BeeHub/Step 2: Mounting BeeHub

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Mounting BeeHub on your PC

After you've completed step 1 (getting an account), a new BeeHub account has been created for you, and you should have received an email with a username and password. If you haven’t, something has gone wrong and you should contact us.

What happens next depends on which operating system you're running. Please jump to the appropriate section on this page. If your favorite operating system or client is not on this page, please let us know.

Microsoft Windows

Windows XP built-in client

Click "Start", and then "My Network Places":

Windows XP my network places.jpg

Click "Add Network Place":

Windows XP my network places window.jpg

Click "Next":

Windows XP my network places next.jpg

Select "Choose another network location" and click "Next"

Windows XP choose another network.jpg

Enter the (HTTP) or (HTTPS) and then click "Next":

Windows XP webdav URL.jpg

Enter your BeeHub user name and password and click "OK":

Windows XP username password.jpg

Enter a name for your BeeHub connection. The default is probably fine, but you can call the connection anything you like:

Windows XP connection name.jpg

Click "Finish":

Windows XP succes.jpg

You now have created a BeeHup connection. Click "Start", and then "My Network Places" to connect the next time. Double click Double click your BeeHub connection:

Windows my network places finished.jpg

Now you can browse your files:

Windows XP filebrowser.jpg

Windows Vista built-in client

Windows 7 built-in client


OS-X build-in client


Nautilus (Gnome file browser)

At the topbar choose Places->Connect to server...:

Nautilus connect to server.jpg

Connect with http or https. User name should be <beehup_username>@<domain>.nl:

Nautilus connect to server http.jpg

With https the port number is 443:

Nautilus connect to server https.jpg

Now you can browse to your files:

Nautilus file browser.jpg

Dolphin (KDE4 file browser)

wdfs (a FUSE plugin)

davfs2 (either as FUSE plugin or kernel space filesystem)

cadaver (an interactive command line client)

curl (a command line client)