Hilbrand Kuindersma
| Detecting Muons at LHCb Upgrade Conditions
| [http://fse.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/18621/ Detecting Muons at LHCb Upgrade Conditions]
| C.J.G. Onderwater
| C.J.G. Onderwater

Revision as of 15:38, 25 February 2019

Master's Theses

Please use reverse chronological order (per University)

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2018-08-31 Hilbrand Kuindersma Detecting Muons at LHCb Upgrade Conditions C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2018-06-29 Melvin van den Bout Renormalization Group Equations and Predictions for New Higgs Inflation M. Postma UvA/VU
2018-06-22 Stephen Runderkamp Investigating post-LHC hadronic interaction models and their predictions of cosmic ray shower observables M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
2018-08-30 Katherine Mc Ewan Neutron Detection Using a Small Dual-Phase Liquid Xenon TPC and a Liquid Organic Scintillator A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2018-06-28 Sizar Aziz Mixed harmonics in QGP traces P. Christakoglou UvA/VU
2018-08-22 Giovanni Banelli Indirect search of new physics through rare B decays involving tau leptons R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2018-07-03 Jordy Butter Determining the branching fraction of B0 -> Pi Ds N. Tuning UvA/VU
2018-08-28 Aidan Kelly Study of the sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to constrain the Higgs coupling to b-quarks I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
2018-06-26 Rasa Muller Hydrophone characterization for the KM3NeT experiment R. Bruijn UvA/VU
2018-09-29 Athul Muralidhar Study of oscillons in 1+1D with a gentle introduction to multi- component oscillon models M. Postma UvA/VU
2018-07-17 Jasper Nobelen On the modulations of radioactive decay A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2018-09-26 Michiel Rollier Finding Echoes: The characterisation of gravitational-wave echoes and the investigation of a morphology-independent data analysis method C. Van Den Broeck UvA/VU
2018-09-28 Jordan Seneca Models of Particle Signatures in KM3NeT ORCA R. Bruijn UvA/VU
2018-07-17 Mitch Vonk Machine Learning in XENON1T's search for dark matter M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
2018-07-17 Lieselotte de Waardt Signatures of cosmic ray interactions in the KM3NeT neutrino detector R. Bruijn UvA/VU
2018-08-02 Steven Zindel Balancefunction analysis at the LHC on run 2 data P. Christakoglou UvA/VU
2018-12-21 Manuel Wierda Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis J. Rojo UvA/VU
2017-09-05 Manon Verra Feasibility and Quality Assessment of Model-based Respiratory Motion Compensation in Positron Emission Tomography Andre Mischke UU
2017-08-23 Luuk Vermunt Open heavy-flavour production in high-energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN-LHC energies Andre Mischke UU
2017-02-01 Lennart van Doremalen Beauty of the Quark Gluon Plasma Prospect for B0 measurement in ALICE Andre Mischke UU
2017-04-21 G. S. P. Wiersema Using the B0 → K±π ∓ channel as normalization in the search for the charged lepton flavor violating B0 (s) → e ±µ ∓ decay C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-07-31 S. van der Woude Radiative Symmetry Breaking in minimal Conformally Invariant extensions of the Standard Model D. Boer RUG
