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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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   * Conveners: Tom Humanic, Sandra Padula
   * Conveners: Tom Humanic, Sandra Padula
   * Scheduled on: [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/539093/timetable/#20170614|Wednesday the 14th - morning sessions]]
   * Scheduled on: [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/539093/timetable/#20170614|Wednesday the 14th - morning sessions]]
   * Abstracts received:
   * Abstracts received: 3 abstracts submitted
       * Status:  
       * Status: *Conveners accepted all 3 abstracts submitted*
   * Invited talks:  
   * Invited talks: ???
       * Status:
       * Status: ???
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   * Conveners: Sergei Voloshin, Jinfeng Liao  
   * Conveners: Sergei Voloshin, Jinfeng Liao  
   * Scheduled on: [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/539093/timetable/#20170613|Tuesday the 13th - afternoon sessions]]
   * Scheduled on: [[https://indico.cern.ch/event/539093/timetable/#20170613|Tuesday the 13th - afternoon sessions]]
   * Abstracts received:
   * Abstracts received: 5 abstracts submitted
       * Status:  
       * Status: *Conveners accepted all 5 abstracts submitted*
   * Invited talks:  
   * Invited talks: 1 invited
       * Status:
       * Status: Agreed
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Latest revision as of 13:03, 24 April 2017

WPCF 2017 internal organisation

Actual Outgoing/Incoming Status

Item Estimated cost Actual cost Differential
Welcome reception 1500€ ??? ???
Conference room 3500€ 2650€ +850€
Lunch 7500€ ??? ???
Coffee break 3000€ 2050€ +950
Conference dinner 5500€ ??? ???
Conference material 3000€ ??? ???
Web site, logo, posters 1000€ 60€ +940€
Student support 5000€ ??? ???
Total 30000€ 4760€ ???

Item Estimated income Actual income Differential
Registration 280€ (x70) + 140 (x30) = 23800€ ??? ???
FOM sponsoring 2000€ 2500€ +500€
Nikhef sponsoring 2000€ 2500€ +500€
Vici 2200€ ??? ???
Total 30000€ 5000€ ???

. Welcome reception arrangement: Drankenbuffet ==> Biertap Heineken, witte- en rode wijn, rose, vruchtensappen, frisdranken 
 . Pindaborrel ( Drankenbuffet met nootjes, zoute koekjes )  € 854.00 ( incl.)
 . Pindaborrel ( Drankenbuffet met nootjes, zoute koekjes en kaas/worst )  € 1090.00 ( incl.)
 . Borrel als boven met warm bittergarnituur  € 1235.00 ( incl.)
 . Borrel als boven met warm- en koud bittergarnituur ( luxe koude hapjes )  € 1600.00 ( incl.)
 . Borrel als boven met warm- en koud bittergarnituur, ook warme ovenhapjes  € 1672.00 ( incl.)
 . Borrel als boven met warme ovenhapjes  € 1232.00 ( incl.)
. Coffee break arrangement: 
 . 's ochtends: Koffie/Thee/Jus/Water/Mini banket/Cake 100p. € 325.00 ( incl.)
 . 's middags: Koffie/Thee/Water/Koek 100p. € 250.00 ( incl.)
. Lunch arrangement: Warm Buffet € 15.50 p/p ( incl. pers.kosten, huurgoederen, dranken, btw etc.)
 . Warm Buffet Italiaans voorstel 100p.: Pasta Bolognese, Pasta Kip kaassaus, Pizza's vegetarisch, Salades, Stokbrood, olijven etc., Fruit 
 . Warm Buffet Indisch voorstel 100 pers.: Nasi goreng, Sateh ajam (kip), Rempehballetjes in zoetzure saus, Vegetarische balletjes, Sambal boontjes, Kroepoek, atjar, seroendeng, sambal, Fruit
. Dinner arrangement: 

. Conference material:

. Conference room: Z011 is booked from Monday at 12 until Friday at 12 (*Z010 is also given to us for free*)
 . Zaalhuur  hele dag € 650.00 ( excl.) 
 . Zaalhuur halve dag € 350.00 ( excl.)
. Logo: Done ==> 0€
. Poster: Printed 100 A3 posters for 60€ with Drukwerkdeal (Kees Huyser)
. Web site: Done ==> 0€


What is written below assumes that we will be expecting around 100 participants. This is a reasonable assumption, considering that the average participation (e.g. Frankfurt, Catania, Warsaw) is around 80 people and Amsterdam is probably more attractive and easy place to reach. The summary of the budget, with a conservative and a not conservative estimate can be found at [| this file]. In summary, with the conservative options we go up to 24K, while the non-conservative one raises the amount to 29K.


WPCF will take place at Nikhef between the 12th (i.e. Monday) and the 16th (i.e. Friday) of June 2017. We will start at 14:00 on Monday and finish before lunch on Friday. Lunch will not be provided on Monday but it will be scheduled on Friday.

Registration and payment

We can do is aim for an early registration of 280€ (or more?) and a late registration with 320€ (or more?). The relevant numbers for 2013 (i.e. Catania, Italy) was 220€, in 2014 (i.e. Gyongyos in Hungary, with extra travel time from Budapest) was 280€ and 320€ for early and late registrations, respectively. Last time (i.e. Warsaw, Poland) the numbers were 280€ and 320€ for early and late registrations, respectively, but they also included a fee of 140€ for students.

Registration will be done mainly online, via bank transfer. The relevant information will be provided online on the web site. We should provide the possibility for onsite payment as well. We will receive cash and see if we can also accept credit card payments.

Todo: See which account we will use, check for credit card usage, receipts etc.

Person responsible: Joan Berger and Panos Christakoglou

Status: Bank and credit card information for the payment is provided by Fred and is now included in the web page. The early registration is set to 280€ with a deadline on the 12th of April 2017. Beyond this date, the amount is raised to 320€. A number of students (around 35 max) will be supported by reducing the registration fee to 140€.


The workshop will take place in Z011. The estimated budget for the room was 3250€.

Todo: Book the room between the 12th and the 16th of June 2017. Note that the 12th and the 16th are half-days!!!

Person responsible: Joan Berger

Status: The room is booked by Joan

Workshop material

We could offer a typical bag or an umbrella or a raincoat. Alternatively, we could check whether GVB offers weekly passes for trams, metro and trains. The allocated budget for the workshop material was 3000€.

Todo: Check with GVB, get an offer for bags or umbrellas or a raincoats

GVB offers 5 day tickets where the validity starts at the first time the ticket is used. However, this is 26.50 Euro/person. 140*26.50=3710.- A one day tickt (24h) is 7.50 Euro.

Would umbrellas or similar items be something that FOM or NWO could donate as (part of) their sponsoring? I know that UU has umbrellas and other gifts but I am not sure about FOM/NWO.

Person responsible: Paul Kuijer

Status: Recheck cost for tickets end of April.

Logo and poster

The estimated budget for this part was 1000€, including the web-page which is probably free since we plan to make it ourselves.

Todo: Check logos and posters from previous years

Person responsible: Panos Christakoglou

Status: The logo and poster are ready and uploaded to the web page. I'm in contact with Kees to figure out a reasonable way to print ~100 posters.

Web page

We will use indico for the workshop web page. We could either use the one at CERN and host it there (advantage: newer version that can provide various features), or our own at Nikhef which is based on an older version and might not provide all needed functionalities (I need to check).

Todo: Make list of things needed for the webpage and check if the local indico functionalities are sufficient

Person responsible: Panos Christakoglou

Status: Done


The idea would be to plan a small reception with drinks and hot snacks right after the end of the afternoon session on Monday. We can use either the hall right outside Z011 or the room right next to it. The estimated budget for the reception was 1250€.

Todo: Check if either of the two options are available free of charge (i.e. the space). Get an offer from the catering service of CWI (?).

