Generating AtlFast SUSY Events

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Revision as of 16:42, 17 April 2008 by Nicoleru (talk | contribs)
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This page shows how to auatomatically generate events for any number of different points in the mSUGRA phace-space, using the macro's introduced in * Tools to scan the mSUGRA phasespace and an aditional macro called It is assumed that the release 13 enviorment is proparly set on the machine you are using. To see how this is atchieved look at: * Setting up Athena 13.0.30 with slc3 and slc4 at Nikhef.

How to use it

Once release 13.0.40 is set on you computer, genarating events is realy easy. Just copy, and to your own directory. The only thing you need to change before useage is in in function DataTrensfer() where the directory where the final aods and log file are placed is difined. If you want all data to remain in the directory you are curently working in, you can also simply turn of the DataTransfer() function.

Once this path is set, you will only need to work withing Here a grid is difined in the 5D mSUGRA phasespace and for each point on that grid events will be genrated. Appart from the grid you will have to indicte the top mass as well as the number of events you want generated per point.


After the program is run you should have one directory made per susypoint, containg an aod as well as a log file. This logfile contains all output information of Herwig and AtlFast, which is important to check whether npo problems aucured and which contains information like the corss-section.

Also an output file is written in your work directory which contains some genral information on each susy point. For more information on this look at: * Tools to scan the mSUGRA phasespace .

Extra possibilities contains a function called DetermineEventGeneration() which is there to check whether events should be generated. The default function only checks whether the number of events that you want generated is no equal to 0. However considering all information about the susy mass-sepectrum, decay modes and some additional information (see * Tools to scan the mSUGRA phasespace ) is available form IsaSugra, it is possible to include other restrictions like: only generate events if the Higgs-mass is above 114 GeV, or if the neutralino is the LSP.