Master Theses
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Master's Theses
Please use reverse chronological order (per University)
Date | Name | Title | Supervisor | University |
2024-10 | Epameinondas Chasapis | Deep generative models for event simulation in Quantum Chromodynamics | Wouter Waalewijn | UvA/VU |
2024-10 | Dorian Sloot | Polarising Perspectives: Unveiling the Exotic in LHC Hadronic Jets | Flavia de Almeida Dias | UvA/VU |
2024-10 | Corryenne Groen | VULCAN Reflectivity Measurements on DUNE Samples in the VUV Range | Tina Pollmann | UvA/VU |
2024-10 | Boudewijn Zwanenburg | Methods for Calculating Feynman Integrals | Eric Laenen | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Martijn van Hamersveld | Constraining CP-violating New Physics in Rare B →Vℓℓ Decays using EFT | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Kelin Qiao | Neutron-induced Background Study in Non-shielded Environment in DARWIN Experiment | Tina Pollmann | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Anna Casali | Search for light Dark Pions decaying hadronically at LHCb | Mara Senghi Soares | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Alex Doheny | Searching for Sexaquarks in Ξb decays at LHCb | Patrick Decowski, Patrick Koppenburg | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Titus Veit | Development and Validation of an Electron-Based Timing Measurement Setup for Monolithic Pixel Detectors | Hella Snoek | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Jaime del Palacio Lirola | A look into the f0(980) through the lens of rare B meson decays | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Zoë McGrath | Searching for Dust Echo Flares in ANTARES | Aart Heijboer, Paul de Jong | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Tiernan O'Neill | Xenon Spallation Induced Radioactive Isotopes and the Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay at KamLAND-Zen | Patrick Decowski | UvA/VU |
2024-08 | Bryant Hall | Exploring New Physics in b→dℓℓ Decay Channels | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Lemonia Gialidi | Electric Dipole Moments and sources of CP Violation within the Standard Model and beyond | Jordy de Vries | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Tobias den Hollander | Characterizing the upgraded XAMS dual-phase xenon TPC | Auke-Pieter Colijn | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Jasper Lankhorst | Search for ZH →b anti-bγγ to validate HH →b anti-b γγ | Flavia de Almeida Dias | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Lene van Rootselaar | Determining the Sensitivity of a Future Acoustic Neutrino Telescope | Ivo van Vulpen, Ernst-Jan Buijs | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Paul Veen | Heavy Flavour Hadronisation and Balancing Studies as a Function of Multiplicity in pp Collisions at the LHC with PYTHIA 8.3 | Mara Senghi Soares | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Wouter Niels Landsman | Synthesis of MNT products in the reaction 65Cu + 209Bi at RITU, and development of data analysis tools for a DSSSD at the NEXT project | Hella Snoek, Panos Christakoglou | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Bas de Ronde | Improved High Energy Signal Reconstruction for XENONnT | Patrick Decowski | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Eva Groenendijk | Predictions for High-Energy Neutrino Scattering at the Large Hadron Collider | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2024-07 | Jochem Bakker | Higgs self coupling interpretation of SM HHH(6b) production with the ATLAS detector at the LHC | Wouter Verkerke, Tristan du Pree | UvA/VU |
2024-06 | Karel de Vries | An unexpected application of Fairness to Higgs Boson Detection | Wouter Verkerke | UvA/VU |
2024-06 | Yonne Lourens | Study of charm hadronisation mechanisms from small to large collision systems with the ALICE experiment | Panos Christakoglou | UvA/VU |
2024-05 | Wessel Krah | Robustness Testing Flavour Classification Neural Nets Used in DUNE | Paul de Jong | UvA/VU |
2024-12 | Berend van Beuzekom | Clusterization and background estimation of a direct photon signal in pp collisions at √s=13.6 TeV in ALICE | Marta Verweij, Alessandro Grelli | UU |
2024-10 | Zach Meredith | Cost Effective Table-Top Muon Tomography Experiment | Marta Verweij | UU |
2024-07 | Wouter van Straalen | Pre-merger sky localization and parameter estimation of binary neutron star inspirals using normalizing flows | Chris Van Den Broeck, Justin Janquart, A. Kolmus | UU |
2024-07 | Jurriaan Langendorff | Testing general relativity with gravitational wave parameter estimation using machine learning | Chris Van Den Broeck, Justin Janquart, A. Kolmus | UU |
2024-07 | Ana Silva Martins | Early warning for gravitational wave signals from binary neutron star coalescence using field programmable gate arrays | Chris Van Den Broeck. Marc van der Sluys | UU |
2024-04 | Teun de Theije | Exploring open charmed hadron production in heavy-ion collisions within the Trajectum theoretical framework | Alessandro Grelli, Raimond Snellings, Olaf Massen | UU |
2024-03 | Alice Caluisi | Exploring the behavior of the strong coupling constant through the primary Lund plane for jets of particles detected by the ALICE detector | Marta Verweij | UU |
2024-02 | Jonno Schoppink | A measurement of neutral mesons inside jets in pp - collisions at 5TeV | Marta Verweij, Alessandro Grelli | UU |
