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(29 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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! Supervisor
! Supervisor
! University
! University
|Berend van Beuzekom
|Clusterization and background estimation of a direct photon signal in pp collisions at √s=13.6 TeV in ALICE
|Marta Verweij, Alessandro Grelli
|Zach Meredith
|Cost Effective Table-Top Muon Tomography Experiment
|Marta Verweij
|Wouter van Straalen
|Pre-merger sky localization and parameter estimation of binary neutron star inspirals using normalizing flows
|Chris Van Den Broeck, Justin Janquart, A. Kolmus
|Jurriaan Langendorff
|Testing general relativity with gravitational wave parameter estimation using machine learning
|Chris Van Den Broeck, Justin Janquart, A. Kolmus
|Ana Silva Martins
|Early warning for gravitational wave signals from binary neutron star coalescence using field programmable gate arrays
|Chris Van Den Broeck. Marc van der Sluys
|Teun de Theije
|Exploring open charmed hadron production in heavy-ion collisions within the Trajectum theoretical framework
|Alessandro Grelli, Raimond Snellings, Olaf Massen
|Alice Caluisi
|Exploring the behavior of the strong coupling constant through the primary Lund plane for jets of particles detected by the ALICE detector
|Marta Verweij
|Jonno Schoppink
|A  measurement of neutral mesons inside jets in pp - collisions at 5TeV
|Marta Verweij, Alessandro Grelli
|Martijn Barella
|Rotating black holes in Quadratic Gravity
|Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|Anne Timmermans
|GRAND Commissioning and polarization analysis
|Harm Schoorlemmer, Olivier Martineau
|RU Nijmegen
|Tim van Dijk
|Quantum Ghosts Haunting Black Hole Event Horizons
|Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|Bob Truijen
|Detecting Anomalous Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory
|Charles Timmermans, Bob Stienen
|RU Nijmegen
|Floris van Oers
|On The Measurability of Dark Photons in EAS
|Charles Timmermans
|RU Nijmegen
|Nadezhda Dobreva
|Translating Hits to Tracks: Transforming High Energy Physics Experiments
|Sascha Caron
|RU Nijmegen
|Jorn van Voorthuizen
|Multipole Moments in Stationary Spacetimes
|Béatrice Bonga, Annegret Burtscher
|RU Nijmegen
|Bram Ruiter
|Setting the stage for a data-driven background estimation
|Frank Filthaut
|RU Nijmegen
|Pim van Dillen
|Interferometry on inclined air showers
|Harm Schoorlemmer, Katie Mulrey
|RU Nijmegen
|Tom van der Steen
|The Second Order Close Limit Approximation
|Béatrice Bonga, Badri Krishnan
|RU Nijmegen
|Koen Thijssen
|Predicting Bladder Filling Using Deep Learning
|Nicolo de Groot
|RU Nijmegen
|Öykü Tarımeri
|Decoupling of Heavy Fermions in the Scalar Sector
|Wim Beenakker
|RU Nijmegen
|Alwine Delgado
|High-Energy Neutrino Detection from Supernovae
|Aart Heijboer
|Tim Mathijs Kortekaas
|Searching for CP-violating New Physics Signatures in B → V ll decays
|Robert Fleischer
|Robin Kan
|Simulation of high-time-resolution silicon LGAD sensors with Allpix
|Hella Snoek
|Jasper Westbroek
|The chiral magnetic effect in isobaric nuclei at LHC energies
|Panos Christakoglou, Robert Fleischer
|Ioannis Sidiras
|Azimuthal Correlation Studies of Charm and Anti-Charm at LHC Energies
|Panos Christakoglou, Hella Snoek
|Jelmer Mulder
|Seasonal muon variation in the KM3NeT detectors
|Ronald Bruijn
|Heleen Mulder
|Scrutinizing the CKM anomaly within SMEFT and using sterile neutrinos
|Jordy de Vries
|Dylano van Oijen
|Improved modeling and systematic studies for KM3NeT ORCA neutrino oscillation analysis
|Daan van Eijk, Paul de Jong
|Steven Niedenzu
|Constraining the low-x gluon PDF using far-forward neutrinos produced in proton-proton collisions
|Juan Rojo
|Saad el Morabit
|Radiation-Based Electron Momentum Reconstruction in PTOLEMY
|Auke-Pieter Colijn
|Jelmer de Haan
|Position reconstruction with the Hamamatsu R12699-406-M4 PMT
|Auke-Pieter Colijn
|Floris Jan Kamphorst
|Characterising components of the XAMS TPC
|Auke-Pieter Colijn
|Evangelia Nikoloudaki
|Neutrino oscillation analysis with the first data of KM3NeT
|Paul de Jong
|Pranati Kharbanda
|Exploring the gg → ZH process for constraining Wilson coefficients within the SMEFT framework
|Marcel Vreeswijk
|Lisanne Bleiksch
|Optimisation of the Machine Learning-based Event Selection of Higgs Decaying into Two Muons
|Wouter Verkerke
|Isis Hobus
|A dedicated in-DOM muon detector for KM3NeT
|Ronald Bruijn
|Maaike Bakker
|The Impact of the High Luminosity LHC on the SMEFT Parameter Space
|Juan Rojo
|Adrianne Schaus
|Polarized Structure functions with Heavy flavor Corrections for Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at Next-to-Next-Leading Order
|Juan Rojo
|Pim Herbschleb
|Generating hadron level unbinned multivariate observables for EFT fits at the LHC from Machine Learning
|Juan Rojo
|Boudewijn Zwanenburg
|Methods for Calculating Feynman Integrals
|Eric Laenen
|Josep Sola Cava
|The effect of the FPF@LHC on the high-x charm PDF
|Juan Rojo
|Douwe Nobels
|Characterisation of RD-50 HV-CMOS Sensors
|Jory Sonneveld
|Mattia Boscardin
|Bridging the Gap between Proton Decay and the B-anomalies with the Scalar Leptoquark S_3
|Robert Fleischer
|Guido Smit
|Simulating and Analysing Accidental Coincidence Backgrounds in the DARWIN Dark Matter Detector
|Tina Pollmann
|Daan Oppenhuis
|Charge calibration of Timepix4
|Martin van Beuzekom, Kazu Akiba
|Ethan van Woerkom
|Modelling Kilonova Afterglows with Teiresias Radiative Transfer
|Samaya Nissanke
|Dirren van Vlijmen
|Learning the Phases of the cpMSSM
|Wim Beenakker, Jochem Kip
|RU Nijmegen
|Wouter Morren
|Transformer regressing the mass of boosted Higgs bosons decaying to bb
|Frank Filthaut
|RU Nijmegen
|Steven Bos
|Accelerating Trigger Performance of the ALICE Detector Using FPGA-Based Neural Networks
|A. Grelli, M. Rossewij
|Colin Bolle
|Using machine learning for non-prompt D0 analysis
|A. Grelli, R. Snellings
|Eric Teunis de Boone
|Synchronisation Methods for Air Shower Radio Detectors
|Harm Schoorlemmer, Katharine Mulrey
|RU Nijmegen
|Susanne Auwens
|Analysis of LGADs for the High Granularity Timing Detector
|Mengqing Wu
|RU Nijmegen
|Madelief Koster
|Particle detection and direction reconstruction
|Charles Timmermans
|RU Nijmegen
|Tuan Amith
|Particles in 3D Regge Gravity and BMS symmetry
|Timothy Budd, Alicia Castro
|RU Nijmegen
|Robin Rietman
|One-Loop Matching of a Scalar Dark Matter Effective Field Theory
|Susanne Westhoff
|RU Nijmegen
|Guus Korver
|Renormalizing the Graviton 2-Point Function in the Presence of Matter
|Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|Jesse van der Duin
|Curvature Correlations in Quantum Gravity
|Renate Loll
|RU Nijmegen
|Berend Schneider
|Reading the Cosmic Palm: Spinors, the Weyl Tensor Fingerprint, and Mass in General Relativity
|Béatrice Bonga, Gijs Nelemans
|RU Nijmegen
|Bart Peters
|Tidal resonances in extreme mass ratio inspirals
|Béatrice Bonga
|RU Nijmegen
|Mila Keijer
|Conformal symmetry versus quantization of geodesic motion
|Wim Beenakker
|RU Nijmegen
|Bas Slotema
|The production and propagation angles for muon neutrino charged current deep inelastic scattering events
|Wim Beenakker
|RU Nijmegen
|Tom Gerstel
|Simulating Quantum Gravity
|Timothy Budd
|RU Nijmegen
|Thoman Meeusen
|Describing hyperbolic surfaces with decorated tree graphs
|Timothy Budd
|RU Nijmegen
|Martijn Velders
|PTOLEMY Project: Graphene-Based Particle Detector
|Nicolo de Groot, U. Zeitler
|RU Nijmegen
|Jasper Jacobs
|pMSSM stau search at ATLAS
|Wim Beenakker, Cristina Galea, Melissa van Beekveld
|RU Nijmegen
|Julian Franssen
|Sascha Caron
|RU Nijmegen
|Ilija Milutin
|Probing New Physics using heavy charged leptons in B-meson decays A discussion of B → Kτ τ decays
|Wim Beenakker, Frank Filthaut
|RU Nijmegen
|W. Rijk
|Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of Quenched Jets with the LSTM and OC-SVM
|M. Verweij, F. de Almeida Dias
|N. Runge
|Studies for KM3NeT-ORCA Performance for Dark Matter Detection
|S. du Pree, P. de Jong
|N. Koster
|Feasibility study of Ω++ detection in proton-proton ccc
collisions with ALICE 3 using Strangeness Tracking
|P. Christakoglou, H. Snoek
|J. Groot
|Probing CP-Violating New Physics in Bd0 →φKS andBs0 →φφ
|R. Fleischer
|C. Tsolanta
|Characterisation and Time resolution measurements of the RD50-MPW2 monolithic silicon pixel sensor
|J. Sonneveld
|M. Arkin
|Modelling aperture effects in optical cavities
|A. Freise
|M. Janssen
|Characterizing Trench-Isolated Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (TI-LGADs)
|M. van Beuzekom, K. Akiba, A.P. Colijn
|M.L.E. Heidotting
|Towards a Muon Tomography System for Spent Nuclear Fuel
|J.M. Sonneveld, M. Fransen
|M.N. Stapel
|Probing Hadronic CP Violation with Paramagnetic Electric Dipole Moment Experiments
|J. de Vries
|B. Matthaei
|Searching for the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV using the Signed Balance Function
|P. Christakoglou, R. Feischer
|C. van der Stappen
|Acoustic Neutrino Reconstruction Using Matched Filtering
|E.J. Buis, I. van Vulpen
|A.C. Sidley
|Λ0b → Λ0l+l− at high-q2
|N. Tuning, M. Senghi-Soares
|F.E. Pennartz
|Measurement of the fine-structure constant with Positronium annihilation
|A.P. Colijn
|M. Rustenburg
|From microscopic symmetries to a macroscopic toy Universe
|J. de Vries
|F. Haslbeck
|Simultaneous SMEFT interpretation of the signal and backgrounds in the
V H, H →b ̄b analysis and ATLAS DSS during the start of LHC Run 3
|T. du Pree, F. de Almeida Dias
|C. Fuselli
|Beta decays in XENONnT
|M.P. Decowski, A.P. Colijn
|K. Weerman
|Non-thermal production of Dark Matter during preheating after multifield inflation via a non- minimally coupled gauge singlet scalar
|M. Postma, C. Weniger
|Olaf Massen
|To the Standard Model and beyond; A theoretical and experimental study of Leptoquark phenomenology and its traces in LFV B → τμ decays in theory and with LHCb
|R.J.M. Snellings, A. Grelli, J. de Vries, M. Lucio Martinez
|Maurice Jongerhuis
|Performance study of future Λ<sup>0</sup><sub>b</sub> production with ALICE3
|P. Christakoglou, M. Verweij
|Kolja Kuijpers
|Constructing and bounding the solutions of Quantum Gravity with the Event Horizon Telescope
|Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|Finn ten Hove
|Putting a stop to searches for supersymmetric particles
|Wim Beenakker, M.C. van Beekveld, Cristina Galea
|RU Nijmegen
|Luc Builtjes
|Optimising Neural Networks for Classification of tttt-Events in the LHC
|Sascha Caron / Bob Stienen
|RU Nijmegen
|Stefan de Wit
| Decoupling Heavy Fermions in the Scalar Sector:  Choosing an Appropriate Renormalization Scheme
|Wim Beenakker
|RU Nijmegen
|Brian Mc Gloughlin
|Gravitational Waves from Newly Born Magnetars
|Béatrice Bonga
|RU Nijmegen
| 2022-06
|Inge van Rens
|Spectral slope as a measure for Xmax
|Charles Timmermans
|RU Nijmegen
| 2022-06
|Brian McGloughlin
|Gravitational Waves from Newly Born Magnetars
|Badri Krishnan / Béatrice Bonga
|RU Nijmegen
|Maikel Magnée
| Alternative models matched to the data of GW150914
|Badri Krishnan / Béatrice Bonga
|RU Nijmegen
|Henk Brans
| Cherenkov-Ring Energy Estimation
|Charles Timmermans
|RU Nijmegen
Line 14: Line 588:
|Characterization of the electrostatic Radon Monitor in XAMS
|Characterization of the electrostatic Radon Monitor in XAMS
|S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn
|S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn
| UvA/VU
Line 28: Line 602:
| 2021-07
|Maricke Flierman
|Maricke Flierman
|The Electroweak Phase Transition: an investigation of a first-order phase transition with an additional real scalar singlet field
|The Electroweak Phase Transition: an investigation of a first-order phase transition with an additional real scalar singlet field
Line 40: Line 614:
| 2021-07
|Anastasios Papadopoulos
|Anastasios Papadopoulos
|Beauty Λ production in ALICE with the upgraded ITS
|Beauty Λ production in ALICE with the upgraded ITS
Line 48: Line 622:
|Pepijn Clarijs
|Pepijn Clarijs
|Optimizing an Artificial Neural Network for the Measurement of H → bb-bar
| Optimizing an Artificial Neural Network for the Measurement of H → bb-bar
with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider
with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider
Line 58: Line 632:
|Axion Cosmology
|Axion Cosmology
|M. Postma, B. Freivogel
|M. Postma, B. Freivogel
| UvA/VU
| 2021-07
|Cas van Veen
|Cas van Veen
|Simulation studies of electron-hadron separation with a preshower detector for ALICE 3 at the LHC
|Simulation studies of electron-hadron separation with a preshower detector for ALICE 3 at the LHC
|M. van Leeuwen, H. Snoek
|M. van Leeuwen, H. Snoek
| UvA/VU
Line 91: Line 665:
|Maarten Hammer
| Maarten Hammer
|Performance test of the KM3NeT track reconstruction software on ANTARES Monte Carlo data
|Performance test of the KM3NeT track reconstruction software on ANTARES Monte Carlo data
|M. de Jong, P. de Jong
|M. de Jong, P. de Jong
| UvA/VU
Line 107: Line 681:
proportional scintillation in liquid xenon
proportional scintillation in liquid xenon
|S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn
|S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn
| UvA/VU
|Annabel Wolf
|Annabel Wolf
|Optical System Design of the Einstein Telescope Pathfinder
|Optical System Design of the Einstein Telescope Pathfinder
|F. Linde, A.P. Colijn
| F. Linde, A.P. Colijn
Line 123: Line 697:
|Loek Meijers
|Loek Meijers
|Feasibility Study on the reconstruction of heavy neutral D-mesons with data collected by the ALICE detector at CERN LHC
| Feasibility Study on the reconstruction of heavy neutral D-mesons with data collected by the ALICE detector at CERN LHC
|A. Grelli, H. Zanoli
|A. Grelli, H. Zanoli
| 2021-12
|Willem van der Feltz
|Willem van der Feltz
|Master coupling to two-dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations
|Master coupling to two-dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations
|Renate Loll / Joren Brunekreef / Claus Kiefer
| Renate Loll / Joren Brunekreef / Claus Kiefer
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 146: Line 720:
|Camille van Speybroeck
| Camille van Speybroeck
|Implementation of low-field permanent magnet Halbach array MRI
|Implementation of low-field permanent magnet Halbach array MRI
|Mengqing WU / A.G. Webb
|Mengqing WU / A.G. Webb
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2021-9
|Joost Remie
|Joost Remie
|Calculating Love numbers using black hole perturbation theory
|Calculating Love numbers using black hole perturbation theory
|Béatrice Bonga  
|Béatrice Bonga
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 182: Line 756:
|Guus Reijns
| Guus Reijns
|The role of renormalization schemes in the context of the SM Hierarchy Problem
|The role of renormalization schemes in the context of the SM Hierarchy Problem
|Wim Beenakker
|Wim Beenakker
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2021-7
|Bart Zonneveld
|Bart Zonneveld
|A Local Vacuum in De Sitter Space
|A Local Vacuum in De Sitter Space
Line 214: Line 788:
|Tom Draper
|Tom Draper
|Asymptotically Safe Amplitudes
|Asymptotically Safe Amplitudes
|Frank Saueressig / Benjamin Knorr / Chris Ripken
| Frank Saueressig / Benjamin Knorr / Chris Ripken
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 233: Line 807:
! University
Line 239: Line 813:
|Stopping Muons at ProtoDUNE
|Stopping Muons at ProtoDUNE
|Frank Filthaut
|Frank Filthaut
|RU Nijmegen
| RU Nijmegen
|Jeremy de Wit
| Jeremy de Wit
|Comparisons of computational tools for the muon anomalous magnetic moment within the pMSSM
|Comparisons of computational tools for the muon anomalous magnetic moment within the pMSSM
|Wim Beenakker/Melissa van Beekveld/Marrit Schutten
|Wim Beenakker/Melissa van Beekveld/Marrit Schutten
Line 265: Line 839:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2020-01
|Lieke van Dijk
|Lieke van Dijk
|Branching ratio calculations for B0s → µ+µ−
|Branching ratio calculations for B0s → µ+µ−
Line 290: Line 864:
|Yoran Yeh
| Yoran Yeh
|CP Violating New Physics in QCD Penguin Diagrams for B-Decays
|CP Violating New Physics in QCD Penguin Diagrams for B-Decays
|R. Fleischer
|R. Fleischer
Line 299: Line 873:
|Extracting Hadronic Parameters from Branching Ratios in Non-Leptonic D Decays
|Extracting Hadronic Parameters from Branching Ratios in Non-Leptonic D Decays
|R. Fleischer
|R. Fleischer
| UvA/VU
| 2020-8
|Sumedha Biswas
|Sumedha Biswas
|Detecting Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves
|Detecting Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves
|S.E. Caudill
|S.E. Caudill
| UvA/VU
Line 323: Line 897:
|Variance reduced monte-carlo simulation for neutrons in XENON
|Variance reduced monte-carlo simulation for neutrons in XENON
|A.P. Colijn
|A.P. Colijn
| UvA/VU
Line 338: Line 912:
|Marten Barel
| Marten Barel
|Controlling penguin contributions to CP violation in B⁰→J/ψX decays
|Controlling penguin contributions to CP violation in B⁰→J/ψX decays
|R. Fleischer, P. Christakoglou, R.J.M. Snellings
|R. Fleischer, P. Christakoglou, R.J.M. Snellings
Line 369: Line 943:
! Title
|Paul Renes
| Paul Renes
|The description of high-energy electromagnetic cascades in a highly granular digital calorimeter
|The description of high-energy electromagnetic cascades in a highly granular digital calorimeter
|Thomas Peitzmann, Marco Spruit, Naomi van der Kolk
|Thomas Peitzmann, Marco Spruit, Naomi van der Kolk
| UU
Line 388: Line 962:
|Thomas Mons
|Thomas Mons
|The modulation experiment: searching for trends in radioactive decays
|The modulation experiment: searching for trends in radioactive decays
|Auke Pieter Colijn
| Auke Pieter Colijn
Line 416: Line 990:
|Thijs Dieperink
| Thijs Dieperink
|Supersymmetric neutralino Dark Matter search using machine learning techniques with the ATLAS detector
|Supersymmetric neutralino Dark Matter search using machine learning techniques with the ATLAS detector
|Paul de Jong
|Paul de Jong
Line 423: Line 997:
|Iris de Ruiter
|Iris de Ruiter
|Incorporating machine learning algorithms that provide information on noise features in the search for compact binary coalescence
| Incorporating machine learning algorithms that provide information on noise features in the search for compact binary coalescence
|Sarah Caudill
|Sarah Caudill
Line 461: Line 1,035:
|Neutral Meson and Jet Reconstruction in Heavy Ion Physics
|Neutral Meson and Jet Reconstruction in Heavy Ion Physics
|Thomas Peitzmann
|Thomas Peitzmann
| UvA/VU
Line 471: Line 1,045:
|Manuel Wierda
|Manuel Wierda
|Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis
| Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis
|Juan Rojo
|Juan Rojo
Line 502: Line 1,076:
|Lando Bosma
|Lando Bosma
|Towards resolving singularities in Asymptotic Safety
|Towards resolving singularities in Asymptotic Safety
|Benjamin Knorr, Frank Saueressig
| Benjamin Knorr, Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
|Derryk Schieck
|Derryk Schieck
| N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and its deformations a functional renormalisation approach
|N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and its deformations a functional renormalisation approach
|Frank Saueressig
|Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2019-04
|Berend Visser
|Berend Visser
|Observers in Curved-Spacetime Quantum Field Theory
|Observers in Curved-Spacetime Quantum Field Theory
Line 530: Line 1,104:
! Name
Line 542: Line 1,116:
|P.W. Gaemers
| P.W. Gaemers
|D*+ Meson Nuclear Modification Factor in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
|D*+ Meson Nuclear Modification Factor in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
|A. Grelli, A. Mischke
|A. Grelli, A. Mischke
Line 556: Line 1,130:
|Misha Fedorov
|Misha Fedorov
|On the physical beam aperture in the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment
|On the physical beam aperture in the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment
|Frank Filthaut
| Frank Filthaut
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 565: Line 1,139:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2018-08-29
|Sjoerd Ypma
|Sjoerd Ypma
|Search for the perfect variable to find new physics in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV.
|Search for the perfect variable to find new physics in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV.
Line 571: Line 1,145:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2018-08-23
|Jonas Wuerzinger
|Jonas Wuerzinger
|Scanning the phenomenological MSSM - Re-evaluating the ATLAS experiment’s sensitivity to Supersymmetry with LHC Run 2 data in a dedicated 3rd generation squarks scan
|Scanning the phenomenological MSSM - Re-evaluating the ATLAS experiment’s sensitivity to Supersymmetry with LHC Run 2 data in a dedicated 3rd generation squarks scan
Line 578: Line 1,152:
|Levi Sleegers
| Levi Sleegers
|Using Countercurrent electromigration to enrich calcium 48
|Using Countercurrent electromigration to enrich calcium 48
|Nicolo de Groot
|Nicolo de Groot
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2018-12-31
|Sjors Heefer
|Sjors Heefer
|Advancements on the covariance of the k-Poincare model and Relative Locality", titel master scriptie Obster: "Exploring the Canonical Tensor Model
| Advancements on the covariance of the k-Poincare model and Relative Locality", titel master scriptie Obster: "Exploring the Canonical Tensor Model
|G. Gubitosi/Renate Loll
|G. Gubitosi/Renate Loll
|RU Nijmegen
| RU Nijmegen
Line 593: Line 1,167:
|Het experimenteel bepalen van een massalimiet voor neutralino's
|Het experimenteel bepalen van een massalimiet voor neutralino's
|Wim Beenakker
|Wim Beenakker
|RU Nijmegen
| RU Nijmegen
Line 601: Line 1,175:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2018-09-12
|Dennis Obster
|Dennis Obster
|The Canonical Tensor Model, spaces and symmetries
|The Canonical Tensor Model, spaces and symmetries
Line 611: Line 1,185:
|Dark Matter with KM3NeT
|Dark Matter with KM3NeT
|Wim Beenakker/Sasch Caron
|Wim Beenakker/Sasch Caron
|RU Nijmegen
| RU Nijmegen
|Robin Ooijer
|Robin Ooijer
| A complete cosmic history from Asymptotic Safety
|A complete cosmic history from Asymptotic Safety
|Frank Saueressig
|Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 2018-08-31
|Kathinka Frieswijk
|Kathinka Frieswijk
|[http://fse.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/18648/ Infrared Triangles Everywhere.]
|[http://fse.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/18648/ Infrared Triangles Everywhere.]
Line 625: Line 1,199:
| 2018-08-31
|Jolien Diekema
|Jolien Diekema
|[http://fse.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/18791/ Higher order derivative gravitational theories in the metric and Palatini formalisms]
|[http://fse.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/18791/ Higher order derivative gravitational theories in the metric and Palatini formalisms]
|D. Roest
|D. Roest
Line 659: Line 1,233:
|Mixed harmonics in QGP traces
|Mixed harmonics in QGP traces
|P. Christakoglou
|P. Christakoglou
| UvA/VU
|Giovanni Banelli
| Giovanni Banelli
|Indirect search of new physics through rare B decays involving tau leptons
|Indirect search of new physics through rare B decays involving tau leptons
|R. Fleischer
|R. Fleischer
Line 670: Line 1,244:
|Jordy Butter
|Jordy Butter
|Determining the branching fraction of B0 -> Pi Ds
|Determining the branching fraction of B0 -> Pi Ds
|N. Tuning
| N. Tuning
| UvA/VU
Line 682: Line 1,256:
|Rasa Muller
|Rasa Muller
|Hydrophone characterization for the KM3NeT experiment
|Hydrophone characterization for the KM3NeT experiment
|R. Bruijn
| R. Bruijn
| 2018-09-29
|Athul Muralidhar
|Athul Muralidhar
|Study of oscillons in 1+1D with a gentle introduction to multi- component oscillon models
|Study of oscillons in 1+1D with a gentle introduction to multi- component oscillon models
Line 697: Line 1,271:
| 2018-09-26
|Michiel Rollier
|Michiel Rollier
|Finding Echoes: The characterisation of gravitational-wave echoes and the investigation of a morphology-independent data analysis method
| Finding Echoes: The characterisation of gravitational-wave echoes and the investigation of a morphology-independent data analysis method
|C. Van Den Broeck
|C. Van Den Broeck
Line 729: Line 1,303:
|Manuel Wierda
|Manuel Wierda
|Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis
| Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis
|J. Rojo
|J. Rojo
Line 757: Line 1,331:
| 2017-08-23
|Luuk Vermunt
|Luuk Vermunt
|[https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/353243 Open heavy-flavour production in high-energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN-LHC energies]
|[https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/353243 Open heavy-flavour production in high-energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN-LHC energies]
Line 763: Line 1,337:
| 2017-02-01
|Lennart van Doremalen
|Lennart van Doremalen
|[https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/348004 Beauty of the Quark Gluon Plasma Prospect for B0 measurement in ALICE]
|[https://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/348004 Beauty of the Quark Gluon Plasma Prospect for B0 measurement in ALICE]
|Andre Mischke
|Andre Mischke
| UU
Line 782: Line 1,356:
|J. Heit
| J. Heit
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/5968ccf06a286 Exploring GPU-Computing to Accellerate Vertex Finding in Particle Physics]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/5968ccf06a286 Exploring GPU-Computing to Accellerate Vertex Finding in Particle Physics]
|C.J.G. Onderwater
| C.J.G. Onderwater
Line 803: Line 1,377:
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/597b05e639898 A fast tool to predict peaking and semi-peaking backgrounds in two body decay processes]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/597b05e639898 A fast tool to predict peaking and semi-peaking backgrounds in two body decay processes]
|C.J.G. Onderwater
|C.J.G. Onderwater
Line 811: Line 1,385:
| 2017-11-23
|J. Ellen
| J. Ellen
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/599184331fb4a Varying constants and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/599184331fb4a Varying constants and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model]
|A. Borschevsky
|A. Borschevsky
Line 824: Line 1,398:
|T. Meijknecht
| T. Meijknecht
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/595cb6dc95c79 Narrow linewidth lasers to drive narrow Ba+ ion transitions]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/595cb6dc95c79 Narrow linewidth lasers to drive narrow Ba+ ion transitions]
|L. Willmann
|L. Willmann
Line 836: Line 1,410:
|K. Dirksen
| K. Dirksen
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/58c2af64435b3 Unifying Conformal Gravity and the Standard Model of particle physics]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/58c2af64435b3 Unifying Conformal Gravity and the Standard Model of particle physics]
|E. Pallante
|E. Pallante
Line 847: Line 1,421:
| 2017-08-30
|Eleftheria Malami
|Eleftheria Malami
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f315974635.pdf CP Violation in B^0→ pi^0 K_S As A Probe of New Physics]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f315974635.pdf CP Violation in B^0→ pi^0 K_S As A Probe of New Physics]
Line 854: Line 1,428:
|Bram Schermer
| Bram Schermer
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f1098506599.pdf Understanding the time-over-threshold behaviour of KM3NeT photo-multipliers]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f1098506599.pdf Understanding the time-over-threshold behaviour of KM3NeT photo-multipliers]
|Ronald Bruijn
|Ronald Bruijn
Line 878: Line 1,452:
|Joran Angevaare
| Joran Angevaare
|Search for modulations on in the decay rate of radioactive sources
|Search for modulations on in the decay rate of radioactive sources
|Auke-Pieter Colijn
|Auke-Pieter Colijn
Line 899: Line 1,473:
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f873479973.pdf Characterization of photomultiplier tubes using a laser setup and muon energy reconstruction for ORCA based on the length of the track]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f873479973.pdf Characterization of photomultiplier tubes using a laser setup and muon energy reconstruction for ORCA based on the length of the track]
|Dorothea Samtleben
|Dorothea Samtleben
| UvA/VU
Line 911: Line 1,485:
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f833323796.pdf Development of a testing system for the Silicon Pixel Detectors of the Inner Tracking System of ALICE]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f833323796.pdf Development of a testing system for the Silicon Pixel Detectors of the Inner Tracking System of ALICE]
|Paul de Jong
|Paul de Jong
| UvA/VU
|Wouter Houthoff
|Wouter Houthoff
|Safe Spheres and where to find them
|Safe Spheres and where to find them
|Frank Saueressig
| Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 922: Line 1,496:
|Jorn Biemans
|Jorn Biemans
|Renormalization group flows of gravity and gravity-matter systems on foliated spacetimes
|Renormalization group flows of gravity and gravity-matter systems on foliated spacetimes
|Frank Saueressig
| Frank Saueressig
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 932: Line 1,506:
| 2017-01-27
|Alex Campà
|Alex Campà
|Searching for Dark Matter gamma-ray signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT data
|Searching for Dark Matter gamma-ray signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT data
|Sascha Caron
|Sascha Caron
|RU Nijmegen
| RU Nijmegen
Line 942: Line 1,516:
|Experimental and Theoretical (Fine-Tuning) Constraints on pMSSM Models
|Experimental and Theoretical (Fine-Tuning) Constraints on pMSSM Models
|Sascha Caron
|Sascha Caron
|RU Nijmegen
| RU Nijmegen
Line 951: Line 1,525:
! Title
| 9 Feb 2016
|9 Feb 2016
|Melissa van Beekveld
|Melissa van Beekveld
|Possible Indirect Detection of Dark Matter and its impact on LHC Supersymmetry searches
|Possible Indirect Detection of Dark Matter and its impact on LHC Supersymmetry searches
Line 961: Line 1,535:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
|18 Jul 2016
| 18 Jul 2016
|Fleur Versteegen
|Fleur Versteegen
|Quantum Gravity corrections to the Unruh effect
|Quantum Gravity corrections to the Unruh effect
Line 970: Line 1,544:
|Han van der Pluijm
|Han van der Pluijm
|'On the interpretation of the quantum wave function'
|'On the interpretation of the quantum wave function'
|Ronald Kleiss
| Ronald Kleiss
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 9 Sept 2016
|9 Sept 2016
|Daphne van den Elzen
|Daphne van den Elzen
|The link between a vacuum diagram and the renormalization group equation
|The link between a vacuum diagram and the renormalization group equation
Line 979: Line 1,553:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 3 Nov 2016
|3 Nov 2016
|Milo Vermeulen.
|Milo Vermeulen.
|Calcium Enrichment for the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
|Calcium Enrichment for the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Line 985: Line 1,559:
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
|15 Dec 2016
| 15 Dec 2016
|David Venhoek
|David Venhoek
|Quantum vacua in curved spacetime
|Quantum vacua in curved spacetime
Line 993: Line 1,567:
|24 Nov 2016
|24 Nov 2016
|Bob Stienen
|Bob Stienen
|Sascha Caron
|Sascha Caron
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 1 Sept 2016
|1 Sept 2016
|Antonio Condorelli
| Antonio Condorelli
|Selftrigger of Radio Signals from Cosmic Rays in Pierre Auger
|Selftrigger of Radio Signals from Cosmic Rays in Pierre Auger
|Charles Timmermans together with University of Catania
| Charles Timmermans together with University of Catania
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
| 5 Dec 2015
| 5 Dec 2015
|Luc Hendriks
|Luc Hendriks
| A description of the Galactic Center excess in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
|A description of the Galactic Center excess in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
|Sascha Caron (with Bram Achterberg, Astro)
|Sascha Caron (with Bram Achterberg, Astro)
|RU Nijmegen
|RU Nijmegen
Line 1,043: Line 1,617:
|[http://scripties.fwn.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/scripties/Natuurkunde/Master/2016/Kappert.R./PIDe_efficiency.pdf Electron identification efficiency in Bs0 -> emu]
|[http://scripties.fwn.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/FILES/scripties/Natuurkunde/Master/2016/Kappert.R./PIDe_efficiency.pdf Electron identification efficiency in Bs0 -> emu]
|C.J.G. Onderwater
|C.J.G. Onderwater
|Sep 15, 2016
| Sep 15, 2016
|J. Hussels
|J. Hussels
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/5799d3ad4eb31 Molecular hyperfine structure and the electron EDM]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/5799d3ad4eb31 Molecular hyperfine structure and the electron EDM]
Line 1,051: Line 1,625:
|Aug 1, 2016
| Aug 1, 2016
|J.G. Bakker
|J.G. Bakker
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/57c6bd1f1f897 Towards an effective field theory for proton decay]
|[http://irs.ub.rug.nl/dbi/57c6bd1f1f897 Towards an effective field theory for proton decay]
Line 1,082: Line 1,656:
|Aug 24, 2016
| Aug 24, 2016
|R.L. Jaarsma
|R.L. Jaarsma
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f1697224650.pdf New Strategy to Extract the CP-violating Phase phi_s from Bs → K-K+]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f1697224650.pdf New Strategy to Extract the CP-violating Phase phi_s from Bs → K-K+]
|R. Fleischer
|R. Fleischer
| UvA/VU
|Aug 12, 2016
|Aug 12, 2016
Line 1,098: Line 1,672:
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f98104378.pdf Next-to-soft techniques in collider physics]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f98104378.pdf Next-to-soft techniques in collider physics]
|E.L.M.P. Laenen
|E.L.M.P. Laenen
| UvA/VU
|Jul 15, 2016
|Jul 15, 2016
Line 1,118: Line 1,692:
|Jul 2, 2016
| Jul 2, 2016
|J.B. Zonneveld
|J.B. Zonneveld
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f2043733779.pdf Dependence of B meson fragmentation fraction ratio fs/fd on centre-of-mass energy]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f2043733779.pdf Dependence of B meson fragmentation fraction ratio fs/fd on centre-of-mass energy]
Line 1,124: Line 1,698:
|Jun 28, 2016
| Jun 28, 2016
|C. Ligtenberg
|C. Ligtenberg
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f2052055867.pdf Scattering of polarised W bosons: Measuring the polarised W bosons - Higgs coupling with ATLAS using charged lepton observables]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f2052055867.pdf Scattering of polarised W bosons: Measuring the polarised W bosons - Higgs coupling with ATLAS using charged lepton observables]
Line 1,169: Line 1,743:
|M.L. Muusse
|M.L. Muusse
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f1036614367.pdf Astroparticle physics at the LHC - Dark matter search in ATLAS]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f1036614367.pdf Astroparticle physics at the LHC - Dark matter search in ATLAS]
|D. Berge
| D. Berge
Line 1,182: Line 1,756:
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f197183608.pdf An Exploratory Study of LHCf-triggered Events at ATLAS]
|[https://esc.fnwi.uva.nl/thesis/centraal/files/f197183608.pdf An Exploratory Study of LHCf-triggered Events at ATLAS]
|D. Berge
|D. Berge
| UvA/VU
|Aug 11, 2015
|Aug 11, 2015

Latest revision as of 13:32, 6 February 2025

Master's Theses

Please use reverse chronological order (per University)

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2024-12 Berend van Beuzekom Clusterization and background estimation of a direct photon signal in pp collisions at √s=13.6 TeV in ALICE Marta Verweij, Alessandro Grelli UU
2024-10 Zach Meredith Cost Effective Table-Top Muon Tomography Experiment Marta Verweij UU
2024-07 Wouter van Straalen Pre-merger sky localization and parameter estimation of binary neutron star inspirals using normalizing flows Chris Van Den Broeck, Justin Janquart, A. Kolmus UU
2024-07 Jurriaan Langendorff Testing general relativity with gravitational wave parameter estimation using machine learning Chris Van Den Broeck, Justin Janquart, A. Kolmus UU
2024-07 Ana Silva Martins Early warning for gravitational wave signals from binary neutron star coalescence using field programmable gate arrays Chris Van Den Broeck. Marc van der Sluys UU
2024-04 Teun de Theije Exploring open charmed hadron production in heavy-ion collisions within the Trajectum theoretical framework Alessandro Grelli, Raimond Snellings, Olaf Massen UU
2024-03 Alice Caluisi Exploring the behavior of the strong coupling constant through the primary Lund plane for jets of particles detected by the ALICE detector Marta Verweij UU
2024-02 Jonno Schoppink A measurement of neutral mesons inside jets in pp - collisions at 5TeV Marta Verweij, Alessandro Grelli UU
2024-03 Martijn Barella Rotating black holes in Quadratic Gravity Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2024-07 Anne Timmermans GRAND Commissioning and polarization analysis Harm Schoorlemmer, Olivier Martineau RU Nijmegen
2024-08 Tim van Dijk Quantum Ghosts Haunting Black Hole Event Horizons Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2024-07 Bob Truijen Detecting Anomalous Extensive Air Showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory Charles Timmermans, Bob Stienen RU Nijmegen
2024-09 Floris van Oers On The Measurability of Dark Photons in EAS Charles Timmermans RU Nijmegen
2024-09 Nadezhda Dobreva Translating Hits to Tracks: Transforming High Energy Physics Experiments Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2024-08 Jorn van Voorthuizen Multipole Moments in Stationary Spacetimes Béatrice Bonga, Annegret Burtscher RU Nijmegen
2024-08 Bram Ruiter Setting the stage for a data-driven background estimation Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2024-07 Pim van Dillen Interferometry on inclined air showers Harm Schoorlemmer, Katie Mulrey RU Nijmegen
2024-08 Tom van der Steen The Second Order Close Limit Approximation Béatrice Bonga, Badri Krishnan RU Nijmegen
2024-07 Koen Thijssen Predicting Bladder Filling Using Deep Learning Nicolo de Groot RU Nijmegen
2024-06 Öykü Tarımeri Decoupling of Heavy Fermions in the Scalar Sector Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2023-12 Alwine Delgado High-Energy Neutrino Detection from Supernovae Aart Heijboer UvA/VU
2023-12 Tim Mathijs Kortekaas Searching for CP-violating New Physics Signatures in B → V ll decays Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2023-12 Robin Kan Simulation of high-time-resolution silicon LGAD sensors with Allpix Hella Snoek UvA/VU
2023-10 Jasper Westbroek The chiral magnetic effect in isobaric nuclei at LHC energies Panos Christakoglou, Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2023-10 Ioannis Sidiras Azimuthal Correlation Studies of Charm and Anti-Charm at LHC Energies Panos Christakoglou, Hella Snoek UvA/VU
2023-08 Jelmer Mulder Seasonal muon variation in the KM3NeT detectors Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
2023-08 Heleen Mulder Scrutinizing the CKM anomaly within SMEFT and using sterile neutrinos Jordy de Vries UvA/VU
2023-08 Dylano van Oijen Improved modeling and systematic studies for KM3NeT ORCA neutrino oscillation analysis Daan van Eijk, Paul de Jong UvA/VU
2023-07 Steven Niedenzu Constraining the low-x gluon PDF using far-forward neutrinos produced in proton-proton collisions Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Saad el Morabit Radiation-Based Electron Momentum Reconstruction in PTOLEMY Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Jelmer de Haan Position reconstruction with the Hamamatsu R12699-406-M4 PMT Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Floris Jan Kamphorst Characterising components of the XAMS TPC Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Evangelia Nikoloudaki Neutrino oscillation analysis with the first data of KM3NeT Paul de Jong UvA/VU
2023-07 Pranati Kharbanda Exploring the gg → ZH process for constraining Wilson coefficients within the SMEFT framework Marcel Vreeswijk UvA/VU
2023-07 Lisanne Bleiksch Optimisation of the Machine Learning-based Event Selection of Higgs Decaying into Two Muons Wouter Verkerke UvA/VU
2023-07 Isis Hobus A dedicated in-DOM muon detector for KM3NeT Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
2023-07 Maaike Bakker The Impact of the High Luminosity LHC on the SMEFT Parameter Space Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Adrianne Schaus Polarized Structure functions with Heavy flavor Corrections for Neutral Current Deep Inelastic Scattering at Next-to-Next-Leading Order Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Pim Herbschleb Generating hadron level unbinned multivariate observables for EFT fits at the LHC from Machine Learning Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-07 Boudewijn Zwanenburg Methods for Calculating Feynman Integrals Eric Laenen UvA/VU
2023-06 Josep Sola Cava The effect of the FPF@LHC on the high-x charm PDF Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2023-06 Douwe Nobels Characterisation of RD-50 HV-CMOS Sensors Jory Sonneveld UvA/VU
2023-03 Mattia Boscardin Bridging the Gap between Proton Decay and the B-anomalies with the Scalar Leptoquark S_3 Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2023-01 Guido Smit Simulating and Analysing Accidental Coincidence Backgrounds in the DARWIN Dark Matter Detector Tina Pollmann UvA/VU
2023-01 Daan Oppenhuis Charge calibration of Timepix4 Martin van Beuzekom, Kazu Akiba UvA/VU
2023-01 Ethan van Woerkom Modelling Kilonova Afterglows with Teiresias Radiative Transfer Samaya Nissanke UvA/VU
2023-12 Dirren van Vlijmen Learning the Phases of the cpMSSM Wim Beenakker, Jochem Kip RU Nijmegen
2023-11 Wouter Morren Transformer regressing the mass of boosted Higgs bosons decaying to bb Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Steven Bos Accelerating Trigger Performance of the ALICE Detector Using FPGA-Based Neural Networks A. Grelli, M. Rossewij UU
2023-06 Colin Bolle Using machine learning for non-prompt D0 analysis A. Grelli, R. Snellings UU
2023-11 Eric Teunis de Boone Synchronisation Methods for Air Shower Radio Detectors Harm Schoorlemmer, Katharine Mulrey RU Nijmegen
2023-11 Susanne Auwens Analysis of LGADs for the High Granularity Timing Detector Mengqing Wu RU Nijmegen
2023-10 Madelief Koster Particle detection and direction reconstruction Charles Timmermans RU Nijmegen
2023-10 Tuan Amith Particles in 3D Regge Gravity and BMS symmetry Timothy Budd, Alicia Castro RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Robin Rietman One-Loop Matching of a Scalar Dark Matter Effective Field Theory Susanne Westhoff RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Guus Korver Renormalizing the Graviton 2-Point Function in the Presence of Matter Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Jesse van der Duin Curvature Correlations in Quantum Gravity Renate Loll RU Nijmegen
2023-08 Berend Schneider Reading the Cosmic Palm: Spinors, the Weyl Tensor Fingerprint, and Mass in General Relativity Béatrice Bonga, Gijs Nelemans RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Bart Peters Tidal resonances in extreme mass ratio inspirals Béatrice Bonga RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Mila Keijer Conformal symmetry versus quantization of geodesic motion Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Bas Slotema The production and propagation angles for muon neutrino charged current deep inelastic scattering events Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2023-07 Tom Gerstel Simulating Quantum Gravity Timothy Budd RU Nijmegen
2023-06 Thoman Meeusen Describing hyperbolic surfaces with decorated tree graphs Timothy Budd RU Nijmegen
2023-03 Martijn Velders PTOLEMY Project: Graphene-Based Particle Detector Nicolo de Groot, U. Zeitler RU Nijmegen
2023-02 Jasper Jacobs pMSSM stau search at ATLAS Wim Beenakker, Cristina Galea, Melissa van Beekveld RU Nijmegen
2022-12 Julian Franssen DRL Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2022-08 Ilija Milutin Probing New Physics using heavy charged leptons in B-meson decays A discussion of B → Kτ τ decays Wim Beenakker, Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2022-12 W. Rijk Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of Quenched Jets with the LSTM and OC-SVM M. Verweij, F. de Almeida Dias UvA/VU
2022-11 N. Runge Studies for KM3NeT-ORCA Performance for Dark Matter Detection S. du Pree, P. de Jong UvA/VU
2022-08 N. Koster Feasibility study of Ω++ detection in proton-proton ccc

collisions with ALICE 3 using Strangeness Tracking

P. Christakoglou, H. Snoek UvA/VU
2022-08 J. Groot Probing CP-Violating New Physics in Bd0 →φKS andBs0 →φφ R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2022-08 C. Tsolanta Characterisation and Time resolution measurements of the RD50-MPW2 monolithic silicon pixel sensor J. Sonneveld UvA/VU
2022-08 M. Arkin Modelling aperture effects in optical cavities A. Freise UvA/VU
2022-08 M. Janssen Characterizing Trench-Isolated Low Gain Avalanche Diodes (TI-LGADs) M. van Beuzekom, K. Akiba, A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2022-07 M.L.E. Heidotting Towards a Muon Tomography System for Spent Nuclear Fuel J.M. Sonneveld, M. Fransen UvA/VU
2022-07 M.N. Stapel Probing Hadronic CP Violation with Paramagnetic Electric Dipole Moment Experiments J. de Vries UvA/VU
2022-07 B. Matthaei Searching for the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV using the Signed Balance Function P. Christakoglou, R. Feischer UvA/VU
2022-07 C. van der Stappen Acoustic Neutrino Reconstruction Using Matched Filtering E.J. Buis, I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
2022-07 A.C. Sidley Λ0b → Λ0l+l− at high-q2 N. Tuning, M. Senghi-Soares UvA/VU
2022-07 F.E. Pennartz Measurement of the fine-structure constant with Positronium annihilation A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2022-07 M. Rustenburg From microscopic symmetries to a macroscopic toy Universe J. de Vries UvA/VU
2022-07 F. Haslbeck Simultaneous SMEFT interpretation of the signal and backgrounds in the

V H, H →b ̄b analysis and ATLAS DSS during the start of LHC Run 3

T. du Pree, F. de Almeida Dias UvA/VU
2022-07 C. Fuselli Beta decays in XENONnT M.P. Decowski, A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2022-01 K. Weerman Non-thermal production of Dark Matter during preheating after multifield inflation via a non- minimally coupled gauge singlet scalar M. Postma, C. Weniger UvA/VU
2022-10 Olaf Massen To the Standard Model and beyond; A theoretical and experimental study of Leptoquark phenomenology and its traces in LFV B → τμ decays in theory and with LHCb R.J.M. Snellings, A. Grelli, J. de Vries, M. Lucio Martinez UU
2022-07 Maurice Jongerhuis Performance study of future Λ0b production with ALICE3 P. Christakoglou, M. Verweij UU
2022-08 Kolja Kuijpers Constructing and bounding the solutions of Quantum Gravity with the Event Horizon Telescope Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2022-08 Finn ten Hove Putting a stop to searches for supersymmetric particles Wim Beenakker, M.C. van Beekveld, Cristina Galea RU Nijmegen
2022-08 Luc Builtjes Optimising Neural Networks for Classification of tttt-Events in the LHC Sascha Caron / Bob Stienen RU Nijmegen
2022-08 Stefan de Wit Decoupling Heavy Fermions in the Scalar Sector:  Choosing an Appropriate Renormalization Scheme Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2022-06 Brian Mc Gloughlin Gravitational Waves from Newly Born Magnetars Béatrice Bonga RU Nijmegen
2022-06 Inge van Rens Spectral slope as a measure for Xmax Charles Timmermans RU Nijmegen
2022-06 Brian McGloughlin Gravitational Waves from Newly Born Magnetars Badri Krishnan / Béatrice Bonga RU Nijmegen
2022-06 Maikel Magnée Alternative models matched to the data of GW150914 Badri Krishnan / Béatrice Bonga RU Nijmegen
2022-04 Henk Brans Cherenkov-Ring Energy Estimation Charles Timmermans RU Nijmegen
2021-07 Alessa Brignoli Characterization of the electrostatic Radon Monitor in XAMS S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2021-08 Marcel Yanez Reyes A study of the Infrared structure of Non Abelian Gauge theories E. Laenen UvA/VU
2021-07 Max Jaarsma Calculating Parton Distributions from First Principles W. Waalewijn UvA/VU
2021-07 Maricke Flierman The Electroweak Phase Transition: an investigation of a first-order phase transition with an additional real scalar singlet field M. Postma, E. Laenen UvA/VU
2021-07 Tjip Bischoff The Nikhef two photon absorption setup H. Snoek UvA/VU
2021-07 Anastasios Papadopoulos Beauty Λ production in ALICE with the upgraded ITS P. Christakoglou, I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
2021-07 Pepijn Clarijs Optimizing an Artificial Neural Network for the Measurement of H → bb-bar

with the ATLAS Detector at the Large Hadron Collider

T. du Pree, F. de Almeida Dias UvA/VU
2021-07 Vlad Tanasa Axion Cosmology M. Postma, B. Freivogel UvA/VU
2021-07 Cas van Veen Simulation studies of electron-hadron separation with a preshower detector for ALICE 3 at the LHC M. van Leeuwen, H. Snoek UvA/VU
2021-06 Joey Staa Modelling the chiral magnetic effect in heavy-ion collisions through the AVFD framework P. Christakoglou, R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2021-06 Zhuoran Feng Search for H → cc-bar and exclusive charm tagging T. du Pree, W. Verkerke UvA/VU
2021-06 Pablo Guillem Fernandez Rare Semileptonic Decays of B Mesons Exploiting SU(3) Flavour Symmetry R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2021-06 Barbara Paetsch Signal reconstruction in XENONnT M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
2021-05 Maarten Hammer Performance test of the KM3NeT track reconstruction software on ANTARES Monte Carlo data M. de Jong, P. de Jong UvA/VU
2021-03 Wouter Schreuder Exploring applications of machine learning to jet discrimination W. Waalewijn UvA/VU
2021-02 Leonora Verveld Particle detection through

proportional scintillation in liquid xenon

S. Bruenner, A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2021-01 Annabel Wolf Optical System Design of the Einstein Telescope Pathfinder F. Linde, A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2021-01 Amber van Keeken Charge-dependent two-particle correlations for unidentifi?ed charged particles in Xe-Xe collisions at √sNN = 5.44 TeV P. Christakoglou UU
2021-07 Loek Meijers Feasibility Study on the reconstruction of heavy neutral D-mesons with data collected by the ALICE detector at CERN LHC A. Grelli, H. Zanoli UU
2021-12 Willem van der Feltz Master coupling to two-dimensional Causal Dynamical Triangulations Renate Loll / Joren Brunekreef / Claus Kiefer RU Nijmegen
2021-12 Dirk van Buul Black hole formation in AdS3 Timothy Budd RU Nijmegen
2021-11 Tom de Wilt A Diagrammatic Approach to Amplitude Unitarity in the Electroweak Theory Ronald Kleis RU Nijmegen
2021-10 Camille van Speybroeck Implementation of low-field permanent magnet Halbach array MRI Mengqing WU / A.G. Webb RU Nijmegen
2021-9 Joost Remie Calculating Love numbers using black hole perturbation theory Béatrice Bonga RU Nijmegen
2021-9 Djamel van der Sluis Statistics of spatial geometries in Causal Dynamical Triangulations in 2+1 dimensions Timothy Budd RU Nijmegen
2021-9 Chris van den Oetelaar Localisation and classification of gamma-ray sources using neural networks Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2021-8 Bren Schaap Renormalization of Factorially Divergent Series: Quantum Field Theory in Zero Dimensions Ronald Kleis RU Nijmegen
2021-8 Wouter Oosters Asumptotically Safe Fermions On Curved Backgrounds Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2021-8 Guus Reijns The role of renormalization schemes in the context of the SM Hierarchy Problem Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2021-7 Bart Zonneveld A Local Vacuum in De Sitter Space Wim Beenakker / David Venhoek RU Nijmegen
2021-7 Sam Pirlo On the Quantum Effective Action of Gravity Coupled to Scalar and Abelian Gauge Fields Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2021-6 Stefan Krieg Diagrammatic derivation of the BCJ indentity Ronald Kleis RU Nijmegen
2021-3 Ludo van Alst Deep learming for segmentation and classification of Wilms' tumours Nicolo de Groot RU Nijmegen
2021-3 Tom Draper Asymptotically Safe Amplitudes Frank Saueressig / Benjamin Knorr / Chris Ripken RU Nijmegen
2021-2 Daniël Kok Building a quantum kNN classifier with Qiskit: theoretical gains put to practice Sascha Caron / Sydney Otten RU Nijmegen

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2020-7 Thijs Miedema Stopping Muons at ProtoDUNE Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2020-7 Jeremy de Wit Comparisons of computational tools for the muon anomalous magnetic moment within the pMSSM Wim Beenakker/Melissa van Beekveld/Marrit Schutten RU Nijmegen
2020-7 Remco Volmer Anomaly detection at the ATLAS detector using a Variational Autoencoder Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2020-7 Jesse Daas Fermions in the Asymptotic Safety Program Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2020-1 Jochem Kip The unitarity spontaneously broken SU(2) theory Ronald Kleis RU Nijmegen
2020-01 Lieke van Dijk Branching ratio calculations for B0s → µ+µ− Wim Beenakker, Melissa van Beekveld, Marrit Schutten RU Nijmegen
2020-12 Kerwin Buijsman Generating glitches similar to glitches observed by LIGO and Virgo using Wasserstein Generative Adversial Network with Gradient Penalty S.E. Caudill UvA/VU
2020-10 Anders Rehult Linking the B-physics Anomalies and Muon g - 2—A Phenomenological Study Beyond the Standard Model R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2020-9 Clara Gatius OIiver Acoustic signals from ultra high energy cosmic neutrinos R. Bruijn, E.J. Buis UvA/VU
2020-8 Yoran Yeh CP Violating New Physics in QCD Penguin Diagrams for B-Decays R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2020-8 Jeannine de Kuijper Extracting Hadronic Parameters from Branching Ratios in Non-Leptonic D Decays R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2020-8 Sumedha Biswas Detecting Primordial Black Holes with Gravitational Waves S.E. Caudill UvA/VU
2020-8 Bram Hoonhout Improving Higgs decay width measurement using off-shell interference in gg(→H*)→ZZ→llνν H.L. Snoek, I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
2020-7 Lucas de Vries Deep Neural Networks for Position Reconstruction in XENON1T M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
2020-6 Gijs Leguijt Variance reduced monte-carlo simulation for neutrons in XENON A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2020-6 Vlad Dedu Measurement of the branching ratio Lambda_b -> J/Psi Lambda N. Tuning UvA/VU
2020-2 Ester Abram Seeing LISA from a different angle N. van Bakel, E.J. Buis UvA/VU
2020-11 Marten Barel Controlling penguin contributions to CP violation in B⁰→J/ψX decays R. Fleischer, P. Christakoglou, R.J.M. Snellings UU
2020-09 Bas Hofman Angular analysis of the decay B0→K ∗0 J/ψ(→ e+e−) W. Hulsbergen, M.Lucio Martinez, R.J.M. Snellings (examined) UU
2020-06 Olivier Kesber Variance reduction techniques for Monte Carlo simulations of photon transport in liquid xenon detectors A.P. Colijn UU
2020-01 Floris Jonkman Charm baryon production at central rapidity in proton-proton collisions at centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV P. Christakoglou, D. Caffarri UU

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2019 Paul Renes The description of high-energy electromagnetic cascades in a highly granular digital calorimeter Thomas Peitzmann, Marco Spruit, Naomi van der Kolk UU
2019 Stan Oomen Measurement of charged D∗+ meson production in Pb-Pb collisions in 60-80% centrality with the ALICE detector at CERN Alessandro Grelli, Raimond Snellings, Andre Mischke UU
2019 Thomas Mons The modulation experiment: searching for trends in radioactive decays Auke Pieter Colijn UU
12-Dec-19 Davey Oogjes Track reconstruction of cosmic muons in the XENON1T muon veto Patrick Decowski UvA/VU
25-Oct-19 Max Briel Muonic event reconstuction in KM3NeT-ORCA Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
8-Oct-19 Gabriel Koole Probing New Physics effects in Leptonic and Semileptonic D meson decays Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
23-Aug-19 Peter Bosch Going Three Dimensional. Characterisation of a 3D sensor on a Timepix3 ASIC Niels van Bakel UvA/VU
22-Aug-19 Thijs Dieperink Supersymmetric neutralino Dark Matter search using machine learning techniques with the ATLAS detector Paul de Jong UvA/VU
26-Jul-19 Iris de Ruiter Incorporating machine learning algorithms that provide information on noise features in the search for compact binary coalescence Sarah Caudill UvA/VU
26-Jul-19 Marnix Heikamp Constructing and Implementing a Template Bank with Precessing Waveforms in the Search For Gravitational Waves Sarah Caudill UvA/VU
24-Jul-19 Valeriia Lukashenko Long lived heavy neutrinos in W ± → μ± μ± jet decays Wouter Hulsbergen UvA/VU
13-Jul-19 Alvaro Loya Villalpando Characterization of Silicon Photomultipliers for Event Position Reconstruction in a Dual-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
12-Jul-19 Bouke Jung The effect of decreasing PMT gains on event reconstruction in KamLAND-Zen Patrick Decowski UvA/VU
3-Jul-19 Brendan Mans Directed Flow of Λ in Mid-Central Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE Panos Christakoglou UvA/VU
19-Jun-19 Lizette Lammers Neutral Meson and Jet Reconstruction in Heavy Ion Physics Thomas Peitzmann UvA/VU
23-Mar-19 Maarten Post "KM3NNeT" A neural network for triggering and classifying raw KM3NeT data Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
27-Feb-19 Manuel Wierda Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis Juan Rojo UvA/VU
2019 Tim Voeten Title Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2019 Inge van Rens simulations with GANs Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2019 Chris van den Oetelaar Title Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2019-09 Joep Leenaarts Calculating splitting functions, using local gauges Ronald Kleiss RU Nijmegen
2019-07 Lando Bosma Towards resolving singularities in Asymptotic Safety Benjamin Knorr, Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2019-06 Derryk Schieck N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory and its deformations a functional renormalisation approach Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2019-04 Berend Visser Observers in Curved-Spacetime Quantum Field Theory Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2019-03 Arthur Vereijken Relating different regularization schemes in Functional Renormalization Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2018 M. Tervoert First observation of the decay Lb->Dsp L.J. Bel, N. Tuning, A. Mischke, A. Grelli UU
2018 P.W. Gaemers D*+ Meson Nuclear Modification Factor in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV A. Grelli, A. Mischke UU
2018-08-28 Mike Eijbersen Acquisition strategies and MR Physics of imaging (hyperpolarized) molecules exploiting large chemical shift differences molecules exploiting large chemical shift differences Nicolo de Groot RU Nijmegen
2018-11-22 Misha Fedorov On the physical beam aperture in the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2018-04-18 Rowan Zaki The Long Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF); Beamline optimization & Spectrometer design Frank Filthaut RU Nijmegen
2018-08-29 Sjoerd Ypma Search for the perfect variable to find new physics in pp collisions at √s= 13 TeV. Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2018-08-23 Jonas Wuerzinger Scanning the phenomenological MSSM - Re-evaluating the ATLAS experiment’s sensitivity to Supersymmetry with LHC Run 2 data in a dedicated 3rd generation squarks scan Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2018-08-02 Levi Sleegers Using Countercurrent electromigration to enrich calcium 48 Nicolo de Groot RU Nijmegen
2018-12-31 Sjors Heefer Advancements on the covariance of the k-Poincare model and Relative Locality", titel master scriptie Obster: "Exploring the Canonical Tensor Model G. Gubitosi/Renate Loll RU Nijmegen
2018-07-02 Renz Bakx Het experimenteel bepalen van een massalimiet voor neutralino's Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2018-08-30 Joris van der Ven Calculation of the gluino corrections to the Higgs mass in the MSSM - Implications for the hierarchy problem Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
2018-09-12 Dennis Obster The Canonical Tensor Model, spaces and symmetries Renate Loll RU Nijmegen
2018-11-01 Camiel Pieterse Dark Matter with KM3NeT Wim Beenakker/Sasch Caron RU Nijmegen
2018-07-15 Robin Ooijer A complete cosmic history from Asymptotic Safety Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2018-08-31 Kathinka Frieswijk Infrared Triangles Everywhere. D. Roest RUG
2018-08-31 Jolien Diekema Higher order derivative gravitational theories in the metric and Palatini formalisms D. Roest RUG
2018-08-31 Hilbrand Kuindersma Detecting Muons at LHCb Upgrade Conditions C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2018-06-29 Melvin van den Bout Renormalization Group Equations and Predictions for New Higgs Inflation M. Postma UvA/VU
2018-06-22 Stephen Runderkamp Investigating post-LHC hadronic interaction models and their predictions of cosmic ray shower observables M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
2018-08-30 Katherine Mc Ewan Neutron Detection Using a Small Dual-Phase Liquid Xenon TPC and a Liquid Organic Scintillator A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2018-06-28 Sizar Aziz Mixed harmonics in QGP traces P. Christakoglou UvA/VU
2018-08-22 Giovanni Banelli Indirect search of new physics through rare B decays involving tau leptons R. Fleischer UvA/VU
2018-07-03 Jordy Butter Determining the branching fraction of B0 -> Pi Ds N. Tuning UvA/VU
2018-08-28 Aidan Kelly Study of the sensitivity of the ATLAS experiment to constrain the Higgs coupling to b-quarks I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
2018-06-26 Rasa Muller Hydrophone characterization for the KM3NeT experiment R. Bruijn UvA/VU
2018-09-29 Athul Muralidhar Study of oscillons in 1+1D with a gentle introduction to multi- component oscillon models M. Postma UvA/VU
2018-07-17 Jasper Nobelen On the modulations of radioactive decay A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
2018-09-26 Michiel Rollier Finding Echoes: The characterisation of gravitational-wave echoes and the investigation of a morphology-independent data analysis method C. Van Den Broeck UvA/VU
2018-09-28 Jordan Seneca Models of Particle Signatures in KM3NeT ORCA R. Bruijn UvA/VU
2018-07-17 Mitch Vonk Machine Learning in XENON1T's search for dark matter M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
2018-07-17 Lieselotte de Waardt Signatures of cosmic ray interactions in the KM3NeT neutrino detector R. Bruijn UvA/VU
2018-08-02 Steven Zindel Balancefunction analysis at the LHC on run 2 data P. Christakoglou UvA/VU
2018-12-21 Manuel Wierda Charm production in proton-nuclear collisions at the LHC and constraining the small-x gluon in a nuclear NNPDF analysis J. Rojo UvA/VU

Date Name Title Supervisor University
2017 K.D. van Teutem PMT calibrations and radon measurements in a liquid xenon time projection chamber A.P. Colijn, E. Hogenbirk UU
2017-09-05 Manon Verra Feasibility and Quality Assessment of Model-based Respiratory Motion Compensation in Positron Emission Tomography Andre Mischke UU
2017-08-23 Luuk Vermunt Open heavy-flavour production in high-energy proton-proton and nucleus-nucleus collisions at CERN-LHC energies Andre Mischke UU
2017-02-01 Lennart van Doremalen Beauty of the Quark Gluon Plasma Prospect for B0 measurement in ALICE Andre Mischke UU
2017-04-21 G. S. P. Wiersema Using the B0 → K±π ∓ channel as normalization in the search for the charged lepton flavor violating B0 (s) → e ±µ ∓ decay C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-07-31 S. van der Woude Radiative Symmetry Breaking in minimal Conformally Invariant extensions of the Standard Model D. Boer RUG
2017-07-31 J. Heit Exploring GPU-Computing to Accellerate Vertex Finding in Particle Physics C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-07-31 D.R. Löke The scalar spectrum of non-Abelian gauge theories below the conformal window E. Pallante RUG
2017-07-31 D.D. Rouwhorst Equivalence between the Bender–Wu method and the quantum normal form method E. Pallante RUG
2017-11-11 M.J. Veen A fast tool to predict peaking and semi-peaking backgrounds in two body decay processes C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-11-11 J.R.E. Baarslag A fast simulation model for mass spectrum shapes of particle decays in high-energy physics experiments C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
2017-11-23 J. Ellen Varying constants and the search for physics beyond the Standard Model A. Borschevsky RUG
2017-11-23 I. Bouisaghouane The Schrodinger method for Large-Scale Structure D. Roest and R. vd Weygaert RUG
2017-11-23 T. Meijknecht Narrow linewidth lasers to drive narrow Ba+ ion transitions L. Willmann RUG
2017-12-19 K.J.D. Hakvoort The equivalence between second-order, Ostrogradsky-free (Galileon) Lagrangians and regular first-order theories D. Roest and H. Waalkens RUG
2017-??-?? K. Dirksen Unifying Conformal Gravity and the Standard Model of particle physics E. Pallante RUG
2017-10-09 Laurens Verhoeven Lepton Flavor Violating Higgs Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2017-08-30 Eleftheria Malami CP Violation in B^0→ pi^0 K_S As A Probe of New Physics Robert Fleischer UvA/VU
2017-08-23 Bram Schermer Understanding the time-over-threshold behaviour of KM3NeT photo-multipliers Ronald Bruijn UvA/VU
2017-07-26 Jonathan Mo Quark/gluon jets discrimination using thrust at NNLL Wouter Waalewijn UvA/VU
2017-07-01 Bas Jongewaard Effect of detector angular resolution and surface area on the accuracy of pinpointing the neutrino signal Aart Heijboer UvA/VU
2017-07-01 Arjen Wildeboer XENON1T Threshold Analysis Patrick Decowski UvA/VU
2017-06-30 Joran Angevaare Search for modulations on in the decay rate of radioactive sources Auke-Pieter Colijn UvA/VU
2017-06-26 F.M. Springer Symmetries of the Standard Model Piet Mulders UvA/VU
2017-06-15 Wesley Poland Opportunities for iodine-agent dose reduction with Medipix3RX Spectral X-ray Els Koffeman UvA/VU
2017-03-10 Eline Wieldraaijer Characterization of photomultiplier tubes using a laser setup and muon energy reconstruction for ORCA based on the length of the track Dorothea Samtleben UvA/VU
2017-03-01 John Hoang Characterization of Silicon PhotoMultipliers for the Cherenkov Telescope Array David Berge UvA/VU
2017-01-31 Dimitra Andreou Development of a testing system for the Silicon Pixel Detectors of the Inner Tracking System of ALICE Paul de Jong UvA/VU
2017-09-01 Wouter Houthoff Safe Spheres and where to find them Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2017-06-28 Jorn Biemans Renormalization group flows of gravity and gravity-matter systems on foliated spacetimes Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
2017-03-16 Oscar Boher Luna The Abelian Higgs Model: Unitarity in the unitary gauge Ronald Kleiss RU Nijmegen
2017-01-27 Alex Campà Searching for Dark Matter gamma-ray signals from dwarf spheroidal galaxies with Fermi-LAT data Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
2017-01-12 Ruud Peeters Experimental and Theoretical (Fine-Tuning) Constraints on pMSSM Models Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen

Date Name Title Supervisor University
9 Feb 2016 Melissa van Beekveld Possible Indirect Detection of Dark Matter and its impact on LHC Supersymmetry searches Sascha Caron and Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
18 Jul 2016 Fleur Versteegen Quantum Gravity corrections to the Unruh effect Frank Saueressig RU Nijmegen
26 Aug 2016 Han van der Pluijm 'On the interpretation of the quantum wave function' Ronald Kleiss RU Nijmegen
9 Sept 2016 Daphne van den Elzen The link between a vacuum diagram and the renormalization group equation Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
3 Nov 2016 Milo Vermeulen. Calcium Enrichment for the Study of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Nicolo de Groot RU Nijmegen
15 Dec 2016 David Venhoek Quantum vacua in curved spacetime Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
24 Nov 2016 Bob Stienen SUSY-AI Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
1 Sept 2016 Antonio Condorelli Selftrigger of Radio Signals from Cosmic Rays in Pierre Auger Charles Timmermans together with University of Catania RU Nijmegen
5 Dec 2015 Luc Hendriks A description of the Galactic Center excess in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Sascha Caron (with Bram Achterberg, Astro) RU Nijmegen
27 Aug 2015 Gillian Lustermans The Landau-Yang theorem in Quantum Chromodynamics W.J.P. Beenakker, R.H.P. Kleiss RU Nijmegen
31 Aug 2015 Jelmer van Amen General Search in ATLAS Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
31 Mar 2015 Jeroen Schouwenberg Missing momentum reconstruction at Level 1 with a Kalman Filter Sascha Caron RU Nijmegen
31 Oct 2015 Chris Ripken Curvature on the noncommutative tangent bundle Ronald Kleiss and Wim Beenakker RU Nijmegen
Dec 1, 2016 M. Roelfs On the eigenvalue distribution of the SYK model K.Papadodimas RUG
Sep 19, 2016 R. Kappert Electron identification efficiency in Bs0 -> emu C.J.G. Onderwater RUG
Sep 15, 2016 J. Hussels Molecular hyperfine structure and the electron EDM S. Hoekstra RUG
Aug 1, 2016 J.G. Bakker Towards an effective field theory for proton decay R.G.E. Timmermans RUG
Aug 1, 2016 F. Oosterhof Neutron-antineutron oscillations in chiral perturbation theory (Lorentz prize Theoretical Physics 2015/16) R.G.E. Timmermans RUG
Mar, 2016 L. L. Robroek Framing the Conformal Window E. Pallante RUG
2016 K. van der Schoor Electronic structure of element 123 A. Borschevsky RUG
Aug 30, 2016 T. van Daalen Bridging the Mass Gap - Probing Compressed Electroweak Supersymmetry at the Large Hadron Collider W. Verkerke UvA/VU
Aug 24, 2016 R.L. Jaarsma New Strategy to Extract the CP-violating Phase phi_s from Bs → K-K+ R. Fleischer UvA/VU
Aug 12, 2016 J.M. Goldstein Reliability of the Parameterised Test of General Relativity on GW150914 and GW151226 C. Van Den Broeck UvA/VU
Jul 24, 2016 J.S. Sinninghe Damsté Next-to-soft techniques in collider physics E.L.M.P. Laenen UvA/VU
Jul 15, 2016 R. Albers Event shapes in electron-positron annihilation at NNLO accuracy E.L.M.P. Laenen UvA/VU
Jul 14, 2016 D. Schenk Study of Modulations in Radioactive Decay A.P. Colijn UvA/VU
Jul 7, 2016 A. Topçuoğlu CUDA-Based Trigger System For The XENON Experiment M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
Jul 2, 2016 J.B. Zonneveld Dependence of B meson fragmentation fraction ratio fs/fd on centre-of-mass energy I. van Vulpen UvA/VU
Jun 28, 2016 C. Ligtenberg Scattering of polarised W bosons: Measuring the polarised W bosons - Higgs coupling with ATLAS using charged lepton observables B. van Eijk UvA/VU
Jun 23, 2016 M.M.A. Dietze Proton Radiography: Prototype Development Towards Clinical Application E. Koffeman UvA/VU
Jun 16, 2016 M.A. Pronk The Higgs boson coupling to polarised W bosons in vector boson fusion B. van Eijk UvA/VU
May 8, 2016 T. Klaver Construction and analysis of a proton radiography setup using Timepix based time projection chambers for tracking E. Koffeman UvA/VU
Jan 31, 2016 J.P. Veenkamp A Precision Optical Calibration Module for IceCube-Gen2 M.P. Decowski UvA/VU
Oct 21, 2015 P.J.C. Bakker Search for charged lepton flavor violating Z → τe decays with the ATLAS detector O. Igonkina UvA/VU
Oct 8, 2015 R. Hutten Prototype Data Analysis of the KM3NeT Neutrino Telescope P. Kooijman UvA/VU
Sept 23, 2015 M.L. Muusse Astroparticle physics at the LHC - Dark matter search in ATLAS D. Berge UvA/VU
Aug 28, 2015 S. Vogel Calculations of jet substructure W. Waalewijn UvA/VU
Aug 26, 2015 P.M. Zuidberg dos Mártires An Exploratory Study of LHCf-triggered Events at ATLAS D. Berge UvA/VU
Aug 11, 2015 J. Hulsman Analysis on the Muon Track Reconstruction with the PPM-DU P. Kooijman UvA/VU