BeeHub/Step 1: Getting an account

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BeeHub has been integrated with SURF Conext. This means that you can access BeeHub with your institutional credentials, using the following steps:

  1. CTRL-click here. Something like this should appear in your browser window:
    Beehub conext institutes.png
  2. Check if your institute is on the list. If it is, click on your institute's icon. You will be redirected to a web page at your own institute, where you can provide proper credentials. After that, you're ready for step 2! (So skip the rest of this page.)
  3. If it isn't all is not lost. First of all, write an email to your local IT-person, something like this:
    Dear local IT-person,

    Me and my colleagues would like to use BeeHub, a file sharing service that's
    part of SURFConext. Unfortunately, it seems that our institute isn't a
    member of the SURFFederatie, or doesn't yet allow the usage of BeeHub.

    Could you please take the appropriate steps to enable BeeHub for our
    institute? More information can be found at <>.

    Thanks a lot!

    Depending on your IT-person's abilities, getting your institute listed may take hours, days, weeks or months. Obviously, you can't wait for that you want to use BeeHub NOW! So go ahead and do the following:
  4. Click on the SURFGuest icon:
    SURFGuest icon.png