2024-03 | Martijn Barella | Rotating black holes in Quadratic Gravity | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2024-07 | Anne Timmermans | GRAND Commissioning and polarization analysis | Harm Schoorlemmer, Olivier Martineau | RU Nijmegen |
2024-08 | Tim van Dijk | Quantum Ghosts Haunting Black Hole Event Horizons | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2024-07 | Bob Truijen | Detecting Anomalous Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory | Charles Timmermans, Bob Stienen | RU Nijmegen |
2024-09 | Floris van Oers | On The Measurability of Dark Photons in EAS | Charles Timmermans | RU Nijmegen |
2024-09 | Nadezhda Dobreva | Translating Hits to Tracks: Transforming High Energy Physics Experiments | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2024-08 | Jorn van Voorthuizen | Multipole Moments in Stationary Spacetimes | Béatrice Bonga, Annegret Burtscher | RU Nijmegen |
2024-08 | Bram Ruiter | Setting the stage for a data-driven background estimation | Frank Filthaut | RU Nijmegen |
2024-07 | Pim van Dillen | Interferometry on inclined air showers | Harm Schoorlemmer, Katie Mulrey | RU Nijmegen |
2024-08 | Tom van der Steen | The Second Order Close Limit Approximation | Béatrice Bonga, Badri Krishnan | RU Nijmegen |
2024-07 | Koen Thijssen | Predicting Bladder Filling Using Deep Learning | Nicolo de Groot | RU Nijmegen |
2024-06 | Öykü Tarımeri | Decoupling of Heavy Fermions in the Scalar Sector | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2023-12 | Alwine Delgado | High-Energy Neutrino Detection from Supernovae | Aart Heijboer | UvA/VU |
2023-12 | Tim Mathijs Kortekaas | Searching for CP-violating New Physics Signatures in B → V ll decays | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2023-12 | Robin Kan | Simulation of high-time-resolution silicon LGAD sensors with Allpix | Hella Snoek | UvA/VU |
2023-10 | Jasper Westbroek | The chiral magnetic effect in isobaric nuclei at LHC energies | Panos Christakoglou, Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2023-10 | Ioannis Sidiras | Azimuthal Correlation Studies of Charm and Anti-Charm at LHC Energies | Panos Christakoglou, Hella Snoek | UvA/VU |
2023-08 | Jelmer Mulder | Seasonal muon variation in the KM3NeT detectors | Ronald Bruijn | UvA/VU |
2023-08 | Heleen Mulder | Scrutinizing the CKM anomaly within SMEFT and using sterile neutrinos | Jordy de Vries | UvA/VU |
2023-08 | Dylano van Oijen | Improved modeling and systematic studies for KM3NeT ORCA neutrino oscillation analysis | Daan van Eijk, Paul de Jong | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Steven Niedenzu | Constraining the low-x gluon PDF using far-forward neutrinos produced in proton-proton collisions | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Saad el Morabit | Radiation-Based Electron Momentum Reconstruction in PTOLEMY | Auke-Pieter Colijn | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Jelmer de Haan | Position reconstruction with the Hamamatsu R12699-406-M4 PMT | Auke-Pieter Colijn | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Floris Jan Kamphorst | Characterising components of the XAMS TPC | Auke-Pieter Colijn | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Evangelia Nikoloudaki | Neutrino oscillation analysis with the first data of KM3NeT | Paul de Jong | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Pranati Kharbanda | Exploring the gg → ZH process for constraining Wilson coefficients within the SMEFT framework | Marcel Vreeswijk | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Lisanne Bleiksch | Optimisation of the Machine Learning-based Event Selection of Higgs Decaying into Two Muons | Wouter Verkerke | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Isis Hobus | A dedicated in-DOM muon detector for KM3NeT | Ronald Bruijn | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Maaike Bakker | The Impact of the High Luminosity LHC on the SMEFT Parameter Space | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Adrianne Schaus | Polarized Structure functions with Heavy flavor Corrections for Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at Next-to-Next-Leading Order | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Pim Herbschleb | Generating hadron level unbinned multivariate observables for EFT fits at the LHC from Machine Learning | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2023-07 | Boudewijn Zwanenburg | Methods for Calculating Feynman Integrals | Eric Laenen | UvA/VU |
2023-06 | Josep Sola Cava | The effect of the FPF@LHC on the high-x charm PDF | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2023-06 | Douwe Nobels | Characterisation of RD-50 HV-CMOS Sensors | Jory Sonneveld | UvA/VU |
2023-03 | Mattia Boscardin | Bridging the Gap between Proton Decay and the B-anomalies with the Scalar Leptoquark S_3 | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2023-01 | Guido Smit | Simulating and Analysing Accidental Coincidence Backgrounds in the DARWIN Dark Matter Detector | Tina Pollmann | UvA/VU |
2023-01 | Daan Oppenhuis | Charge calibration of Timepix4 | Martin van Beuzekom, Kazu Akiba | UvA/VU |
2023-01 | Ethan van Woerkom | Modelling Kilonova Afterglows with Teiresias Radiative Transfer | Samaya Nissanke | UvA/VU |
2023-12 | Dirren van Vlijmen | Learning the Phases of the cpMSSM | Wim Beenakker, Jochem Kip | RU Nijmegen |
2023-11 | Wouter Morren | Transformer regressing the mass of boosted Higgs bosons decaying to bb | Frank Filthaut | RU Nijmegen |
2023-07 | Steven Bos | Accelerating Trigger Performance of the ALICE Detector Using FPGA-Based Neural Networks | A. Grelli, M. Rossewij | UU |
2023-06 | Colin Bolle | Using machine learning for non-prompt D0 analysis | A. Grelli, R. Snellings | UU |
2023-11 | Eric Teunis de Boone | Synchronisation Methods for Air Shower Radio Detectors | Harm Schoorlemmer, Katharine Mulrey | RU Nijmegen |
2023-11 | Susanne Auwens | Analysis of LGADs for the High Granularity Timing Detector | Mengqing Wu | RU Nijmegen |
2023-10 | Madelief Koster | Particle detection and direction reconstruction | Charles Timmermans | RU Nijmegen |
2023-10 | Tuan Amith | Particles in 3D Regge Gravity and BMS symmetry | Timothy Budd, Alicia Castro | RU Nijmegen |
2023-08 | Robin Rietman | One-Loop Matching of a Scalar Dark Matter Effective Field Theory | Susanne Westhoff | RU Nijmegen |
2023-08 | Guus Korver | Renormalizing the Graviton 2-Point Function in the Presence of Matter | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2023-08 | Jesse van der Duin | Curvature Correlations in Quantum Gravity | Renate Loll | RU Nijmegen |
2023-08 | Berend Schneider | Reading the Cosmic Palm: Spinors, the Weyl Tensor Fingerprint, and Mass in General Relativity | Béatrice Bonga, Gijs Nelemans | RU Nijmegen |
2023-07 | Bart Peters | Tidal resonances in extreme mass ratio inspirals | Béatrice Bonga | RU Nijmegen |
2023-07 | Mila Keijer | Conformal symmetry versus quantization of geodesic motion | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2023-07 | Bas Slotema | The production and propagation angles for muon neutrino charged current deep inelastic scattering events | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2023-07 | Tom Gerstel | Simulating Quantum Gravity | Timothy Budd | RU Nijmegen |
2023-06 | Thoman Meeusen | Describing hyperbolic surfaces with decorated tree graphs | Timothy Budd | RU Nijmegen |
2023-03 | Martijn Velders | PTOLEMY Project: Graphene-Based Particle Detector | Nicolo de Groot, U. Zeitler | RU Nijmegen |
2023-02 | Jasper Jacobs | pMSSM stau search at ATLAS | Wim Beenakker, Cristina Galea, Melissa van Beekveld | RU Nijmegen |
2022-12 | Julian Franssen | DRL | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2022-08 | Ilija Milutin | Probing New Physics using heavy charged leptons in B-meson decays A discussion of B → Kτ τ decays | Wim Beenakker, Frank Filthaut | RU Nijmegen |
2022-12 | W. Rijk | Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of Quenched Jets with the LSTM and OC-SVM | M. Verweij, F. de Almeida Dias | UvA/VU |
2022-11 | N. Runge | Studies for KM3NeT-ORCA Performance for Dark Matter Detection | S. du Pree, P. de Jong | UvA/VU |
2022-08 | N. Koster | Feasibility study of Ω++ detection in proton-proton ccc
collisions with ALICE 3 using Strangeness Tracking |
P. Christakoglou, H. Snoek | UvA/VU |
2022-08 | J. Groot | Probing CP-Violating New Physics in Bd0 →φKS andBs0 →φφ | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2022-08 | C. Tsolanta | Characterisation and Time resolution measurements of the RD50-MPW2 monolithic silicon pixel sensor | J. Sonneveld | UvA/VU |
2022-08 | M. Arkin | Modelling aperture effects in optical cavities | A. Freise | UvA/VU |
2022-08 | M. Janssen | Characterizing Trench-Isolated Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (TI-LGADs) | M. van Beuzekom, K. Akiba, A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | M.L.E. Heidotting | Towards a Muon Tomography System for Spent Nuclear Fuel | J.M. Sonneveld, M. Fransen | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | M.N. Stapel | Probing Hadronic CP Violation with Paramagnetic Electric Dipole Moment Experiments | J. de Vries | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | B. Matthaei | Searching for the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV using the Signed Balance Function | P. Christakoglou, R. Feischer | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | C. van der Stappen | Acoustic Neutrino Reconstruction Using Matched Filtering | E.J. Buis, I. van Vulpen | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | A.C. Sidley | Λ0b → Λ0l+l− at high-q2 | N. Tuning, M. Senghi-Soares | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | F.E. Pennartz | Measurement of the fine-structure constant with Positronium annihilation | A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | M. Rustenburg | From microscopic symmetries to a macroscopic toy Universe | J. de Vries | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | F. Haslbeck | Simultaneous SMEFT interpretation of the signal and backgrounds in the
V H, H →b ̄b analysis and ATLAS DSS during the start of LHC Run 3 |
T. du Pree, F. de Almeida Dias | UvA/VU |
2022-07 | C. Fuselli | Beta decays in XENONnT | M.P. Decowski, A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2022-01 | K. Weerman | Non-thermal production of Dark Matter during preheating after multifield inflation via a non- minimally coupled gauge singlet scalar | M. Postma, C. Weniger | UvA/VU |
2022-10 | Olaf Massen | To the Standard Model and beyond; A theoretical and experimental study of Leptoquark phenomenology and its traces in LFV B → τμ decays in theory and with LHCb | R.J.M. Snellings, A. Grelli, J. de Vries, M. Lucio Martinez | UU |
2022-07 | Maurice Jongerhuis | Performance study of future Λ0b production with ALICE3 | P. Christakoglou, M. Verweij | UU |
