Combined Reconstruction Recipes

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Revision as of 14:00, 14 February 2006 by Zkestere (talk | contribs)
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Reconstruction of Cosmic muons

This Wiki gives a recipe to reconstruct cosmic muons in release 11.2.0 in three different ways:

  • MDT only
  • TileCal only
  • MDT and TileCal combined

First of all, make yourselves a working directory on afs:

  • log on to lxplus:

ssh <username>

  • create a work area (here called 11.2.0)

mkdir 11.2.0

cd 11.2.0/

  • create a requirements file which should look like this:
set          CMTSITE          CERN

macro        ATLAS_DIST_AREA  "/afs/"
macro        ATLAS_RELEASE    "11.2.0"

use          AtlasSettings v* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)

path_remove  CMTPATH          ${PWD}
path_prepend CMTPATH          ${PWD}
  • build your CMT environment:

source /afs/

cmt config

source setup.(c)sh -tag=opt

  • the last command line must be typed in every time you open a new terminal.

Reconstruction with MDTs

In your working directory, check out the following packages:

cmt co -r MuonSegmentMakerAlgs-00-00-00 MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecAlgs/MuonSegmentMakerAlgs

cmt co -r MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-00-00-03 MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecTools/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator

cmt co -r MdtCalibSvc-01-03-15 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCalib/MdtCalib/MdtCalibSvc

cmt co -r MuonCommExample-00-00-03 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCommissioning/MuonCommExample

cmt co -r MuonCommExample-00-00-08 MuonSpectrometer/MuonCommissioning/MuonCommExample

Compile the first four packages:

cd MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecAlgs/MuonSegmentMakerAlgs/MuonSegmentMakerAlgs-00-00-00/cmt/

source setup.csh


cd -

cd MuonSpectrometer/MuonCalib/MdtCalib/MdtCalibSvc/MdtCalibSvc-01-03-15/cmt/

source setup.csh


cd -

cd MuonSpectrometer/MuonRecTools/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator/MdtDriftCircleOnTrackCreator-00-00-03/cmt/

source setup.csh


cd -

cd MuonSpectrometer/MuonCommissioning/MuonCommExample/MuonCommExample-00-00-03/cmt/

Before compiling MuonCommExample-00-00-03 one should update the electronics-map with the latest version:

cp ../../MuonCommExample-00-00-08/share/ ../share/.

source setup.csh


Go the the run directory and obtain the necessary jobOptions and a (cosmics-specific) rt-relation file:

cd ../run

get_files -jo

cp ~kluit/public/ .

cp ~kluit/public/DC2_rt_dbSvc.dat .

In the current jobOptions the run is taken over the 'fixed' datasamples. Reading them directly from CASTOR is problematic, it is recommended to copy them to the run directory and rename them in their original name:

rfcp /castor/

From this point, Athena should run without problems. athena