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run AMAAthena with:
run AMAAthena with:
$ athena AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR.py
$ cd (...)/AMAAthena/run
$ athena AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR2.py
The above jobOptions files is configured to run OK with both local files
(e.g. in /data/atlas) and using the file stager (on the T1). The stager
infrastructure is automatically activated as soon as any file with the prefix
'gridcopy:' is found in the InputCollections definition. Examples for both
modes of operation are included AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR2.py
To run AMAAthena in batch on stoomboot use the bsub script that is present
in the run directory
$ ./bsub athena AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR2.py
Note that the bsub included here was modified to be pure bash to avoid csh problems
related ATLAS releases. Any earlier private copies you may have will not work.
== Using AMA Standalone ==
== Using AMA Standalone ==

Revision as of 21:47, 6 June 2008

Setting up ATLAS Release 14.1.0 at NIKHEF


Only once:

  • Create a file: $HOME/cmthome/requirements (and modify <username>)
    set SITEROOT /data/atlas/offline/14.1.0
    macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA /project/atlas/users/<username>
    apply_tag projectArea
    apply_tag opt
    apply_tag setup
    apply_tag simpleTest
    use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA)
    set CMTCONFIG i686-slc4-gcc34-opt
  • $ source /data/atlas/offline/14.1.0/CMT/v1r20p20080222/mgr/setup.sh
  • $ cmt config in $HOME/cmthome

Everytime you log on:

$ source $HOME/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=14.1.0,32


To obtain the code, do the following: in /project/atlas/users/<username>/14.1.0/PhysicsAnalysis:

$ cvs -d /project/atlas/cvs/Athena co -r V00-04-06 AtlasModularAnalysis

There are three ways of running AMA:

  • Standalone (no AODs)
  • with ARA (all formats)
  • in Athena (only AODs)

For FDR-II: try running AMA in Athena.

Using AMA within Athena (AMAAthena)

NB: All AtlasRelease (athena) compilation and runtime activities should be perform only in the bash shell

To set up the runtime environment for AMAAthena in conjuction with the grid file stager do the following from a clean shell.

$ source /global/ices/lcg/current/etc/profile.d/grid_env.sh
$ voms-proxy-init
(your pass phrase goes here)
$ source $HOME/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=14.1.0,32
$ export TMPDIR=/tmp  (ONLY when not submitting to stoomboot by batch, which sets TMPDIR automatically)

This specific order is required to avoid a python clash between the grid middleware and the ATLAS release environment. The above sequence of command is required before you set up the AMA and AMAAthena code (as explained below) as well as everytime you login and want to run AMAAthena.

How to retrieve AMAAthena code and how to compile it

First install the AMA code itself as explained in the previous section. Then, starting in /project/atlas/users/<user>/14.1.0/PhysicsAnalysis do the following:

  • first compile AMA
    $ cd AtlasModularAnalysis/cmt
    $ cmt config
    $ . setup.sh
    $ gmake
  • copy AMAAthena and compile
    $ cd /project/atlas/users/<user>/14.1.0/PhysicsAnalysis
    $ cp -r /data/atlas/users/gossie/Athena/AMAAthena .
    $ cd AMAAthena/cmt
    $ cmt config
    $ . setup.sh
    $ gmake

How to run AMAAthena code

run AMAAthena with:

$ cd (...)/AMAAthena/run
$ athena AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR2.py

The above jobOptions files is configured to run OK with both local files (e.g. in /data/atlas) and using the file stager (on the T1). The stager infrastructure is automatically activated as soon as any file with the prefix 'gridcopy:' is found in the InputCollections definition. Examples for both modes of operation are included AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR2.py

To run AMAAthena in batch on stoomboot use the bsub script that is present in the run directory

$ ./bsub athena AMAAthena_jobOptions_FDR2.py

Note that the bsub included here was modified to be pure bash to avoid csh problems related ATLAS releases. Any earlier private copies you may have will not work.

Using AMA Standalone

$ gmake -f Makefile.Standalone amacint
$ gmake -f Makefile.Standalone CSCDriver

Using AMA with ARA

from kit

(no extra tags) in AtlasModularAnalysis/cmt

$ cmt config
$ source setup.sh
$ gmake

with recommended tags

(see also: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/AthenaROOTAccess#14_1_0 ):

  • copy files from /data/atlas/users/gossie/Athena/14.1.0
  • compile (NB: use 'cmt bro gmake' to take care of dependencies ) (in all */cmt directories)
    $ cmt config
    $ source setup.sh
    $ gmake



source setup.sh in AtlasModularAnalysis/cmt directory gives crash when running AMA with ARA.

Solution: do another source setup.sh in the AthenaROOTAccess/cmt directory. Now you can run AMA with ARA without problems again.


Sometimes ARA crashes just after initialisation. This is due to a wrongly set PYTHONPATH. To correct this:

  • Copy /data/atlas/users/gossie/Athena/fix_AMA-ARA_PYTHONPATH.sh to anywhere you like
  • replace <username> with your username
  • $ source fix_AMA-ARA_PYTHONPATH.sh

running i686-slc4-gcc34-opt/CSCDriver.exe should be OK now.