2022-08 | Kolja Kuijpers | Constructing and bounding the solutions of Quantum Gravity with the Event Horizon Telescope | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2022-08 | Finn ten Hove | Putting a stop to searches for supersymmetric particles | Wim Beenakker, M.C. van Beekveld, Cristina Galea | RU Nijmegen |
2022-08 | Luc Builtjes | Optimising Neural Networks for Classification of tttt-Events in the LHC | Sascha Caron / Bob Stienen | RU Nijmegen |
2022-08 | Stefan de Wit | Decoupling Heavy Fermions in the Scalar Sector: Choosing an Appropriate Renormalization Scheme | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2022-06 | Brian Mc Gloughlin | Gravitational Waves from Newly Born Magnetars | Béatrice Bonga | RU Nijmegen |
2022-06 | Inge van Rens | Spectral slope as a measure for Xmax | Charles Timmermans | RU Nijmegen |
2022-06 | Brian McGloughlin | Gravitational Waves from Newly Born Magnetars | Badri Krishnan / Béatrice Bonga | RU Nijmegen |
2022-06 | Maikel Magnée | Alternative models matched to the data of GW150914 | Badri Krishnan / Béatrice Bonga | RU Nijmegen |
2022-04 | Henk Brans | Cherenkov-Ring Energy Estimation | Charles Timmermans | RU Nijmegen |
2021-07 | Alessa Brignoli | Characterization of the electrostatic Radon Monitor in XAMS | S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2021-08 | Marcel Yanez Reyes | A study of the Infrared structure of Non Abelian Gauge theories | E. Laenen | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Max Jaarsma | Calculating Parton Distributions from First Principles | W. Waalewijn | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Maricke Flierman | The Electroweak Phase Transition: an investigation of a first-order phase transition with an additional real scalar singlet field | M. Postma, E. Laenen | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Tjip Bischoff | The Nikhef two photon absorption setup | H. Snoek | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Anastasios Papadopoulos | Beauty Λ production in ALICE with the upgraded ITS | P. Christakoglou, I. van Vulpen | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Pepijn Clarijs | Optimizing an Artificial Neural Network for the Measurement of H → bb-bar
with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider |
T. du Pree, F. de Almeida Dias | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Vlad Tanasa | Axion Cosmology | M. Postma, B. Freivogel | UvA/VU |
2021-07 | Cas van Veen | Simulation studies of electron-hadron separation with a preshower detector for ALICE 3 at the LHC | M. van Leeuwen, H. Snoek | UvA/VU |
2021-06 | Joey Staa | Modelling the chiral magnetic effect in heavy-ion collisions through the AVFD framework | P. Christakoglou, R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2021-06 | Zhuoran Feng | Search for H → cc-bar and exclusive charm tagging | T. du Pree, W. Verkerke | UvA/VU |
2021-06 | Pablo Guillem Fernandez | Rare Semileptonic Decays of B Mesons Exploiting SU(3) Flavour Symmetry | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2021-06 | Barbara Paetsch | Signal reconstruction in XENONnT | M.P. Decowski | UvA/VU |
2021-05 | Maarten Hammer | Performance test of the KM3NeT track reconstruction software on ANTARES Monte Carlo data | M. de Jong, P. de Jong | UvA/VU |
2021-03 | Wouter Schreuder | Exploring applications of machine learning to jet discrimination | W. Waalewijn | UvA/VU |
2021-02 | Leonora Verveld | Particle detection through
proportional scintillation in liquid xenon |
S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2021-01 | Annabel Wolf | Optical System Design of the Einstein Telescope Pathfinder | F. Linde, A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2021-01 | Amber van Keeken | Charge-dependent two-particle correlations for unidentifi?ed charged particles in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV | P. Christakoglou | UU |
2021-07 | Loek Meijers | Feasibility Study on the reconstruction of heavy neutral D-mesons with data collected by the ALICE detector at CERN LHC | A. Grelli, H. Zanoli | UU |
2021-12 | Willem van der Feltz | Master coupling to two-dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations | Renate Loll / Joren Brunekreef / Claus Kiefer | RU Nijmegen |
2021-12 | Dirk van Buul | Black hole formation in AdS3 | Timothy Budd | RU Nijmegen |
2021-11 | Tom de Wilt | A Diagrammatic Approach to Amplitude Unitarity in the Electroweak Theory | Ronald Kleis | RU Nijmegen |
2021-10 | Camille van Speybroeck | Implementation of low-field permanent magnet Halbach array MRI | Mengqing WU / A.G. Webb | RU Nijmegen |
2021-9 | Joost Remie | Calculating Love numbers using black hole perturbation theory | Béatrice Bonga | RU Nijmegen |
2021-9 | Djamel van der Sluis | Statistics of spatial geometries in Causal Dynamical Triangulations in 2+1 dimensions | Timothy Budd | RU Nijmegen |
2021-9 | Chris van den Oetelaar | Localisation and classification of gamma-ray sources using neural networks | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2021-8 | Bren Schaap | Renormalization of Factorially Divergent Series: Quantum Field Theory in Zero Dimensions | Ronald Kleis | RU Nijmegen |
