CERN Summer School

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CERN Summer School

Students with a strong interest in Nikhef-related research have the opportunity to go to CERN for the CERN Summer School in-between the two MSc years. This program is based at CERN and 8 to 13 weeks long with a lecture series and a research project that you work on under supervision of a mentor at CERN. MSc students from all the CERN Member States attend, so it is an international crowd. You receive a daily allowance and a travel allowance which should cover all your expenses. However, the number of spots is limited and you have to be selected on merit in order to attend.

The application for this program is now open. Detailed information, with information how to apply, is available at

Importantly, the application deadline is January 31, 2024 just before noon, so there is only a limited amount of time to prepare everything.

Look for the details at the website, but at a minimum you will need to submit:

  • CV
  • An official academic transcript
  • A Reference letter from a faculty member who knows you. This has also to be submitted before the deadline, please do not wait with asking for this until the end! I can assure you that it will be a nail biting exercise for you otherwise. Ask the faculty member if they are willing to write a letter and the CERN application system will send them a link where they can upload the letter. These letters are considered confidential, you will therefore not see the actual letter.