2017-07-31 J. Heit Exploring GPU-Computing to Accellerate Vertex Finding in Particle Physics C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-07-31 D.R. Löke The scalar spectrum of non-Abelian gauge theories below the conformal window E. Pallante RUG
2017-07-31 D.D. Rouwhorst Equivalence between the Bender–Wu method and the quantum normal form method E. Pallante RUG
2017-11-11 M.J. Veen A fast tool to predict peaking and semi-peaking backgrounds in two body decay processes C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-11-11 J.R.E. Baarslag A fast simulation model for mass spectrum shapes of particle decays in high-energy physics experiments C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-11-23 J. Ellen Varying constants and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model A. Borschevsky RUG
2017-11-23 I. Bouisaghouane The Schrodinger method for Large-Scale Structure D. Roest and R. vd Weygaert RUG
2017-11-23 T. Meijknecht Narrow linewidth lasers to drive narrow Ba+ ion transitions L. Willmann RUG
2017-12-19 K.J.D. Hakvoort The equivalence between second-order, Ostrogradsky-free (Galileon) Lagrangians and regular first-order theories D. Roest and H. Waalkens RUG
2017-??-?? K. Dirksen Unifying Conformal Gravity and the Standard Model of particle physics E. Pallante RUG
2017-10-09 Laurens Verhoeven Lepton Flavor Violating Higgs Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2017-08-30 Eleftheria Malami CP Violation in B^0→ pi^0 K_S As A Probe of New Physics Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2017-08-23 Bram Schermer Understanding the time-over-threshold behaviour of KM3NeT photo-multipliers Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
2017-07-26 Jonathan Mo Quark/gluon jets discrimination using thrust at NNLL Wouter Waalewijn UvA/VU
2017-07-01 Bas Jongewaard Effect of detector angular resolution and surface area on the accuracy of pinpointing the neutrino signal Aart Heijboer UvA/VU
2017-07-01 Arjen Wildeboer XENON1T Threshold Analysis Patrick Decowski UvA/VU
2017-06-30 Joran Angevaare Search for modulations on in the decay rate of radioactive sources Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2017-06-26 F.M. Springer Symmetries of the Standard Model Piet Mulders UvA/VU
2017-06-15 Wesley Poland Opportunities for iodine-agent dose reduction with Medipix3RX Spectral X-ray Els Koffeman UvA/VU
2017-03-10 Eline Wieldraaijer Characterization of photomultiplier tubes using a laser setup and muon energy reconstruction for ORCA based on the length of the track Dorothea Samtleben UvA/VU
2017-03-01 John Hoang Characterization of Silicon PhotoMultipliers for the Cherenkov Telescope Array David Berge UvA/VU
2017-01-31 Dimitra Andreou Development of a testing system for the Silicon Pixel Detectors of the Inner Tracking System of ALICE Paul de Jong UvA/VU
2017-09-01 Wouter Houthoff Safe Spheres and where to find them Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2017-06-28 Jorn Biemans Renormalization group flows of gravity and gravity-matter systems on foliated spacetimes Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2017-03-16 Oscar Boher Luna The Abelian Higgs Model: Unitarity in the unitary gauge Ronald Kleiss RU Nijmegen
2017-01-27 Alex Campà Searching for Dark Matter gamma-ray signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT data Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2017-01-12 Ruud Peeters Experimental and Theoretical (Fine-Tuning) Constraints on pMSSM Models Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen

Date Name Title Supervisor University
9 Feb 2016 Melissa van Beekveld Possible Indirect Detection of Dark Matter and its impact on LHC Supersymmetry searches Sascha Caron and Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
18 Jul 2016 Fleur Versteegen Quantum Gravity corrections to the Unruh effect Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
26 Aug 2016 Han van der Pluijm 'On the interpretation of the quantum wave function' Ronald Kleiss RU Nijmegen
9 Sept 2016 Daphne van den Elzen The link between a vacuum diagram and the renormalization group equation Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
3 Nov 2016 Milo Vermeulen. Calcium Enrichment for the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Nicolo de Groot RU Nijmegen
15 Dec 2016 David Venhoek Quantum vacua in curved spacetime Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
24 Nov 2016 Bob Stienen SUSY-AI Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
1 Sept 2016 Antonio Condorelli Selftrigger of Radio Signals from Cosmic Rays in Pierre Auger Charles Timmermans together with University of Catania RU Nijmegen
5 Dec 2015 Luc Hendriks A description of the Galactic Center excess in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Sascha Caron (with Bram Achterberg, Astro) RU Nijmegen
27 Aug 2015 Gillian Lustermans The Landau-Yang theorem in Quantum Chromodynamics W.J.P. Beenakker, R.H.P. Kleiss RU Nijmegen
31 Aug 2015 Jelmer van Amen General Search in ATLAS Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
31 Mar 2015 Jeroen Schouwenberg Missing momentum reconstruction at Level 1 with a Kalman Filter Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
31 Oct 2015 Chris Ripken Curvature on the noncommutative tangent bundle Ronald Kleiss and Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
Dec 1, 2016 M. Roelfs On the eigenvalue distribution of the SYK model K.Papadodimas RUG
Sep 19, 2016 R. Kappert Electron identification efficiency in Bs0 -> emu C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
Sep 15, 2016 J. Hussels Molecular hyperfine structure and the electron EDM S. Hoekstra RUG
Aug 1, 2016 J.G. Bakker Towards an effective field theory for proton decay R.G.E. Timmermans RUG
Aug 1, 2016 F. Oosterhof Neutron-antineutron oscillations in chiral perturbation theory (Lorentz prize Theoretical Physics 2015/16) R.G.E. Timmermans RUG
Mar, 2016 L. L. Robroek Framing the Conformal Window E. Pallante RUG
2016 K. van der Schoor Electronic structure of element 123 A. Borschevsky RUG
Aug 30, 2016 T. van Daalen Bridging the Mass Gap - Probing Compressed Electroweak Supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider W. Verkerke UvA/VU
Aug 24, 2016 R.L. Jaarsma New Strategy to Extract the CP-violating Phase phi_s from Bs → K-K+ R. Fleischer UvA/VU
Aug 12, 2016 J.M. Goldstein Reliability of the Parameterised Test of General Relativity on GW150914 and GW151226 C. Van Den Broeck UvA/VU
Jul 24, 2016 J.S. Sinninghe Damsté Next-to-soft techniques in collider physics E.L.M.P. Laenen UvA/VU
Jul 15, 2016 R. Albers Event shapes in electron-positron annihilation at NNLO accuracy E.L.M.P. Laenen UvA/VU
Jul 14, 2016 D. Schenk Study of Modulations in Radioactive Decay A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
Jul 7, 2016 A. Topçuoğlu CUDA-Based Trigger System For The XENON Experiment M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
Jul 2, 2016 J.B. Zonneveld Dependence of B meson fragmentation fraction ratio fs/fd on centre-of-mass energy I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
Jun 28, 2016 C. Ligtenberg Scattering of polarised W bosons: Measuring the polarised W bosons - Higgs coupling with ATLAS using charged lepton observables B. van Eijk UvA/VU
Jun 23, 2016 M.M.A. Dietze Proton Radiography: Prototype Development Towards Clinical Application E. Koffeman UvA/VU
Jun 16, 2016 M.A. Pronk The Higgs boson coupling to polarised W bosons in vector boson fusion B. van Eijk UvA/VU
May 8, 2016 T. Klaver Construction and analysis of a proton radiography setup using Timepix based time projection chambers for tracking E. Koffeman UvA/VU
Jan 31, 2016 J.P. Veenkamp A Precision Optical Calibration Module for IceCube-Gen2 M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
Oct 21, 2015 P.J.C. Bakker Search for charged lepton flavor violating Z → τe decays with the ATLAS detector O. Igonkina UvA/VU
Oct 8, 2015 R. Hutten Prototype Data Analysis of the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope P. Kooijman UvA/VU
Sept 23, 2015 M.L. Muusse Astroparticle physics at the LHC - Dark matter search in ATLAS D. Berge UvA/VU
Aug 28, 2015 S. Vogel Calculations of jet substructure W. Waalewijn UvA/VU
Aug 26, 2015 P.M. Zuidberg dos Mártires An Exploratory Study of LHCf-triggered Events at ATLAS D. Berge UvA/VU
Aug 11, 2015 J. Hulsman Analysis on the Muon Track Reconstruction with the PPM-DU P. Kooijman UvA/VU