2021-8 | Wouter Oosters | Asumptotically Safe Fermions On Curved Backgrounds | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2021-8 | Guus Reijns | The role of renormalization schemes in the context of the SM Hierarchy Problem | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2021-7 | Bart Zonneveld | A Local Vacuum in De Sitter Space | Wim Beenakker / David Venhoek | RU Nijmegen |
2021-7 | Sam Pirlo | On the Quantum Effective Action of Gravity Coupled to Scalar and Abelian Gauge Fields | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2021-6 | Stefan Krieg | Diagrammatic derivation of the BCJ indentity | Ronald Kleis | RU Nijmegen |
2021-3 | Ludo van Alst | Deep learming for segmentation and classification of Wilms' tumours | Nicolo de Groot | RU Nijmegen |
2021-3 | Tom Draper | Asymptotically Safe Amplitudes | Frank Saueressig / Benjamin Knorr / Chris Ripken | RU Nijmegen |
2021-2 | Daniël Kok | Building a quantum kNN classifier with Qiskit: theoretical gains put to practice | Sascha Caron / Sydney Otten | RU Nijmegen |
Date | Name | Title | Supervisor | University |
2020-7 | Thijs Miedema | Stopping Muons at ProtoDUNE | Frank Filthaut | RU Nijmegen |
2020-7 | Jeremy de Wit | Comparisons of computational tools for the muon anomalous magnetic moment within the pMSSM | Wim Beenakker/Melissa van Beekveld/Marrit Schutten | RU Nijmegen |
2020-7 | Remco Volmer | Anomaly detection at the ATLAS detector using a Variational Autoencoder | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2020-7 | Jesse Daas | Fermions in the Asymptotic Safety Program | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2020-1 | Jochem Kip | The unitarity spontaneously broken SU(2) theory | Ronald Kleis | RU Nijmegen |
2020-01 | Lieke van Dijk | Branching ratio calculations for B0s → µ+µ− | Wim Beenakker, Melissa van Beekveld, Marrit Schutten | RU Nijmegen |
2020-12 | Kerwin Buijsman | Generating glitches similar to glitches observed by LIGO and Virgo using Wasserstein Generative Adversial Network with Gradient Penalty | S.E. Caudill | UvA/VU |
2020-10 | Anders Rehult | Linking the B-physics Anomalies and Muon g - 2—A Phenomenological Study Beyond the Standard Model | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2020-9 | Clara Gatius OIiver | Acoustic signals from ultra high energy cosmic neutrinos | R. Bruijn, E.J. Buis | UvA/VU |
2020-8 | Yoran Yeh | CP Violating New Physics in QCD Penguin Diagrams for B-Decays | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2020-8 | Jeannine de Kuijper | Extracting Hadronic Parameters from Branching Ratios in Non-Leptonic D Decays | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2020-8 | Sumedha Biswas | Detecting Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves | S.E. Caudill | UvA/VU |
2020-8 | Bram Hoonhout | Improving Higgs decay width measurement using off-shell interference in gg(→H*)→ZZ→llνν | H.L. Snoek, I. van Vulpen | UvA/VU |
2020-7 | Lucas de Vries | Deep Neural Networks for Position Reconstruction in XENON1T | M.P. Decowski | UvA/VU |
2020-6 | Gijs Leguijt | Variance reduced monte-carlo simulation for neutrons in XENON | A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2020-6 | Vlad Dedu | Measurement of the branching ratio Lambda_b -> J/Psi Lambda | N. Tuning | UvA/VU |
2020-2 | Ester Abram | Seeing LISA from a different angle | N. van Bakel, E.J. Buis | UvA/VU |
2020-11 | Marten Barel | Controlling penguin contributions to CP violation in B⁰→J/ψX decays | R. Fleischer, P. Christakoglou, R.J.M. Snellings | UU |
2020-09 | Bas Hofman | Angular analysis of the decay B0→K ∗0 J/ψ(→ e+e−) | W. Hulsbergen, M.Lucio Martinez, R.J.M. Snellings (examined) | UU |
2020-06 | Olivier Kesber | Variance reduction techniques for Monte Carlo simulations of photon transport in liquid xenon detectors | A.P. Colijn | UU |
2020-01 | Floris Jonkman | Charm baryon production at central rapidity in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV | P. Christakoglou, D. Caffarri | UU |
Date | Name | Title | Supervisor | University |
2019 | Paul Renes | The description of high-energy electromagnetic cascades in a highly granular digital calorimeter | Thomas Peitzmann, Marco Spruit, Naomi van der Kolk | UU |
2019 | Stan Oomen | Measurement of charged D∗+ meson production in Pb-Pb collisions in 60-80% centrality with the ALICE detector at CERN | Alessandro Grelli, Raimond Snellings, Andre Mischke | UU |
2019 | Thomas Mons | The modulation experiment: searching for trends in radioactive decays | Auke Pieter Colijn | UU |
12-Dec-19 | Davey Oogjes | Track reconstruction of cosmic muons in the XENON1T muon veto | Patrick Decowski | UvA/VU |
25-Oct-19 | Max Briel | Muonic event reconstuction in KM3NeT-ORCA | Ronald Bruijn | UvA/VU |
8-Oct-19 | Gabriel Koole | Probing New Physics effects in Leptonic and Semileptonic D meson decays | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
23-Aug-19 | Peter Bosch | Going Three Dimensional. Characterisation of a 3D sensor on a Timepix3 ASIC | Niels van Bakel | UvA/VU |
22-Aug-19 | Thijs Dieperink | Supersymmetric neutralino Dark Matter search using machine learning techniques with the ATLAS detector | Paul de Jong | UvA/VU |
26-Jul-19 | Iris de Ruiter | Incorporating machine learning algorithms that provide information on noise features in the search for compact binary coalescence | Sarah Caudill | UvA/VU |
26-Jul-19 | Marnix Heikamp | Constructing and Implementing a Template Bank with Precessing Waveforms in the Search For Gravitational Waves | Sarah Caudill | UvA/VU |
24-Jul-19 | Valeriia Lukashenko | Long lived heavy neutrinos in W ± → μ± μ± jet decays | Wouter Hulsbergen | UvA/VU |
13-Jul-19 | Alvaro Loya Villalpando | Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for Event Position Reconstruction in a Dual-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber | Auke-Pieter Colijn | UvA/VU |
12-Jul-19 | Bouke Jung | The effect of decreasing PMT gains on event reconstruction in KamLAND-Zen | Patrick Decowski | UvA/VU |
3-Jul-19 | Brendan Mans | Directed Flow of Λ in Mid-Central Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE | Panos Christakoglou | UvA/VU |
19-Jun-19 | Lizette Lammers | Neutral Meson and Jet Reconstruction in Heavy Ion Physics | Thomas Peitzmann | UvA/VU |
23-Mar-19 | Maarten Post | "KM3NNeT" A neural network for triggering and classifying raw KM3NeT data | Ronald Bruijn | UvA/VU |
27-Feb-19 | Manuel Wierda | Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis | Juan Rojo | UvA/VU |
2019 | Tim Voeten | Title | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2019 | Inge van Rens | simulations with GANs | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2019 | Chris van den Oetelaar | Title | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2019-09 | Joep Leenaarts | Calculating splitting functions, using local gauges | Ronald Kleiss | RU Nijmegen |
2019-07 | Lando Bosma | Towards resolving singularities in Asymptotic Safety | Benjamin Knorr, Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2019-06 | Derryk Schieck | N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and its deformations a functional renormalisation approach | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2019-04 | Berend Visser | Observers in Curved-Spacetime Quantum Field Theory | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2019-03 | Arthur Vereijken | Relating different regularization schemes in Functional Renormalization | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
Date | Name | Title | Supervisor | University |
2018 | M. Tervoert | First observation of the decay Lb->Dsp | L.J. Bel, N. Tuning, A. Mischke, A. Grelli | UU |
2018 | P.W. Gaemers | D*+ Meson Nuclear Modification Factor in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV | A. Grelli, A. Mischke | UU |
2018-08-28 | Mike Eijbersen | Acquisition strategies and MR Physics of imaging (hyperpolarized) molecules exploiting large chemical shift differences molecules exploiting large chemical shift differences | Nicolo de Groot | RU Nijmegen |
2018-11-22 | Misha Fedorov | On the physical beam aperture in the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment | Frank Filthaut | RU Nijmegen |
2018-04-18 | Rowan Zaki | The Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF); Beamline optimization & Spectrometer design | Frank Filthaut | RU Nijmegen |
2018-08-29 | Sjoerd Ypma | Search for the perfect variable to find new physics in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV. | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2018-08-23 | Jonas Wuerzinger | Scanning the phenomenological MSSM - Re-evaluating the ATLAS experiment’s sensitivity to Supersymmetry with LHC Run 2 data in a dedicated 3rd generation squarks scan | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2018-08-02 | Levi Sleegers | Using Countercurrent electromigration to enrich calcium 48 | Nicolo de Groot | RU Nijmegen |
2018-12-31 | Sjors Heefer | Advancements on the covariance of the k-Poincare model and Relative Locality", titel master scriptie Obster: "Exploring the Canonical Tensor Model | G. Gubitosi/Renate Loll | RU Nijmegen |
2018-07-02 | Renz Bakx | Het experimenteel bepalen van een massalimiet voor neutralino's | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2018-08-30 | Joris van der Ven | Calculation of the gluino corrections to the Higgs mass in the MSSM - Implications for the hierarchy problem | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
2018-09-12 | Dennis Obster | The Canonical Tensor Model, spaces and symmetries | Renate Loll | RU Nijmegen |
2018-11-01 | Camiel Pieterse | Dark Matter with KM3NeT | Wim Beenakker/Sasch Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2018-07-15 | Robin Ooijer | A complete cosmic history from Asymptotic Safety | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2018-08-31 | Kathinka Frieswijk | Infrared Triangles Everywhere. | D. Roest | RUG |
2018-08-31 | Jolien Diekema | Higher order derivative gravitational theories in the metric and Palatini formalisms | D. Roest | RUG |
2018-08-31 | Hilbrand Kuindersma | Detecting Muons at LHCb Upgrade Conditions | C.J.G. Onderwater | RUG |
2018-06-29 | Melvin van den Bout | Renormalization Group Equations and Predictions for New Higgs Inflation | M. Postma | UvA/VU |
2018-06-22 | Stephen Runderkamp | Investigating post-LHC hadronic interaction models and their predictions of cosmic ray shower observables | M.P. Decowski | UvA/VU |
2018-08-30 | Katherine Mc Ewan | Neutron Detection Using a Small Dual-Phase Liquid Xenon TPC and a Liquid Organic Scintillator | A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2018-06-28 | Sizar Aziz | Mixed harmonics in QGP traces | P. Christakoglou | UvA/VU |
2018-08-22 | Giovanni Banelli | Indirect search of new physics through rare B decays involving tau leptons | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2018-07-03 | Jordy Butter | Determining the branching fraction of B0 -> Pi Ds | N. Tuning | UvA/VU |