Person responsible: Joan Berger



We could try to use the Spectrum or if it is too small to host ~100 people we book the room next to Z011. We could use Abdeli for a full, mainstream lunch all four days for a total of 7200€. The other option is to use Abdeli for two days and Eurest (sandwiches) for the other two days for a total of 5800€.

Todo: Get an official offer from both companies. See if we could use Z010 also with an external supplier.

Person responsible: Joan Berger


Workshop dinner

We decided to use the Longpura, which is an Indonesian restaurant easily reachable with public transportation. They provide 3-4 dishes dinner for a total of 3500€. We also added 2000€ for drinks.

Todo: Get an official offer and eventually book the place

Person responsible: Joan Berger



We have to discuss with both Nikhef and FOM or/and NWO for sponsoring. Other conferences or workshops (e.g. SQM 2017) got money from both sources!

Todo: Get in touch with Arjen and with FOM and NWO

Person responsible: Panos Christakoglou

Status: FOM via Hendrik van Vuren is sponsoring us with 2500€. Nikhef via Arjen gives the same amount.

Student support

We foresee 5000€ from the total budget for student support. That will cover for a limited number of students part of their registration fee (e.g. 100€ registration fee for students?). Do we want to waive the fee for ~20 students?

Todo: Check numbers from previous years and make the calculation with some margin

Person responsible: Panos Christakoglou

Status: We will reduce the registration fee to 140€ to around 35 students max.


Find a list of hotels which are easily reachable from Nikhef.

Todo: List of hotels nearby + check with UvA (?) for hostels for students. Can we use rooms from the building across the street?

Person responsible: Joan Berger

Status: The list of hotels and a hostel is added to indico

Mailing lists

Todo: Create mailing lists for participants and LOC

Person responsible: Panos Christakoglou

Status: DONE

Scientific program

Session 1
  * Title: "Femtoscopy at RHIC and LHC: links to QGP physics"
  * Conveners: Yuri Sinyukov, Adam Kisiel 
  * Scheduled on: [the 15th - afternoon sessions]
  * Abstracts received:
     * Status: 
  * Invited talks: 
     * Status:  
Session 2
  * Title: "Femtoscopy and correlation studies in A+A, p+p , p+A and e+-e- collisions at relativistic, intermediate and low energies"
  * Conveners: Tamas Csörgő, Giuseppe Verde
  * Scheduled on: [the 12th - afternoon sessions]
  * Abstracts received:
     * Status: 
  * Invited talks: 
     * Status:  
Session 3
  * Title: "Charge fluctuations, correlations and balance functions"
  * Conveners: Scott Pratt, Mike Lisa 
  * Scheduled on: [the 13th - morning sessions]
  * Abstracts received:
     * Status: 
  * Invited talks: 
     * Status:  
Session 4
  * Title: "Fluctuation in initial conditions, collective flow and correlations"
  * Conveners: Roy Lacey, Wojciech Broniowski 
  * Scheduled on: 
     * [the 14th - afternoon sessions]
     * [the 15th - morning sessions]
  * Abstracts received:
     * Status: 
  * Invited talks: 
     * Status:  
Session 5
  * Title: "Resonance decays at low, intermediate and at RHIC and LHC"
  * Conveners: Tom Humanic, Sandra Padula
  * Scheduled on: [the 14th - morning sessions]
  * Abstracts received: 3 abstracts submitted
     * Status: *Conveners accepted all 3 abstracts submitted*
  * Invited talks: ???
     * Status: ???
Session 6
  * Title: "Chiral magnetic effect and wave, chiral vortical effect"
  * Conveners: Sergei Voloshin, Jinfeng Liao 
  * Scheduled on: [the 13th - afternoon sessions]
  * Abstracts received: 5 abstracts submitted
     * Status: *Conveners accepted all 5 abstracts submitted*
  * Invited talks: 1 invited
     * Status: Agreed
Session 7
  * Title: "New methods and facilities"
  * Conveners: Dariusz Miskowiec, Paul Kuijer
  * Scheduled on: [the 16th - morning sessions]
  * Abstracts received:
     * Status: 
  * Invited talks: 
     * Status: