
From ALICE Wiki
Revision as of 15:00, 23 June 2021 by (talk | contribs) (Creates a page to summarize instructions on the remote shifts for QC and EPN/PNP)
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General information

Due to the limitations on the number of people present at the CERN/ALICE site, the shifts for Event Processing Node and Physics Data Processing (EPN/PDP) and Quality Control (QC) are to be done remotely. This page summarizes the necessary steps before you start your shifts and in order to start your shifts - this includes trainings shifts! The details of the shifts themselves should be explained in the mandatory classes/courses.

Currently, the setup and procedures are under development as is this page. The person coordinating this from the ALICE/Run Coordination site is Taku Gunji (, here at Nikhef Bernhard Hohlweger ( The shifter station is being setup in the new offices (Large Office, H.123) and is currently being tested. All programs that you are going to use (Zoom, CERNPhone, Firefox) should be installed on the shifter station and a shortcut should exist on the desktop after you login, if not contact the person responsible at Nikhef.

The following points should be taken care ahead of the (training) shifts, since some points might require approval/actions which can take several days (they are marked in bold italic)

What do you need from the Nikhef?

  • A valid token ("Druppel")
    • In case of night shifts: You might need coordinate with the people at the entrance desk that you are staying longer
  • A key to office H.123: Currently one is in the hands of Bernhard Hohlweger, and it is to be decided if we store it centrally or if everyone asks for her/his own key
  • A (valid) Nikhef account and your password for it
  • A supply of Food + Coffee

What do you need from CERN?

  • A (valid) CERN account and your password for it
  • You need to book a the courses for your shifts, your trainings shift and your actual shift (some instructions below)
  • You have to be able to use the CERN phone service. The app is already installed on the shifter station but you need to activate the CERN Phone service in your CERN account and create a personal phone number (the first point here)
    • The CERNphone app is already installed on the shifter station
    • Quick summary:
      1. Go to and login
      2. Go to your account
      3. Home
      4. Resources and services
      5. List services
      6. CERNPhone -> Subscriptions (in the left menu)
      7. Create a personal number (This might take up to 24 hrs!)