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Revision as of 14:51, 26 October 2006 by Zkestere (talk | contribs)
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The goal of this exercise is to combine the skills needed for the previous exercises into one final assignment. After finishing this assignment, you've shown that you're able to create your own Tool, to use an Algorithm and configure it with jobOptions. You're skilled in using the important services such as messageSvc, toolSvc and storeGateSvc. Undefinately you are now an expert in using LXR and CVSview and you understand the structure of packages. Not bad!

Up till now

If you've modified ExampleAlg as explained in the previous exercise, ExampleAlg now has acces to DummyTracks which are stored in the collection DummyTrackCollection. This will be our starting point. A logical way to proceed is:

  • modify the IToolExample such that it has a method able to handle DummyTracks.
  • modify the ToolExample accordingly.
  • copy the ToolExample into another class ToolExampleSimple (don't forget to make the factory too).
  • create a new property for the ExampleAlg (in both the jobOptions and class).
  • implement the two ToolExample's method.




ExampleAlg and properties

Calling the different Tools

Implementing the Tools