Atlas 904 setup

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Setup of atlas 9.0.4 software environment

Setting up the atlas software is done in three steps:

  1. Selecting a host and initializing the release 9.0.4 environment,
  2. Creating a test release in your private work area, and
  3. Initializing the environment to use that test release.

Step 2 only needs to be done once, steps 1 and 3 need to be done every time you log in.

Step 1 - Selecting a host and initializing the release 9.0.4 environment

This needs to be done every time you want to work with the ATLAS software

  • Login to a RH7.3 or SLC3 machine
  • source /project/atlas/nikhef/setup/nikhef_setup_9.0.4.csh

Step 2 - Creating a test release in your private work area

This needs to be done once. (doesn't work on SLC3 machine!)

  1. Go to your personal scratch directory: cd /project/atlas/users/<userid>/ttbar. Create the <userid> and ttbar directories if required.
  2. Obtain an AFS token at cern: klog <cern_userid>
  3. Check out the TestRelease package: cmt co TestRelease
  4. Change directory to the test release: cd TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-18/cmt/
  5. Edit the 'requirements' file as follows:
use AtlasRelease AtlasRelease-*

Insert below the comment block starting with 'Setup the runtime environment'

use AthenaRunTime AthenaRunTime-00-* Control
use AthExHelloWorld AthExHelloWorld-00-* Control/AthenaExamples
use Pythia_i        Pythia_i-00-*        Generators
use Herwig_i        Herwig_i-00-01-*     Generators
#use McAtNlo_i      McAtNlo_i-00-00-10   Generators

use Atlfast         Atlfast-01-*         Simulation
use TruthExamples   TruthExamples-00-*   Generators/GenAnalysisTools
  1. Execute cmt config

Step 3 - Initializing the environment to use that test release

This needs to be done every time you login again and want to use your 9.0.4 test release

  1. Change directory to the test release: cd TestRelease/TestRelease-00-00-18/cmt/
  2. Execute source setup.csh