2018-08-28 | Aidan Kelly | Study of the sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to constrain the Higgs coupling to b-quarks | I. van Vulpen | UvA/VU |
2018-06-26 | Rasa Muller | Hydrophone characterization for the KM3NeT experiment | R. Bruijn | UvA/VU |
2018-09-29 | Athul Muralidhar | Study of oscillons in 1+1D with a gentle introduction to multi- component oscillon models | M. Postma | UvA/VU |
2018-07-17 | Jasper Nobelen | On the modulations of radioactive decay | A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
2018-09-26 | Michiel Rollier | Finding Echoes: The characterisation of gravitational-wave echoes and the investigation of a morphology-independent data analysis method | C. Van Den Broeck | UvA/VU |
2018-09-28 | Jordan Seneca | Models of Particle Signatures in KM3NeT ORCA | R. Bruijn | UvA/VU |
2018-07-17 | Mitch Vonk | Machine Learning in XENON1T's search for dark matter | M.P. Decowski | UvA/VU |
2018-07-17 | Lieselotte de Waardt | Signatures of cosmic ray interactions in the KM3NeT neutrino detector | R. Bruijn | UvA/VU |
2018-08-02 | Steven Zindel | Balancefunction analysis at the LHC on run 2 data | P. Christakoglou | UvA/VU |
2018-12-21 | Manuel Wierda | Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis | J. Rojo | UvA/VU |
Date | Name | Title | Supervisor | University |
2017 | K.D. van Teutem | PMT calibrations and radon measurements in a liquid xenon time projection chamber | A.P. Colijn, E. Hogenbirk | UU |
2017-09-05 | Manon Verra | Feasibility and Quality Assessment of Model-based Respiratory Motion Compensation in Positron Emission Tomography | Andre Mischke | UU |
2017-08-23 | Luuk Vermunt | Open heavy-flavour production in high-energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN-LHC energies | Andre Mischke | UU |
2017-02-01 | Lennart van Doremalen | Beauty of the Quark Gluon Plasma Prospect for B0 measurement in ALICE | Andre Mischke | UU |
2017-04-21 | G. S. P. Wiersema | Using the B0 → K±π ∓ channel as normalization in the search for the charged lepton flavor violating B0 (s) → e ±µ ∓ decay | C.J.G. Onderwater | RUG |
2017-07-31 | S. van der Woude | Radiative Symmetry Breaking in minimal Conformally Invariant extensions of the Standard Model | D. Boer | RUG |
2017-07-31 | J. Heit | Exploring GPU-Computing to Accellerate Vertex Finding in Particle Physics | C.J.G. Onderwater | RUG |
2017-07-31 | D.R. Löke | The scalar spectrum of non-Abelian gauge theories below the conformal window | E. Pallante | RUG |
2017-07-31 | D.D. Rouwhorst | Equivalence between the Bender–Wu method and the quantum normal form method | E. Pallante | RUG |
2017-11-11 | M.J. Veen | A fast tool to predict peaking and semi-peaking backgrounds in two body decay processes | C.J.G. Onderwater | RUG |
2017-11-11 | J.R.E. Baarslag | A fast simulation model for mass spectrum shapes of particle decays in high-energy physics experiments | C.J.G. Onderwater | RUG |
2017-11-23 | J. Ellen | Varying constants and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model | A. Borschevsky | RUG |
2017-11-23 | I. Bouisaghouane | The Schrodinger method for Large-Scale Structure | D. Roest and R. vd Weygaert | RUG |
2017-11-23 | T. Meijknecht | Narrow linewidth lasers to drive narrow Ba+ ion transitions | L. Willmann | RUG |
2017-12-19 | K.J.D. Hakvoort | The equivalence between second-order, Ostrogradsky-free (Galileon) Lagrangians and regular first-order theories | D. Roest and H. Waalkens | RUG |
2017-??-?? | K. Dirksen | Unifying Conformal Gravity and the Standard Model of particle physics | E. Pallante | RUG |
2017-10-09 | Laurens Verhoeven | Lepton Flavor Violating Higgs | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2017-08-30 | Eleftheria Malami | CP Violation in B^0→ pi^0 K_S As A Probe of New Physics | Robert Fleischer | UvA/VU |
2017-08-23 | Bram Schermer | Understanding the time-over-threshold behaviour of KM3NeT photo-multipliers | Ronald Bruijn | UvA/VU |
2017-07-26 | Jonathan Mo | Quark/gluon jets discrimination using thrust at NNLL | Wouter Waalewijn | UvA/VU |
2017-07-01 | Bas Jongewaard | Effect of detector angular resolution and surface area on the accuracy of pinpointing the neutrino signal | Aart Heijboer | UvA/VU |
2017-07-01 | Arjen Wildeboer | XENON1T Threshold Analysis | Patrick Decowski | UvA/VU |
2017-06-30 | Joran Angevaare | Search for modulations on in the decay rate of radioactive sources | Auke-Pieter Colijn | UvA/VU |
2017-06-26 | F.M. Springer | Symmetries of the Standard Model | Piet Mulders | UvA/VU |
2017-06-15 | Wesley Poland | Opportunities for iodine-agent dose reduction with Medipix3RX Spectral X-ray | Els Koffeman | UvA/VU |
2017-03-10 | Eline Wieldraaijer | Characterization of photomultiplier tubes using a laser setup and muon energy reconstruction for ORCA based on the length of the track | Dorothea Samtleben | UvA/VU |
2017-03-01 | John Hoang | Characterization of Silicon PhotoMultipliers for the Cherenkov Telescope Array | David Berge | UvA/VU |
2017-01-31 | Dimitra Andreou | Development of a testing system for the Silicon Pixel Detectors of the Inner Tracking System of ALICE | Paul de Jong | UvA/VU |
2017-09-01 | Wouter Houthoff | Safe Spheres and where to find them | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2017-06-28 | Jorn Biemans | Renormalization group flows of gravity and gravity-matter systems on foliated spacetimes | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
2017-03-16 | Oscar Boher Luna | The Abelian Higgs Model: Unitarity in the unitary gauge | Ronald Kleiss | RU Nijmegen |
2017-01-27 | Alex Campà | Searching for Dark Matter gamma-ray signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT data | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
2017-01-12 | Ruud Peeters | Experimental and Theoretical (Fine-Tuning) Constraints on pMSSM Models | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
Date | Name | Title | Supervisor | University |
9 Feb 2016 | Melissa van Beekveld | Possible Indirect Detection of Dark Matter and its impact on LHC Supersymmetry searches | Sascha Caron and Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
18 Jul 2016 | Fleur Versteegen | Quantum Gravity corrections to the Unruh effect | Frank Saueressig | RU Nijmegen |
26 Aug 2016 | Han van der Pluijm | 'On the interpretation of the quantum wave function' | Ronald Kleiss | RU Nijmegen |
9 Sept 2016 | Daphne van den Elzen | The link between a vacuum diagram and the renormalization group equation | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
3 Nov 2016 | Milo Vermeulen. | Calcium Enrichment for the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay | Nicolo de Groot | RU Nijmegen |
15 Dec 2016 | David Venhoek | Quantum vacua in curved spacetime | Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
24 Nov 2016 | Bob Stienen | SUSY-AI | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
1 Sept 2016 | Antonio Condorelli | Selftrigger of Radio Signals from Cosmic Rays in Pierre Auger | Charles Timmermans together with University of Catania | RU Nijmegen |
5 Dec 2015 | Luc Hendriks | A description of the Galactic Center excess in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model | Sascha Caron (with Bram Achterberg, Astro) | RU Nijmegen |
27 Aug 2015 | Gillian Lustermans | The Landau-Yang theorem in Quantum Chromodynamics | W.J.P. Beenakker, R.H.P. Kleiss | RU Nijmegen |
31 Aug 2015 | Jelmer van Amen | General Search in ATLAS | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
31 Mar 2015 | Jeroen Schouwenberg | Missing momentum reconstruction at Level 1 with a Kalman Filter | Sascha Caron | RU Nijmegen |
31 Oct 2015 | Chris Ripken | Curvature on the noncommutative tangent bundle | Ronald Kleiss and Wim Beenakker | RU Nijmegen |
Dec 1, 2016 | M. Roelfs | On the eigenvalue distribution of the SYK model | K.Papadodimas | RUG |
Sep 19, 2016 | R. Kappert | Electron identification efficiency in Bs0 -> emu | C.J.G. Onderwater | RUG |
Sep 15, 2016 | J. Hussels | Molecular hyperfine structure and the electron EDM | S. Hoekstra | RUG |
Aug 1, 2016 | J.G. Bakker | Towards an effective field theory for proton decay | R.G.E. Timmermans | RUG |
Aug 1, 2016 | F. Oosterhof | Neutron-antineutron oscillations in chiral perturbation theory (Lorentz prize Theoretical Physics 2015/16) | R.G.E. Timmermans | RUG |
Mar, 2016 | L. L. Robroek | Framing the Conformal Window | E. Pallante | RUG |
2016 | K. van der Schoor | Electronic structure of element 123 | A. Borschevsky | RUG |
Aug 30, 2016 | T. van Daalen | Bridging the Mass Gap - Probing Compressed Electroweak Supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider | W. Verkerke | UvA/VU |
Aug 24, 2016 | R.L. Jaarsma | New Strategy to Extract the CP-violating Phase phi_s from Bs → K-K+ | R. Fleischer | UvA/VU |
Aug 12, 2016 | J.M. Goldstein | Reliability of the Parameterised Test of General Relativity on GW150914 and GW151226 | C. Van Den Broeck | UvA/VU |
Jul 24, 2016 | J.S. Sinninghe Damsté | Next-to-soft techniques in collider physics | E.L.M.P. Laenen | UvA/VU |
Jul 15, 2016 | R. Albers | Event shapes in electron-positron annihilation at NNLO accuracy | E.L.M.P. Laenen | UvA/VU |
Jul 14, 2016 | D. Schenk | Study of Modulations in Radioactive Decay | A.P. Colijn | UvA/VU |
Jul 7, 2016 | A. Topçuoğlu | CUDA-Based Trigger System For The XENON Experiment | M.P. Decowski | UvA/VU |
Jul 2, 2016 | J.B. Zonneveld | Dependence of B meson fragmentation fraction ratio fs/fd on centre-of-mass energy | I. van Vulpen | UvA/VU |
Jun 28, 2016 | C. Ligtenberg | Scattering of polarised W bosons: Measuring the polarised W bosons - Higgs coupling with ATLAS using charged lepton observables | B. van Eijk | UvA/VU |
Jun 23, 2016 | M.M.A. Dietze | Proton Radiography: Prototype Development Towards Clinical Application | E. Koffeman | UvA/VU |
Jun 16, 2016 | M.A. Pronk | The Higgs boson coupling to polarised W bosons in vector boson fusion | B. van Eijk | UvA/VU |
May 8, 2016 | T. Klaver | Construction and analysis of a proton radiography setup using Timepix based time projection chambers for tracking | E. Koffeman | UvA/VU |
Jan 31, 2016 | J.P. Veenkamp | A Precision Optical Calibration Module for IceCube-Gen2 | M.P. Decowski | UvA/VU |
Oct 21, 2015 | P.J.C. Bakker | Search for charged lepton flavor violating Z → τe decays with the ATLAS detector | O. Igonkina | UvA/VU |
Oct 8, 2015 | R. Hutten | Prototype Data Analysis of the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope | P. Kooijman | UvA/VU |
Sept 23, 2015 | M.L. Muusse | Astroparticle physics at the LHC - Dark matter search in ATLAS | D. Berge | UvA/VU |
Aug 28, 2015 | S. Vogel | Calculations of jet substructure | W. Waalewijn | UvA/VU |
Aug 26, 2015 | P.M. Zuidberg dos Mártires | An Exploratory Study of LHCf-triggered Events at ATLAS | D. Berge | UvA/VU |
Aug 11, 2015 | J. Hulsman | Analysis on the Muon Track Reconstruction with the PPM-DU | P. Kooijman | UvA/VU |